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Why Radio. A mass medium delivering audio content to passionate and loyal listeners across multiple platforms RADIO.

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Presentation on theme: "Why Radio. A mass medium delivering audio content to passionate and loyal listeners across multiple platforms RADIO."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why Radio

2 A mass medium delivering audio content to passionate and loyal listeners across multiple platforms RADIO

3 RADIO TODAY Radio LiveLocalMobilePersonalSocialInteractiveExperiential

4 On Air A mass medium capable of easily delivering your message to many people Targetable assuring the right people are exposed to your message A trusted medium and always available especially during times of crisis Online Digital capabilities offering interactive opportunities Complements and enhances on air campaign by reaching consumers using multiple touch points Delivers content wherever and whenever listeners want it On Target An environment that delivers consumers who are engaged and passionate about the content Offering companionship and information Exposure to the message when and where consumers are ready to buy or shop RADIO. IT’S ON.

5 243 Million+ P12+ tune in to radio every week Source: Nielsen Audio, RADAR 123, December 2014 (Persons 12+, Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Cume Estimates)

6 91% of Americans 12+ every week Source: Nielsen Audio, RADAR 123, December 2014 (Persons 12+, Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume Estimates) RADIO’S REACH

7 HIGH REACH VS. OTHER MEDIA OPTIONS Source: Scarborough USA+, Release 1 2014 USA Adults 18-34 Adults 18-34

8 HIGHER REACH VS. OTHER MEDIA OPTIONS Adults 25-54 Source: Scarborough USA+, Release 1 2014 USA Adults 25-54

9 HIGHER REACH VS. OTHER MEDIA OPTIONS Adults 18+ Source: Scarborough USA+, Release 1 2014 USA Adults 25-54

10 CONSISTENT REACH LEVELS A MEDIUM FOR ALL SEASONS Source: RADAR ® 119, 120, 121, 122, 123 - December 2013, March 2014, June 2014, September 2014, December 2014 (C) Copyright Nielsen Audio (Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly Cume Estimates, All Radio)


12 THE SOURCE FOR MUSIC DISCOVERY Base: Those saying it is “Very Important” or “Somewhat Important” to Learn About and Keep Up-To-Date With New Music (47% of total P12+ population) % Who Ever Use Each Source to Learn About and Keep Up-To-Date With New Music Source: The Infinite Dial 2014 – Edison Research / Triton Digital


14 MOST LISTENED TO AUDIO SOURCE Question: Which of the following radio channels and sources did you listen to on (target day/typical day)? (n=1010)

15 RADIO IS THE TOP IN-CAR DEVICE 86% of drivers cite radio as their primary in-car entertainment device Source: The Infinite Dial 2014 – Edison Research / Triton Digital

16 AND THE MOST USED IN-CAR DEVICE % Using “Almost All of the Times” or “Most of the Times” in the Car Base: Driven / Ridden in Car in Last Month, Age 18+ Source: The Infinite Dial 2014 – Edison Research / Triton Digital

17 M 18+W 18+ Over 15 Hours Per Week Over 13 Hours Per Week CONSISTENT AUDIENCE TUNE-IN Source: Nielsen Audio, RADAR 123, December 2014, (Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly TSL Estimates)

18 14.6 Hours 14.5 Hours 14.1 Hours TUNE-IN TIME HIGHER AMONG HISPANIC AND AFRICAN AMERICAN LISTENERS African American listeners and Hispanic listeners (versus General Market, P 25-54) Source: Nielsen Audio, RADAR 123, December 2014, (Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Weekly TSL Estimates)

19 TECHNOLOGY DELIVERS RADIO BEYOND THE DIAL Expanding Radio’s delivery platforms to create an interactive, engaging and highly communicative environment via devices and apps

20 30 million Over the next 3 years phones will have an FM Chip FM-ENABLED SMARTPHONES To date, over: 1,333,000 app downloads 10,910 FM radio stations tuned to from the app 2,024,000 hours of listening through NextRadio Source: NextRadio + TagStation Insights – For additional updates :

21 “Content cards” provide information and highly relevant interactive tools: Click to buy (song or other related content) Upcoming concerts and album releases for artist currently playing Recent station playlist DELIVERS RELEVANT INTERACTIVITY Source: NextRadio + TagStation Insights – For additional updates :

22 22 TRENDS Source: NextRadio + TagStation Insights

23 MORE TECHNOLOGY THAT CONVERTS LISTENING TO ENGAGEMENT Technology converts radio listening into an engaging user experience, empowering listeners to see what they hear and take action.

24 PULLING DIGITAL CONTENT ONTO DEVICES Click here Click here to view Clip Interactive case studies

25 Streaming Over 7200 streaming stations in 2014 Podcasts 39MM Americans have downloaded a podcast in the past month HD Radio Over 23 Million HD radio receivers are in the marketplace RADIO’S DIGITAL OFFERINGS ARE STEADILY INCREASING Source: Inside Radio / M Street Corp., 2014; No Canadian or Mexican stations are included (HD Radio stat from iBiquity/HD Radio Alliance, 2014); The Infinite Dial 2014 – Edison Research / Triton Digital

26 MOST IMPORTANT NEW CAR FEATURE Source: Jacobs Media TechSurvey 10, 2014 Among the 12% of respondents planning on buying/leasing a news vehicle in 2014.

27 THE BATTLE FOR THE DASH All major auto brands will offer factory-installed HD Radio Technology during calendar year 2014 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 185+ 35 76 166 33 67 154 28 61 109 21 36 86 16 Source: iBiquity

28 COMBINING BROADCAST TECHNOLOGY And Enhancing In-Car User Experience

29 Source: The Infinite Dial 2014 – Edison Research / Triton Digital 124 Million P12+ have listened to online radio in the past month (am/fm streams or internet only streams)

30 82% 18% % of weekly Online Radio listeners who listen to Broadcast Radio (versus those who do not) ONLINE RADIO LISTENING COMPLEMENTS BROADCAST RADIO Source: The Infinite Dial 2013 – Nielsen Audio, Edison Research

31 BROADCAST RADIO LISTENED TO MORE BY PURE-PLAY LISTENERS Sources What Pandora Means for Radio, Vision Critical, November 2012; Base: American online adults, aged 18+ ; Sample: 1,017 American adults; of these, 323 identified themselves as Pandora users (used an Internet-only audio service in the past month; and at least sometimes use Pandora) 31


33 Source: The Infinite Dial 2014 – Edison Research / Triton Digital; USC, Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism, PSI Study Released June 2012, Woodley, P. and Movius, L. People With a Favorite Radio Personality in LA; Scarborough USA+ Release 2 of 2012 LISTENERS TAKE THEIR AUDIO ON THE GO On-demand content delivering sports, music, information and entertainment downloads whenever and wherever the listener wants it 66% of Smartphone users listen to online radio every week 55% of listeners said they listen to their favorite personalities on computers or mobile devices when away from a radio


35 RADIO DOMINATES THE WORKDAY How to read: Each day from 3-7p, radio reaches 41% of Adults 18+. Source: Nielsen Audio, RADAR 123, December 2014 (Persons 12+, Monday-Sunday 24-Hour Daily Cume Estimates, All Radio)

36 RADIO SPARKS BRAND CONVERSATION Heavy Radio listeners (2+ hrs. daily) generate 329 WOM impressions annually …More than Heavy TV Viewers (5+ hrs. daily) at 218B …Heavy Print readers (1+ hrs. daily) at 209B …Heavy Internet users (5+ hrs. daily) at 208B Radio is a social medium Source: Keller Fay Group 2013

37 RADIO BOOSTS CAMPAIGN EFFECTIVNESS Source: Nielsen Catalina Solutions Copyright 2014

38 DRIVING INFLUENCE AND BEHAVIOR Radio Advertising topped Television, Social Media, and Direct Mail and was 2x as effective as Newspapers in influencing Healthcare choices. A media advertiser saw a 16% conversion rate for promos when using radio as a reminder medium, building increased frequency. Source: Nielsen Catalina Solutions Copyright 2014

39 REACHING MAIN STREET CONSUMERS 94% Households who plan to buy a smartphone next year Household plans to buy/lease a new SUV or luxury vehicle next year 92% Ate at fast- food/sit down restaurant 5 or more times in past month A18+ whose household used an accountant this past year 90% A18+ shopped any major department store in past 3 months A18+ who are registered to vote in district of residence Source: Scarborough USA+ 2013 Release 2 (August 2012-September 2013)


41 A POSITIVE ENVIRONMENT TO DELIVER AD MESSAGES 49% To get into a better mood 33% Hear things that make you laugh 46% Relax & unwind when tense 31% Keep you company when alone 36% Take your mind off problems 29% Add to the fun when with other people 35% Get an energy boost Source: Mark Kassof & Co. ListenerThink; based on an online survey of 989 listeners 18-64

42 DRIVEN BY AN EMOTIONAL CONNECTION TO RADIO PERSONALITIES Have called into a station, met a DJ in their community, or interacted in some other manner 80% Agree that their favorite radio stations reflect who they are as a person* 66% Consider radio personalities to be regular people like themselves 70% This radio hosts are “like a friend” whose opinions they trust and value. 70% Source: Woodley, P.. Parasocial Interaction between On-Air Radio Personalities and Listeners. USA, Annenberg Scholl for Communication & Journalism, released April 2014; * Latitude Research and OpenMind Strategy, State of Listening in America, May 2013.

43 PERSONALITY TESTIMONIALS DRIVE RADIO LISTENER TRUST Does hearing one of your favorite radio station personalities provide testimonials for health care or medical products or services make you trust that product or service…

44 2011 highlights 93% retention 2006 highlights 92% retention No time shifting No below the fold No load times Sources: 2011 Nielsen Audio, Media Monitors, and Coleman Insights NO COMMERCIAL SKIPPING


46 On Air A mass medium capable of easily delivering your message to many people Targetable assuring the right people are exposed to your message A trusted medium and always available especially during times of crisis Online Digital capabilities offering interactive opportunities Complements and enhances on air campaign by reaching consumers using multiple touch points Delivers content wherever and whenever listeners want it On Target An environment that delivers consumers who are engaged and passionate about the content Offering companionship and information Exposure to the message when and where consumers are ready to buy or shop RADIO. IT’S ON.

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