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Practicing the Standards for Mathematical Practice (SMP)
Susie W. Håkansson California Mathematics Project
Overview of Session The CDE Professional Learning Module Series
K-12 SMP Module Outline of K-12 SMP Module Inside the K-12 SMP Module Conclusion
Professional Learning Module Series
Overview of the Common Core State Standards for California Educators 1 minute + 1 minute ESTABLISH NORMS Ask that all cell phones be turned off or put in silent mode and to refrain from texting. SUPPLIES: Pens or Pencils, Highlighters, Post-it Notes POINT OF USE (full-size documents embedded in Participant packets): Slide 9: Pre-Assessment: What Do You Know? Slide 13: Application of CCSS for English Language Learners Slide 26: CCSS for Mathematics Excerpts Slide 35: A Comparison Quiz Slide 37: CCSS Domain Chart Slide 44: Grade Level Changes Survey Slide 45: Changes in Emphasis Slide 49: Structure of California’s CCSS for ELA Slide 53: CCR Anchor Standards Slide 54: Standards by Strand Slide 65: Post-Assessment: What Do You Know Now? Slide 67: Additional Resources HANDOUTS (in addition to Participants packets): California’s Common Core State Standards for Mathematics California’s Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts & Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects
The Common Core State Standards Professional Learning Series
Overview of the Common Core State Standards for California Educators Mathematics: Kindergarten through Grade Eight Learning Progressions Mathematics: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Standards for Mathematical Practice English Language Arts: Informational Text—Reading 1 minute (for Slides 2–3) + 2 minutes This is one in a series of professional development modules provided by the CA Department of Education. Mathematics: Kindergarten through Grade Eight Learning Progressions This module provides an overview of how the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics kindergarten through grade eight learning progressions are sequenced across and within grade-level spans (kindergarten through grade five and grades six through eight) and how to apply the progressions to instructional practice. Mathematics: Kindergarten through Grade Twelve Standards for Mathematical Practice This module explores the teaching and learning of mathematics through the lens of the Standards for Mathematical Practice for students in kindergarten through grade twelve. It will deepen educators’ understanding of what the mathematical practices are, and why they are important to bring to their students as they transition to the Common Core State Standards. English Language Arts: Writing to Inform, Argue, and Analyze This module embeds lessons that reflect key shifts in teaching writing as emphasized by the Common Core State Standards. The lessons are organized by grade level spans (kindergarten through grade two, grades three through five, grades six through eight, and grades nine through twelve) for teaching informative and argument writing genres that convey and critique information, present and analyze arguments, and use evidence and research to communicate for academic and real-world purposes. Suggestions are included for assessing student writing and for scaffolding lessons so all students, especially English learners and students with disabilities, learn and employ the rhetorical and language features of the genres. English Language Arts: Informational Text—Reading This module provides participants with an understanding of the rationale for increased emphasis on reading informational text, as defined in California’s Common Core State Standards, in order to better prepare students in kindergarten through grade twelve for college and career success. The module explores the current challenges to providing students with rigorous informational text, and provides practical ideas and innovative solutions. The dilemma of matching text to readers to ensure students move up the ladder of text complexity is explored, and engaging strategies to support students’ access to rigorous texts are provided and explained. Included in this module are five units consisting of pre- and post-assessments, research-based strategies, and resources for classroom application. Assessment Literacy The Assessment Literacy module provides an overview of the components of a balanced assessment system as applied to the Common Core State Standards. Assessment as an integrated part of the instructional cycle and the roles of both formative and summative assessments in that cycle are addressed. This module emphasizes the identification and effective use of a variety of classroom formative assessment strategies/techniques and the appropriate use of the resulting data to inform instructional decisions to improve student learning. | California Department of Education
Professional Learning Module Series
Mathematics: Kindergarten through Grade 12 Standards for Mathematical Practice (K-12 SMP) This is one in a series of professional development modules provided by the CA Department of Education. Mathematics: Kindergarten through Grade 12 Standards for Mathematical Practice (K-12 SMP) This module explores the teaching and learning of mathematics through the lens of the Standards for Mathematical Practice for students in kindergarten through grade twelve. It will deepen educators’ understanding of what the mathematical practices are, and why they are important to bring to their students as they transition to the Common Core State Standards. Can be independent or facilitated. In a month, all of the PPTs and Users’ Guide and Handouts will be available.
K-12 SMP Module: CMP Development Team
Susie W. Hakansson Kyndall Brown Patrick Callahan Carol Cronk Kathlan Latimer Joanne Rossi Becker Sheri Willebrand Tsai-Tsai O-Lee Diane Kinch Ginny Wu Joan Easterday Patricia Dickenson
Welcome and Overview Module Overview: Goals and Organization
Thinking about Thinking Background of the CCSS for Mathematics Pre-Assessment
Goal of Module Throughout the module, the overarching goals of the K-12 SMP module is two-fold: Deepen the teachers’ understanding of the SMP Support the learning of all students
CCSS Mathematical Practices
REASONING AND EXPLAINING 2. Reason abstractly and quantitatively 3. Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others OVERARCHING HABITS OF MIND 1. Make sense of problems and persevere in solving them 6. Attend to precision MODELING AND USING TOOLS 4. Model with mathematics 5. Use appropriate tools strategically SEEING STRUCTURE AND GENERALIZING 7. Look for and make use of structure 8. Look for and express regularity in repeated reasoning
Overview of Units Unit 1: Teaching and Learning the Standards for Mathematical Practice Unit 2: Overarching Habits of Mind (MP1 and MP6) Unit 3: Reasoning and Explaining (MP2 and MP3) Unit 4: Modeling and Using Tools (MP4 and MP5) Unit 5: Seeing Structure and Generalizing (MP7 and MP8) Unit 6: Summary and Next Steps
Unit 1: Teaching and Learning the SMP
Observing Students Two Types of Mathematics Standards Interaction of the Practice Standards and Content Standards Meeting the Needs of All Students Looking Ahead Two Types of Mathematics Standards includes Pre Self-Assessment Interaction includes Points of Intersection and grain size
Students at Work You will see a video of a 2nd Grade EL class engaged in mathematics. Here are some questions to think about as you watch the video: What do you see the students doing? In what ways are the students engaged? Describe your observations of students’ thinking, problem solving and interactions.
Pre Self-Assessment Survey
Take a few minutes to complete the Pre Self- Assessment Survey. This will give you an indication of your current comfort level and confidence in supporting all students to be successful in the eight SMP. We will ask users to complete this Self-Assessment Survey after they have completed the module. We expect huge increases.
Points of Intersection
Expectations that begin with the word ‘understand’ are often especially good opportunities to connect the practices to the content. - CCSS for Mathematics, p.8
Grain Size It is not expected that a single problem would engage students with all eight practice standards, even a lesson may be too small to accomplish that. - Phil Daro, CCSS for Mathematics lead writer
Unit 2: Overarching Habits of Mind (MP1 and MP6)
Unpacking MP1 and MP6 Sense Making and Mindsets Student Self-Efficacy and Perseverance Attending to Precision Summary and Reflection
Students Attending to Precision
A student is asked if 5 = 5 is true. The student says no.
Students Attending to Precision
A student is asked if the statement = is true. The student says it is false.
Students Attending to Precision
A student is asked if 8 = and = 8 are the same number sentences. Her answer is based on whether it has to make sense to kids or if it has to be what the student perceives the teacher wants.
Reflection There is something off in the first two of these students’ understanding of the equal sign. Why do they say the statements are not true? The third student bases her answer on whether or not it has to make sense or be what the teacher wants to hear. Why do you think she says this?
Unit 3: Reasoning and Explaining (MP2 and MP3)
Unpacking MP2 and MP3 Beginning to Reason: Definitions and Conjectures Explaining and Justifying Identifying Flaws in Reasoning Making Arguments More Viable Summary
Beginning to Reason It is important in mathematics to give clear and logical explanations. Please take a few minutes to write down your ideas What is the definition of an even number? Explain why the sum of two even numbers is always even. Over 300 students from grade five through high school geometry responded to these prompts. Consider the clarity and logic of the following student generated definitions. Does the student’s grade level impact the logic and/or clarity?
Beginning to Reason Over 300 students from grade five through high school geometry responded to these prompts. Consider the clarity and logic of the following student generated definitions. Does the student’s grade level impact the logic and/or clarity? Over 300 students from grade five through high school geometry responded to these prompts. Consider the clarity and logic of the following student generated definitions. Does the student’s grade level impact the logic and/or clarity?
5th Grade Students’ Responses
What is the definition of an even number? A number that ends in 2, 4, 6, 8, 0. If you count by 2s, you will eventually make it to that number. It can be split in half equally. To find out which ones are even and which ones are odd, I think this one … 2, 4, 6, 8. Every other one is going to be even.
5th Grade Student’s Response
What is the definition of an even number? 4 is an even number because if you divide it by 2, it will have an equal set of numbers (see diagram below). 4 2 1
Middle School Students’ Responses
What is the definition of an even number? The definition of an even number is like, they are multiplying by 2, because it goes to 2, 4, 6, 8 and etc. That’s what I like about math. You skip the odd number and that’s the even number A number that can be evenly divided by half
High School Students’ Responses
What is the definition of an even number Usually not a prime number except two, and is not odd. An even number, such as two, can always be divisible and stays a composite number. The pattern of all numbers is odd, even, odd, even, etc. So every other number is even. If a number ends in an even number (2, 4, 6, 8 and technically 0) that number is automatically even. Because when you go on a date, you go with another person and there’s two of you. And if you go on a double date, there’s four of you. But if there is a third wheel, because their date didn’t show up that’s just awkward and odd … no pun intended.
Reflection Discuss what argument strategies (e.g., example, counter-examples, non-examples) are evident in the student definitions. What do you think should be included in a definition to be considered complete and clear?
Unit 4: Modeling and Using Tools (MP4 and MP5)
Unpacking MP4 and MP5 Introduction to Modeling with Mathematics (MP4) Modeling with Mathematics at the Different Grade Spans Introduction to Using Appropriate Tools Strategically (MP5) Use of Tools at Different Grade Spans Summary and Reflection
PISA Rubric Three Levels
Level one problems are those that are directly translatable from a context. An example is a simple word problem from which students can formulate an equation.
PISA Rubric Three Levels
Level two problems are those where a model can be modified to satisfy changed conditions. Such problems allow students to study patterns and relationship between quantities, and represent these patterns and relationships using words, numbers, symbols and pictures. These can be problems that have multiple solution strategies, but usually have only one correct solution.
PISA Rubric Three Levels
Level three problems have no predetermined solution. Such problems require students to make assumptions about the context, develop a strategy to solve the problem, check their answers, present results, and possibly revise their solution strategies and begin the process over again.
Modeling Different Grade Spans
Grades K-2: Connie has 13 marbles. Juan has 5 marbles. How many more marbles doe Connie have than Juan? Ellen walks 3 miles an hour. How many hours will it take her to walk 15 miles? The giraffe in the zoo is 3 times as tall as the kangaroo. The kangaroo is 6 feet tall. How tall is the giraffe? These are examples of Level 1 modeling tasks.
Modeling Different Grade Spans
Lamar wants a new toy truck that sells for $25. Lamar has $3 dollars now. Create a plan that would help Lamar buy his truck three weeks from today. This is an example of a Level 3 modeling task.
Modeling Different Grade Spans
The physicist Enrico Fermi enjoyed posing questions like the ones below to his students and colleagues. What is the weight of all the trash produced in your house in a year? What do you think is the volume of gasoline your car uses in a year? How does this compare to the volume of liquid (water, soda, coffee, etc.) you drink in a year? These are examples of Level 3 modeling tasks.
Modeling Different Grade Spans
Suppose a building has 5 floors (1-5), occupied by offices. The ground floor (0) is not used for business purposes. Each floor has 80 people working on it, and there are 4 elevators available. Each elevator can hold 10 people at one time. The elevators take 3 seconds to travel between floors and average 22 seconds on each floor when someone enters and exits. If all of the people arrive at work at about the same time and enter the elevator on the ground floor, how should the elevators be used to get the people to their offices as quickly as possible? This is an example of a Level 3 modeling task.
Modeling Different Grade Spans
Note: To make this problem more open-ended, allow students to decide how many people work on each floor, the times when people arrive in the morning, and how long the elevator takes to travel between floors, as well as how long it remains on each floor.
Unit 5: Seeing Structure and Generalizing (MP7 and MP8)
Unpacking MP7 and MP8 Structure, Repeated Reasoning, and Generalization Making Sense of a Growing Pattern Geometry Examples of Structure and Generalization Performance Tasks and Student Work Summary and Reflection
Consecutive Sums Some numbers can be written as a sum of consecutive positive integers. For example: 6 = 1+2+3 15 = 4+5+6 = Which numbers have this property? Explain. Let’s look at what might be expected of students at each grade span when working on this problem.
Grades K-2 Write the first 10 numbers as a sum of other numbers. Which of these sums contain only consecutive numbers?
Grades 3-5 Some numbers can be written as a sum of consecutive positive integers. For example: 6 = 1+2+3 15 = 4+5+6 = In small groups, find all numbers from that can be written as a consecutive sum. Look for patterns as you work. Conjecture which numbers can and which cannot be expressed as a consecutive sum. How can some of the sums be used to find others?
Grades 6-8 Some numbers can be written as a sum of consecutive positive integers. For example: 6 = 1+2+3 15 = 4+5+6 = Which numbers have this property? Explain. Sally made this conjecture. “Powers of two cannot be expressed as a consecutive sum.” Agree or disagree and explain your reasoning.
Grades 9-12 Some numbers can be written as a sum of consecutive positive integers. For example: 6 = 1+2+3 15 = 4+5+6 = Exactly which numbers have this property? When investigating this problem, Joe made the following conjecture: “A number with an odd factor can be written as a consecutive sum and the odd factor will be the same as the number of terms.” Agree or disagree with this statement and explain your reasoning.
Reflection For each of the grade spans, how will understanding the structure of the number system support students as they work on this problem? How will your students use repeated reasoning?
Unit 6: Summary and Next Steps
Take Action: Planning the Next Steps
Post Self-Assessment Survey
This is the same survey that you completed at the beginning of this session. You have only seen a glimpse of this module. Even with this limited introduction, we hope that you have gained some understanding of the SMP.
End of Module Post-Assessment Glossary Resources Acknowledgements
Module Evaluation
Going Online Go to
Select California’s Common Core State Standards (right side of page) Then select CCSS Professional Learning Modules On the top right is the module list.
GSDMC Student Awards You are invited to the TODOS San Diego Area Student Awards beginning at 5:00 PM this afternoon in the Starboard Room. Students, their families, and nominating teachers will be recognized. Refreshments will be served. Support for this annual heartwarming event is being provided by TODOS, GSDMC, and Texas Instruments. You can recommend your students (K-12) for next year’s awards!
Speaker Evaluation ___ ___ ___ ___________ ” “ 31165
Strongly Disagree Strongly Agree Disagree Neutral Agree Text your message to this Phone Number: ___ ___ ___ ___________ ” “ 31165 Speaker was well-prepared and knowledgeable Other comments, suggestions, or feedback Session matched title and description in program book Speaker was engaging and an effective presenter Example: Great session! ” “ 31165
Thanks! For more information, contact : Susie W. Håkansson
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