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Computer Audio/fmod CGDD 4603.

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1 Computer Audio/fmod CGDD 4603

2 Why fmod? Sound you might have in a game:
Background music Sound effects Dialog How do you currently use these in your games? fmod is very popular Powerful – both 2D and 3D sound, DSP/effects… Cross platform (PS3, Wii, PC…) Has a designer, sandbox and API

3 Partial List of Games that use fmod
Plants vs Zombies Pure Rise of Flight: The First Great Air War Second Life Shatter Shattered Horizon[4] Silent Hill: Shattered Memories StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty Stargate Worlds Stranglehold TimeShift TNA iMPACT! Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Tom Clancy's Rainbow Six Vegas 2 Tomb Raider: Underworld Torchlight Tropico 3 vSide World of Tanks World of WarCraft You Don't Know Jack Zuma Allods Online Audition Online Battlestations: Pacific BioShock BioShock2 Brutal Legend Clive Barker's Jericho Cortex Command Crysis Darkfall DJ Hero Batman: Arkham Asylum De Blob Dragon Age: Origins Dogfighter Far Cry Forza Motorsport 2 Forza Motorsport 3 Guild Wars Guitar Hero III Guitar Hero: Aerosmith Guitar Hero: World Tour Heavenly Sword Heroes of Newerth Hellgate: London Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis Just Cause 2 League of Legends Lego Universe LittleBigPlanet/LBP2 Metroid Prime 3 Natural Selection 2 Need for Speed: Shift Nicktoons Unite! Nicktoons: Across the Second Dimension

4 Things You Should Know…
ADC/DAC – Audio to Digital Conversion Sampling rate # of times per second the computer “listens” 44.1 KHz is CD 22 KHz is good Bits per sample Computers have to approximate 4 bits = 16 levels of approximation 8 bits = 256 levels of approximation

5 Original Sound

6 Low Sampling Rate TIME

7 Low Sampling Rate What the computer hears

8 High Sampling Rate TIME

9 High Sampling Rate TIME

10 2 bits per sample 4 Approximations

11 StairStep Effect TIME

12 3 bits per sample 8 Approximations

13 Less StairStep TIME

14 Capturing Sounds Usually done with: Computer has sound card
a microphone (such as voice) Line in CD Hollywood Edge® Computer has sound card Input types (RCA, MIDI, mini, ¼”, XLR) Card has quality (plays 16-bit sound) Need some kind of software SoundForge/Audacity Windows SoundRecorder (gag)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 

15 3D Sound Sounds have position and velocity
There is a listener component Relationship between the two Attenuation (with distance) Occlusion (low-pass filter) Doppler (relative velocities) Lots of “psycho-acoustic” options

16 Back to fmod There are three primary components: We’ll use all three
The Sound Designer The Sandbox The API We’ll use all three Start with Sound Designer

17 Setting up a Project Take the advice of the video tutorials
Have a separate folder Copy sounds into a “sounds” directory Keeps the safe Can have sub-directories Create an “output” directory

18 Designer Interface Can delete this if you want, but need to have at
least one group

19 Events Used to define sound properties for an event
Can be comprised of One sound Several sounds randomly chosen Monophonic vs Polyphonic Can randomize pitch and attenuation Events can be Simple Multi-track

20 A Simple Event

21 Granular Sounds These sounds aren’t looping
Allows for a sounds to occur between time ranges Allows for polyphony

22 Event Options Can vary attenuation (dropoff with distance)
Can vary pitch Creates a sound considerably smaller than a “soundtrack” Plays forever and is always random!

23 Sound Definitions Required for multi-track events

24 Multi-track Events Comprised of sound defs in layers

25 Multi-track Events Careful when adding sounds Have parameters
Choose sound def Ambient noise is looping Other sounds are granular, so choose “Oneshot” Have parameters Not based on time!

26 Multi-track Events Can cross-fade and set fade out time

27 Effects

28 Parameter Properties Can define range and velocity (to simulate time)

29 Engine Designer fmod can specifically work with engine sounds
Need for Speed 2 Based on the “load” of the engine Right-click on a sound instance->properties Auto-pitch Window->fmod Engine Designer

30 The Build Process Know which platform you’re targeting
Changes are applied only to that platform Project->Clean, Project->Build

31 Interactive Music Comprised of several short segments of music
Intro music Darkening or discovery Fighting/intense fighting Release Before you begin, you must know Tempo of music (beats per minute – bpm) Beats per measure (time signature)

32 Cues

33 Themes and Auditioning

34 Transitioning via Parameters

35 Other Things Supports deployment of multiple languages
Can deploy different builds based on Platform Language

36 A Look at the API Basic API Designer API Written for C/C++
Built on basic API Can read .fev files Written for C/C++ #include <fmod.h> // C #include <fmod.hpp> // C++ Read the documentation fmodex.chm

37 API Parts A System is the fmod engine A Sound is the raw resource
2D uses FMOD_2D 3D uses FMOD_3D result = system->createSound(“music.wav", FMOD_2D, 0, &sound);

38 API Parts A Channel is an instance of a Sound
Each time you play a sound, you get a new channel Channels can start out paused You can set the Volume (0.0f – 1.0f) Pan (-1.0f – 1.0f) Frequency (in Hz as a float) Always use FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE to pick for you

39 #include <iostream> #include <fmod
#include <iostream> #include <fmod.hpp> #include <fmod_errors.h> using namespace std; using namespace FMOD; void main () { FMOD_RESULT result; System* system; // Create the fmod system. We only need one of these result = System_Create(&system); // Specify a max number of simultaneous channels result = system->init(100, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0); Sound* sound; // Decompress the entire mp3 into 16-bit PCM in memory result = system->createSound("winning.mp3", FMOD_DEFAULT, 0, &sound); if (result != FMOD_OK) { cout << "Couldn't open it! " << FMOD_ErrorString(result) << endl; } Channel* channel; // Used for setting volume, pan, pausing... // You have the option of passing that channel as the last parameter result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound, false, &channel); channel->setFrequency ( f); cout << "Couldn't play it! " << FMOD_ErrorString(result) << endl; while (true) { cout << "1"; system->update(); // Now required in fmod

40 Virtual Voices Supports “virtual voices” when hardware is limited
Set from System::init() System::getCPUUsage() Try to keep < 1000 May need to set the priority of a channel if it’s important channel->isVirtual()

41 3D Sound in fmod Sound attenuation
Logarithmic Set the mindistance of a sound channel to start attenuation Bee = 0.1f Jet = 50.0f Leave max distance alone (default is 10,000) Set 3D settings with System::set3DSettings() Doppler Distance factor (in cm, m, feet) Rolloff scale (attenuation models)

42 3D Sound fmod uses a left-handed coordinate system
result=system->init(100, (FMOD_MODE)(FMOD_INIT_3D_RIGHTHANDED|FMOD_3D), 0); With velocity, you must pass it as meters per second velx = (posx-lastposx) * 1000 / timedelta; vel = 0.1 * 1000 / = 6 meters per second vel = 0.2 * 1000 / = 6 meters per second

43 void main () { FMOD_RESULT result; FMOD_VECTOR soundPos, soundVel; FMOD_VECTOR listenerPos, listenerVel, listenerForward, listenerUp; System* system; result = System_Create(&system); result = system->init(100, (FMOD_MODE)(FMOD_3D), 0); int numHC = 0; result = system->getHardwareChannels(&numHC); cout << "Hardware channels: " << numHC << endl; Sound* sound; result = system->createSound(“train.mp3", FMOD_3D, 0, &sound); if (result != FMOD_OK) { cout << "Couldn't open it! " << FMOD_ErrorString(result) << endl; } Channel* channel; result = system->playSound(FMOD_CHANNEL_FREE, sound, false, &channel); channel->setFrequency( f); cout << "Couldn't play it! " << FMOD_ErrorString(result) << endl; float dsp, stream, geometry, update, total; soundPos.y = soundVel.x = soundVel.y = 0.0f; soundPos.z = f; soundPos.x = 5.0f; soundVel.z = 6.0f; channel->set3DMinMaxDistance(10, 10000); listenerPos.x = listenerPos.y = listenerPos.z = 0.0f; listenerVel.x = listenerVel.y = listenerVel.z = 0.0f; listenerForward.x = listenerForward.y = listenerUp.x = listenerUp.z = 0.0f; listenerForward.z = listenerUp.y = 1.0f; system->set3DListenerAttributes(0, &listenerPos, &listenerVel, &listenerForward, &listenerUp); while (true) { system->update(); system->getCPUUsage(&dsp, &stream, &geometry, &update, &total); cout << total << endl; soundPos.z+=0.01f; channel->set3DAttributes(&soundPos, &soundVel);

44 Interfacing with Sound Designer
You should have received .fev file (Designer file – event data) .fsb file (raw audio data) .txt file (describes the events and parameters) May want to start by creating a helper function void checkErrors(FMOD_RESULT result) { if (result != FMOD_OK) { cout << "fmod error: " << FMOD_ErrorString(result) << endl; exit(1); }

45 Imagine That This is our Project

46 #include <iostream> #include <fmod
#include <iostream> #include <fmod.hpp> #include <fmod_event.hpp> #include <fmod_errors.h> using namespace std; using namespace FMOD; void main () { EventSystem* eventSystem = NULL; EventGroup* eventGroup = NULL; Event* myEvent = NULL; EventParameter* eventPar; FMOD_RESULT result = EventSystem_Create(&eventSystem); checkErrors(result); result = eventSystem->init(64, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0, FMOD_EVENT_INIT_NORMAL); eventSystem->setMediaPath("..//"); result = eventSystem->load("fmodTest.fev", 0, 0); result = eventSystem->getGroup("fmodTest/beeps", false, &eventGroup); result = eventGroup->getEvent("PossessedComputer", FMOD_EVENT_DEFAULT, &myEvent); result = myEvent->getParameter("proximityToComputer", &eventPar); myEvent->start(); float dir = f; float currentParVal = -1.0f; eventPar->setValue(0.1f); while (true){ cout << currentParVal << endl; eventPar->getValue(&currentParVal); currentParVal+=dir; eventPar->setValue(currentParVal); if ((currentParVal >= 1.0)||(currentParVal <= 0.0)) { dir = -dir; }

47 Interactive Music

48 void main () { EventSystem. eventSystem = NULL; MusicSystem
void main () { EventSystem* eventSystem = NULL; MusicSystem* musicSystem = NULL; MusicPrompt* introPrompt, *fightPrompt, *fight2Prompt, *releasePrompt; FMOD_MUSIC_ITERATOR cueIter; FMOD_MUSIC_ITERATOR paramIter; FMOD_MUSIC_ID intensityParID = -1.0f; FMOD_RESULT result = EventSystem_Create(&eventSystem); result = eventSystem->init(64, FMOD_INIT_NORMAL, 0, FMOD_EVENT_INIT_NORMAL); result = eventSystem->load("acid_test.fev", 0, 0); result = eventSystem->getMusicSystem(&musicSystem); musicSystem->setVolume(1.0f); result = musicSystem->getCues(&cueIter); cout << "Iter ID: " << cueIter.value->id << endl; result = musicSystem->prepareCue(cueIter.value->id, &fightPrompt); result = musicSystem->getNextCue(&cueIter); result = musicSystem->prepareCue(cueIter.value->id, &fight2Prompt); result = musicSystem->prepareCue(cueIter.value->id, &introPrompt); result = musicSystem->prepareCue(cueIter.value->id, &releasePrompt); musicSystem->getParameters(&paramIter); intensityParID = paramIter.value->id; cout << "paramIter.value->name is " << paramIter.value->name << endl; musicSystem->setParameterValue(intensityParID, 7.5f); result = introPrompt->begin(); while (true){ eventSystem->update(); }

49 Other Things You Should Look Into…
The 3D Reverb API Asynchronously loading data (by default) Memory management for non-PC platforms FMOD::Memory_Initialize() // fix size of fmod Using compressed samples Built-in DSP

50 Configuration Notes You’ll be working with
Header files C/C++ -> General->Additional Include Directories Lib files Linker->General->Additional Library Directories Linker->General->Additional Dependencies DLLs (which you should put into Windows/System32) There’s also a FMOD.NET site…

51 Configuration Notes You have the option of 64-bit and 32-bit libraries
You might have to create a new platform

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