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Listen to : The Abduction of Helen of Troy

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Presentation on theme: "Listen to : The Abduction of Helen of Troy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Listen to : The Abduction of Helen of Troy

2 Helen and Paris

3 The Trojan Horse

4 The Trojan Horse

5 Greek art Reflection: Per1-3: Page in composition notebook Per4-5: in composition notebook Per 7: page 72-73 What are your thoughts about the story? Questions? Wonderings? Give two things you found interesting about the story?

6 Greek Drama 3) Use page 217 to define the words: Drama, Tragedy and Comedy. 4) What do you think it would have been like to sit in the crowd and watch a play?

7 Greek Masks 5) Why where masks? 6)Why do you think the masks have large holes in their mouths?

8 Greek Architecture Athenian Acropolis
(Google Earth) 7) According to page 218. What are the 3 important column styles? Draw a picture for each.

9 Greek Thinkers 8) Philosophy in Greek means (pg 220): 9) Define Sophists 10) Socrates taught___________ Plato taught_____________ Aristotle Taught_____________ The School of Athens by Raphael

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