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 May 1972 Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to visit Moscow; he signs a nuclear arms treaty. (Start of the end to the Cold War)  September 1972.

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2  May 1972 Nixon becomes the first U.S. president to visit Moscow; he signs a nuclear arms treaty. (Start of the end to the Cold War)  September 1972 Palestinian terrorists kill two Israeli athletes and kidnap nine at Olympic in Munich.  August 1974 President Nixon resigns after impeachment proceedings brought on by the cover up of the Watergate break-in. (Only President forced to resign in US History)  April 1975 President Ford orders total evacuation of South Vietnam – (ending US involvement & mandatory draft.)  April 1975 Unemployment rate at its highest (8.7%) since the Depression – Do you know what it is today??? (10.3%)

3  July 1978 First Test Tube baby was born in England.  August 1978 House of Representatives extends the deadline for ratification of Equal Rights Amendment (women’s rights) until 1982.  School Integration – Although the civil rights amendment made it illegal to segregate school by race, most schools in the early 1970’s were still racially divided. Since most school districts were laid out by neighborhoods, it was determined that there should be cross town bussing to fully integrate the urban schools. (Difficulties that arose from the forced bussing was revealed in the movie Remember the Titans- 2000)

4  THE VIETNAM LOTTERIES  A lottery drawing - the first since 1942 - was held on December 1, 1969, at Selective Service National Headquarters in Washington, D.C. This event determined the order of call for induction during calendar year 1970; that is, for registrants born between January 1, 1944, and December 31, 1950. Reinstitution of the lottery was a change from the "draft the oldest man first" method, which had been the determining method for deciding order of call.  There were 366 blue plastic capsules containing birth dates placed in a large glass container and drawn by hand to assign order-of-call numbers to all men within the 18-26 age range specified in Selective Service law.  With radio, film, and TV coverage, the capsules were drawn from the container, opened, and the dates inside posted in order. The first capsule - drawn by Congressman Alexander Pirnie (R-NY) of the House Armed Services Committee - contained the date September 14, so all men born on September 14 in any year between 1944 and 1950 were assigned lottery number 1. The drawing continued until all days of the year had been paired with sequence numbers.

5  LOTTERY DRAWINGS - Vietnam Era   Table Date of Drawing Applied to Year of Birth  Administrative Processing Number  1970 December 1 1970  1971 July 1 1971  1972 August 5 1972  1973 February 2 1973  1974 March 8 1974  1975 March 20 1975  1976 March 12 1976  Would you have been drafted if it was held today? Did you know anyone who was drafted? How would a mandatory draft affect your outlook on life as you graduate from high school??

6  Fashion – Bell bottoms, leisure suites, flowered & patterned clothes, bright colors, gold & shiny fabrics  Movies:  Saturday Night Live – Featured much of the fashion/dancing linked to the Disco Music. (video) › Watch closely & you can see many of the fashions of the day!  Easy Rider, Star Wars, Jaws, The Godfather  Television shows included:  Mary Tyler Moore, Welcome Back Kotter, The Jeffersons, Sanford & Son, Charlie’s Angels, Shaft, Swat, All in the Family, Saturday Night Live.

7  The 1970s created a perfect musical bridge from the rebelliousness of the 1960s and the happy songs that are characteristic of the 1980s. Following the counterculture of the 60s, the 70s created a trend of relaxing music as well as dance music. People may have grown tired of the fighting that happened the previous decade and many of them sought a refuge in dance clubs and other places to enjoy a good time. Out of this idea emerged the Disco movement.  Bee Gees - Stayin’alive  Abba - “Dancing Queen” mp3  Donna Summer- “McArthur Park”  Gloria Gaynor- “I will survive”

8  Singer –Songwriters/folk rock continue to flourish including mixtures of folk, protest and country music  Simon & Garfunkel – “Bridge over troubled water”  Creedance Clearwater Revival- “Rollin on the River”mp3  Don McLean-” American Pie”mp3  John Denver- “I’m a Country Boy”  Bruce Springsteen “Streets of Philadelphia”

9  Hard Rock/Heavy Metal – began in the late 60’s and gained acceptance in the 1970’s › Pink Floyd – “Another Brick in the Wall”mp3 › Led Zeppelin › Black Sabbath  Funk Music – › God father of Soul - James Brown- “Livin in America”, “I Feel Good”mp3 › Tower of Power  Punk Music › Ramones, Sex Pistols, David Bowie(who moved into Glam rock)

10  Rock Music – ranged from soft rock to heavy metal and Punk Music  Soft Rock/Dance Music › The Village People- “YMCA”mp3 › Chicago- “25 or 6 to 4” mp3 › The Eagles- “Desperado” › Earth, Wind & Fire – “Lets Groove” › Hall & Oates- “Private Eyes” › Fleetwood Mac- “Landslide”

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