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EBooks and the eReader Revolution LCCUG Sandee Ruth

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1 eBooks and the eReader Revolution LCCUG Sandee Ruth

2 Audio Books overdrive through the libraries WMA or MP3 format CDs free from internet PlayaWay ‘ Listen to on MP3 player CD in CD player ipods, smart phones, your PC, etc. Compatible players with the library Overdrive Service Recommendation of good mp3 player: Sansa Clip+ or Sansa Fuze+ or Creative Zen

3 Ereader: What and why?

4 eReaders: The Basics What types of ereaders are available Files & Formats and why they matter DRM - Digital Rights Management Where to get ebooks

5 What is an eBook? The digital media equivalent of a printed book. Accessed via computer or an eReader There are at least 15 different file formats: ◦Kindle, text, epub, html, pdf, mobi, prc, etc. ◦Epub  Open format – not proprietary  Default standard but not every device supports it There are millions of free eBooks available

6 eBooks: a Brief History eBooks and eReaders have been around a long time ◦1970s Project Guttenberg begins digitizing books ◦1998 First eReaders appeared on the market ◦2000 Overdrive begins offering downloadable titles ◦2002 NetLibrary purchased by OCLC ◦2007 the debut of the Kindle

7 Reasons to buy... SignificantDownsides Books often cost less Easier to publish Greener Size – carry lots of books eaily Can change font – often easier on the eyes Devices still cost a lot Loss of eReader Content Compatibility Not easy to share/loan books

8 DRM Digital Rights Management drm/ drm/

9 book_formats Format Filename extension DRM support Image suppo rt Table support Sound support Int era ctiv ity sup por t Word wrapWord wraps upport Open standa rd Embe dded annot ation suppo rt Book- marking Plain text.txtNo Yes No HTML.htmlNoYes No Yes No PostScript.psNoYes ?No Yes ? ? Portable Document Format.pdfYes NoYes DjVu.djvu ?Yes No Yes EPUBEPUB (IDPF).epubYes FictionBook.fb2Yes ?No Yes ? Mobipocket.prc,.mobiYes No Yes Yes [cita tion needed]cita tion needed Yes Kindle.azwYes Yes [f 1][19] [f 1][19] Yes [f 2][20] [f 2][20] NoYesNoYes eReader.pdbYes ?No YesNoYes TealDoc.pdbYes ?No Yes ? Broadband eBook.lrf,.lrxYes ?No YesNo ? ? WOLF WOLF [disambiguation needed]disambiguation needed.wolYes ?No ? ? Tome Raider.tr2,.tr3Yes ?No YesNo ? ? ArghosReader.aehYes ?No YesNo ?Yes Microsoft Reader.litYes ?No YesNo ?Yes Multimedia EBook.exeYes ? NoYes Repligo.rgo ?Yes No YesNo

10 Many eBook Readers

11 iPAD

12 iPAD Dimensions: 9.56” x 7.47” x.5” and weighs 1.5 lbs Price : $399-$650 16-64 GB Wi-fi Only $550-$800+ 16-64 GB Wi-fi + 3G Apple stores,, Best Buy, Works with the Overdrive Digital Library (special instuctions)

13 iPAD continued Supported Formats: Supports many document, audio, and video formats Thousands of ereader Apps can be used 44 font faces & 110 font styles Battery life: 10 hrs

14 Kindle

15 AMAZON’S KINDLE WI-FI Dimensions: 7.5” x 4.8” x 0.335” and weighs 8.5 oz Price: $139 Kindle Wi-fi $189 Kindle Wi-fi + 3G $380 for Kindle DX 9.7” Wi-Fi + 3G Only Does NOT work with the Overdrive Digital Library

16 Memory: 3GB Supported Formats: Kindle (AZW), TXT, PDF, Audible (Audible Enhanced (AA, AAX)), MP3, unprotected MOBI, PRC natively; HTML, DOC, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP through conversion Battery life: 3 weeks (wireless on) or 4 weeks (wireless off) 8 adjustable font sizes

17 Nook

18 BARNES & NOBLE NOOK Dimensions: 7.7” x 4.9” x.5” and weighs 11.6 oz Price: $149 Nook Wi-fi $199 for Nook Wi-Fi + 3G $249 for Nook Color Barnes & Noble Bookstores, Best Buy, Works with Overdrive Digital Library

19 Barnes & Noble Nook cont’d Supported Formats: ePUB, PDF, PDB (ebooks); MP3 (audio); JPG, GIF, PNG, BMP (graphics) Memory: 2GB or up to 1500 ebooks Battery life: up to 10 days with wireless off 8 font sizes

20 Sony Reader

21 Dimensions: 6.25” x 4.25” x.4” and weighs 7.76oz Price: $129+ Pocket Edition $150+ Touch Edition $299 Daily Edition 7” Wi-fi + 3G There are many retailers…shop around! Works with the Overdrive Digital Library

22 SONY READER cont’d Supports formats: ePUB, PDF & DOC (Microsoft Word Documents) Memory: 512MB or 350 books Battery life: up to 2 full weeks 3 font sizes

23 Sharper Image Literati 2

24 Dimensions 4.5 x.5 x 8.5 7” screen.5 oz $159 originally Formats epub and PDF (adobe drm) Rechargable battery with included charger SD card for added memory Works with the Overdrive Digital Library

25 Side by Side Comparison Ama zon Kindl e 3G & Wi-Fi Sony eRea der Touc h Kobo eRea der Barn es & Noble Nook Wi-Fi Alura tek Libre (PRO ) eRea der iPad 32 GB Wi-Fi Price$190. 00 $170. 00 $129. 00 $139. 00 $100. 00 $599. 00 C. R. Scor e 72 Very Good 59 Good 40 Fair 53 Good 46 Good Not ranked As reader Batte ry Life (*claim ed) 10-30 Days 2 Week s 2 Week s 10 Days 24 hours contin uous 12 hours video/w eb Librar y Materi als Suppo rted NOYES NOYES DRM eBoo k Form ats AZW, AZW1 EPUB, PDF, BBeB EPUB, PDF EPUB, PDB, PDF EPUB, PDF AZW, PDB AZW1, EPUB,P DF Unsec ured eBoo k Form ats AA, AAX, MOBI, PDF, PRC EPUB, PDF, BBeB EPUB, PDF MP3, PDB, PDF, EPUB EPUB, FB2, MOBI, PDF, PRC All listed& more with Apps Other Docu ment Form ats DOC, RTF DOCX, TXT, HTML TXT, RTF, DOC, DOCX NONE RFT, TXT All Listed and MAC & image files

26 Updated.pdf

27 59164/

28 Why I my Kindle

29 Font size Dictionary Games Customer service Battery life – 1 month Free Amazon books E-ink Easy on eyes High contrast pearl screen Subscribe blogs and feeds Holds 3500 books which would take up space and need dusted and moved Search for word or phrase Send other documents, notes, recipes Can add other text & docs Lending books Sharing accounts Plays music while you read Read old books – without paper dust, bristle pages Travel with supply of books Being out of country and having access Annotate and see what others have highlighted Samples Audio books Text to Voice Can read in sunlight Can use WiFi to get online Can get online with 3G in a pinch


31 The most 'dangerous' feature is the 'shop in the kindle store' feature. In a matter of minutes I can choose, purchase and download and begin reading a new book. Addictive and potentially expensive, but incredible feature. Requires a light to read in the dark Can’t be used with library ebooks Wish it used a SD card Disadvantages of the Kindle


33 Overdrive Clevnet Stats

34 FormatCheckouts from 1/1/2011 through 1/31/2011 Adobe EPUB11956 AUDIO 12,994 OverDrive WMA Audiobook10905 EBOOK 20,946 Adobe PDF8488 OverDrive MP3 Audiobook2089 Mobipocket502 OverDrive Video366 OverDrive Music322 CLEVNET eCIRC TOTAL34628 Overdrive CLEVNET Stats 2011

35 Overdrive OverDrive apps for iPad etc D2A6-4AE6-B811- 73F570A49CA1/10/270/en/Announcement.htm How to get Books from the Library http://blog.the-ebook- from-libraries-using-overdrive/ Bluefire Reader Bluefire Reader app for ipod touch, iphone, ipad – enables them to read Overdrive library ebooks Overdrive now also has an app for that! Netlibrary not as popular – more nonfiction Amherst Public Library Amherst Public Library has Library eBook Services

36 Where to get ereader materials Ebook Sites/Stores store *sites may require you to sign up for an account

37 Ebook Sites/Stores x.asp ew_ebook-store *sites may require you to sign up for an account

38 1. MobileRead Forums is an online community dedicated to the exchange of ideas and information relating to all aspects of the Mobile Internet boom. Source of lots of information and tools. 2. Calibre is a free and open source e-book library management application developed by users of e-books for users of e-books. It enables you to edit the meta-data, organize the books, convert the ebook file to another format, and sync it to your portable device and so on… Other useful Tools 4. 3. Blog for free ebooks

39 1. Today's the day! It's the very first week the New York Times has published a best-seller list which includes eBook sales! Feb 10, 2011. 2. According to Amazon, since the beginning of the year, for every 100 paperback books Amazon has sold, it has sold 115 Kindle books. Additionally, during this same time period the company has sold three times as many Kindle books as hardcover books, sales that are across Amazon’s entire U.S. book business and includes sales of books where there is no Kindle edition. Free Kindle books are excluded. Trends "It was clear that e-books were taking a greater and greater share of total sales, and we wanted to be able to tell our readers which titles were selling and how they fit together with print sales..."

40 Try it – you’ll like it……

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