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Projects in the Technology Rich Classroom Irving Elementary Teachers Wichita, Kansas.

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Presentation on theme: "Projects in the Technology Rich Classroom Irving Elementary Teachers Wichita, Kansas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Projects in the Technology Rich Classroom Irving Elementary Teachers Wichita, Kansas

2 What is TRC TRC stands for Technology Rich Classrooms The project is a collaborative partnership between the Kansas State Department of Education, The Advanced Learning Technologies in Education Consortia, ALTEC, and Wexford, Inc.

3 Creating 21 st Century Learners Our Goal was to seamlessly integrate technology in the classroom by utilizing it to enhance learning already taking place. TRC classrooms prepare students by equipping them with 21 st century skills employers are looking for such as: interpersonal skills, complex problem solving and collaboration.

4 The Effects on Our Students Differentiated supported student learning Heterogeneous groupings allowed for peer tutoring, collaboration and accountability Increased parent attendance at events showcased technology Leaders Emerged!

5 TRC Kansas Technology Rich Classrooms Technology Rich Classrooms Project- Wichita Public SchoolsTechnology Rich Classrooms Project- Wichita Public Schools

6 Blogging

7 What is a Blog? an online diary; a personal chronological log of thoughts published on a Web page; also called a web log

8 How can Blogs be used in the classroom? Language Arts –Response to text –Check for prior knowledge –Share ideas –Make predictions Social Studies and Science –Check for prior knowledge –Compile information (research)


10 Inspiration

11 What is Inspiration? Primarily educational software Helps the user create graphic organizers in many different ways –Outlines –Concept Maps –Webs Useful in all subject areas

12 Examples of ways to use Inspiration Writing Web Concept Map Character Map Outline for Reports

13 More examples of uses Helps students write descriptive sentences Helps organize ideas for persuasive writing essays Helps organize steps in problem solving

14 Inspiration with Power Point Students take notes using the software in outline format Then students import the information into the PowerPoint application Next students can focus on adding pictures and backgrounds, thus the focus is on the content instead of the visual options offered by PowerPoint

15 An example of a concept map created by a 4 th grade student studying National Parks

16 Podcasting

17 What is Podcasting? Podcasting is the creation and distribution of amateur radio. iPod + broadcasting

18 Things you need for a Podcast A digital audio recorder that can create an MP3 Space on a server to host the file A blog and something to say

19 Educational uses for Podcasts Students make a podcasts to share with the class and the public on content area they are learning. –Teaching safety tips for certain weather conditions (Tornado Safety)(Tornado Safety) –Recording literature circles or class discussions about a book being read in class –Teaching health tips during flu season

20 iPods We use iPods as an easy to carry and store listening center. The students are able to listen to the story and follow along in their books. We also load educational songs onto the iPods to help students learn different concepts.

21 Using Podcasts to teach Subscribe to podcasts with your iPod for professional development purposes Subscribe to “how-to” podcasts that teach your students to speak another language or about another content area Subscribe to National Geographic Vidcast and take virtual fieldtrips

22 Using Podcasts to teach Students can create morning announcements, they can be emailed to teachers, who will then be able to listen to or play the announcements at a time that is convenient for them. Students can record stories that they have read or stories that they have created so that other students can listen to them.

23 How kids can use iPods to learn You can use your ipods to help teach reading fluency. If your reading adoption has fluency cds then you can put tracks onto your ipod and have students practice reading out loud with the iPods. This is a great reading center. You could also download a podcast and then have students practice taking notes on what they hear. This would be a good listening skill center. Educational songs can be downloaded for reviewing educational concepts.

24 Places where you can download podcasts If you would like more information on itunes go to the following mments/the-complete-guide-to-itunes-49- with-podcasts/ mments/the-complete-guide-to-itunes-49- with-podcasts/

25 Podcast Websites The education podcast network This is the USD 259’s resource page for Podcasting by our technology specialist Brad Niessen. dcasting/index.htm dcasting/index.htm

26 Track Star

27 Getting on Track with Track Star A maintained site at that allows teachers to specify sites they want students to

28 Don’t reinvent the Wheel! Find teacher resources by doing key word searches. Find student resources, that have already been created. Make your own Track.

29 Narrowing the Focus to Reach all Students Differentiate Instruction Math Center Time Reading- Enrichment Research Allows the teacher to find sites with appropriate reading levels and information Make worksheets, tests, or take notes.

30 Exploring Track Star Hurricanes- 26422 Wolves- 243514 Skeletal System-236741 Math Kansas Day-276087

31 Resources


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