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Published byDalia Rutter Modified over 10 years ago
Know Your Handbook Presented By Mr. Garard & Mr. Wilson
Who We Are Mr. Garard Dean of Students (A-K) Mr. Wilson Dean of Students (L-Z)
General Rules of Conduct Possession and/or use of tobacco (includes smokeless), controlled substances or unauthorized medications on the school grounds or at school related activities are strictly prohibited. Smoking is not allowed. No marking on or defacing school property. No loitering on school grounds.
General Rules of Conduct No running in the building. No public display of affection on school grounds.
General Rules of Conduct Radios, CD players, IPOD/MP3 players are not allowed in the hallways of RTHS. These devices may be allowed in the classroom at the teacher’s discretion. Laser devices, Video Recorders, electronic games or paging devices (examples are beepers, cellular phones) are not to be brought to school. ALL ELECTRONIC DEVICES WILL BE CONFISCATED AND DISCIPLINED IN ACCORDANCE WITH CELLPHONE POLICY.
General Rules of Conduct No card, dice playing, or gambling on school grounds. No profanity or verbal abuse allowed on school grounds. No plagiarism and/or cheating. No food or drink allowed in the classrooms or hallways.
General Rules of Conduct RTHS is a closed campus. Students are not to leave the school grounds without administrative approval. No skateboards, roller blades, etc. allowed on school grounds.
Closed Campus (Cafeteria Rules) All students must eat lunch in the cafetorium unless signed out in the office by a parent/guardian.
Closed Campus (Cafeteria Rules) Failure to follow the proper procedure for checking out may result in disciplinary action. Students may not be excused from missing lunch by a parent after the lunch period if the student did not check out in the office properly.
Closed Campus (Cafeteria Rules) Students are expected to clean up after themselves in the cafetorium. Students are expected to remain seated during the lunch hour in order to maintain a safe and orderly environment.
Attendance Procedures When a student must be absent from school, he/she must have his/her parent/guardian call and notify the school regarding the reason for the absence. Notification should be made on the day of the absence, but no later than 8:00 a.m. on the following day or will be considered an unexcused absence.
Attendance Procedures Excused Absences are to be used for personal illnesses, family illnesses, medical/dental appointments, and funerals. Oversleeping, weather, lack of transportation, babysitting are examples of Unexcused Absences. Any extenuating circumstances will need administrative approval.
Planned Absence The administration must approve all planned absences at least one week prior to the absence. The student is responsible for communicating with his/her teacher about assignments and having them turned in on the assigned due dates. Extended days (3 or more) will need the proper form of notification from his/her counselor. This must be signed by an administrator.
Absences Allowed per Semester 10 excused absences. Beyond 10 days will require a doctor’s note in order to avoid disciplinary action.
Tardiness - “Sweep” and “Keep It Moving” policy Not being in the classroom or gym when the final bell rings. When a student is tardy, he/she must report to their assigned class.
Tardiness - “Sweep” and “Keep It Moving” policy 1 st hour report to the sweep room upon arrival 2 nd -5 th hours report directly to class.
Tardiness - “Sweep” and “Keep It Moving” policy Little (t): 1 second – 2 minutes late, ( Referral after 2 occurrences) Big (T)2 Minutes + Automatic Referral and a Step.
Tardiness - “Sweep” and “Keep It Moving” policy The “Keep It Moving” policy requires students to keep moving to class between class periods and after the 7:55 am bell. This “Keep It Moving” policy helps prevent tardiness and hallway altercations between students.
Hall Passport/Permits No student shall be in the hall during regular class time without a hall passport/permit issued by the teacher responsible for the student during that class time.
Cell Phones / Electronic Devices Cell Phones and Electronic Devices are targeted theft items at school, Not allowed to be in use or possession between the time that the student enters the building and until the buses leave at the end of the school day. The student is to secure and lock these items in their hall lockers upon arrival to school.
Cell Phones / Electronic Devices 1st offense for a Cell Phone / Electronic Device infraction will result in the device being taken by school personnel and brought to the attention of their Dean of Students to be picked up by the student after school and receive a Verbal Reprimand/Warning.
Cell Phones / Electronic Devices Repeat Offense Taken to Superintendent Parents make an appointment to pick up Students are not to attempt to pick up phone All consecutive offenses will be considered insubordination and will be treated with progressive and sequential discipline.
Dress Code Students are expected to dress in a manner that is not a distraction or disruption to the educational process at RTHS. The administration and faculty has the responsibility to determine what is inappropriate attire for the school setting. Examples of inappropriate attire include but are not limited to the following:
Dress Code Clothing or articles which are excessively soiled, torn or ragged. Clothing displaying, a weapon, ammunition, vulgar writing or symbols or sexual references or suggestive remarks.
Dress Code Clothing that is excessively revealing such as short mini- skirts, shorts that are less than mid-thigh in length, tank tops, loosely fitting and low cut halter tops, mesh shirts (unless a t-shirt is worn underneath), or shirts which expose the midriff. All students, male and female, must wear tops that have a minimum of 2” of material passing over the shoulder. No garment may be worn that exposes undergarments. No tops, shorts, or skirts which reveal torso or underwear while sitting, standing, or walking.
Dress Code Sleeveless shirts may not have an opening larger than the area of a normal sleeve opening (unless a shirt is worn underneath). Clothing with alcohol, tobacco, or controlled substances advertisements or references. Hats, head kerchiefs/bandannas or other headgear will not be worn or carried in the building at any time by males or females. All hats are to be placed in the locker upon arrival to school and are to stay there for the entire school day.
Dress Code Anything that can be construed as being a weapon or ammunition cannot be carried or worn. This includes any chains long enough to wrap around the broad part of the palm of the hand. Shoes must be worn at all times. Shower shoes and house slippers are not acceptable footwear.
Dress Code Sunglasses unless prescribed by a doctor or approved by the administration. Spandex shorts unless worn under overshorts, which cover spandex shorts. Spiked apparel, spiked accessories, animal collars, or chains that can be used as a weapon.
Student I.D. Cards RTHS students are required to have their identification cards with them at all times. Students are to carry their I.D. cards when boarding the RTHS busses. Failure to follow these guidelines may result in disciplinary action. A fee will be charged to replace lost cards.
School Bus Transportation / Student Responsibilities The driver is in full charge of the bus and pupils. Students who are uncooperative, disruptive or disobedient are subject to suspension or revocation of bus transportation privileges. The student handbook is in effect before, during, and after the bus transportation to and from school (this includes field trips, etc.).
Detention A teacher issued detention is to be served with the teacher before school or after school and not to exceed 30 minutes. An Administrative issued detention is a directed study hall and is to be served on the assigned date. These detentions are held Monday through Friday from 7:10 to 7:50 a.m., or 3:10 to 4:00 p.m., in the sweep room,
Detention Students are required to be on time and bring books, appropriate reading materials, and/or assignments needed. There will be no talking, eating, or hall permits. Students are responsible for their own transportation arrangements. Please consult the student handbook for extended details. Failure to serve will result in SSS
Saturday Supervised Study (SSS) This directed study hall will be held on Saturdays from 8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m., in the library or other designated room. There will be no talking, eating, etc. and bathroom privileges are limited. Students are responsible for their own transportation arrangements.
Saturday Supervised Study (SSS) The students are to use the East Wing Entrance at 7:45 a.m. and report directly to the library or other designated room for check in. Students are required to be on time and to bring books, appropriate reading materials, and/or assignments needed. Any student who arrives to the East Wing doors after 8:00 a.m. will be considered an unexcused absence/truant.
Saturday Supervised Study In case of emergency, please contact the appropriate Dean of Students at extension # 1104 (A-K), or #1106 (L-Z) by 8am on the next school day of attendance in order for a school administrator to consider the circumstances for a possible excused absence and reschedule with the parent/guardian. Please consult the student handbook for extended details.
Request to See Your Dean Fill out a request in the main office Hand it to a secretary Return to class Your dean will call for you
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