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María Sánchez-Tornel Pascual Pérez-Paredes José M. Alcaraz Calero Authenticating Language Learning: Web Collaboration Meets Pedagogic Corpora February.

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Presentation on theme: "María Sánchez-Tornel Pascual Pérez-Paredes José M. Alcaraz Calero Authenticating Language Learning: Web Collaboration Meets Pedagogic Corpora February."— Presentation transcript:

1 María Sánchez-Tornel Pascual Pérez-Paredes José M. Alcaraz Calero Authenticating Language Learning: Web Collaboration Meets Pedagogic Corpora February 17-19, 2011. University of Tübingen

2 1.Corpora in FLT Background Our proposal 2.The Backbone project 3.The Spanish subcorpus Features Our approach Corpus compilation Pedagogic enrichment Corpus exploitation 4.Conclusion


4 Background

5 Source: Boulton (2010)



8 Advanced corpus users Research purposes Translation L2 learning at university

9 Novice corpus users L2 learning at high school CLIL

10 Novice corpus users L2 learning at high school CLIL

11 Using the language to learn Learning to use the language Coyle (2007)

12 Eurydice (2006:51) OBSTACLES Legislation Qualified staff Financial restrictions Materials Content Language

13 Our proposal

14 1. Scant attention 2. Learners’ profile 3. CLIL obstacles (materials) PEDAGOGIC CORPORA

15 Why pedagogical?

16 Photo: Kordite, Flickr

17 Homogeneous and systematic Thematic relevance Recontextualisation  Authentication Easy to use query tools and search options Braun (2006)

18 ELISA English Language Interview Corpus as a Second-Language Application 2003 – 2004 25 video interviews in English 5-15 minutes per interview 60.000 words Search interface Learning materials 2005 – 2008 Video interviews in 7 EU languages - Teen talk Corpus compilation and exploitation tools Learning materials Corpora + tools freely available


20 Lesser taught languages DIY approach – small spoken corpora Non-standard regional varieties Non-native varieties of ELF

21 CLIL settings: vocational training, secondary education, university. BLENDED LEARNING PRINCIPLES Learner centeredness Relevant topics Connection to CEF progression ICT implementation Free online corpora + materials Moodle integration

22 Language authentication Small homogeneous corpora Pedagogically relevant topics MultimodalityFull texts – sections – concordances

23 Data-driven learning but… … pedagogically selected, annotated and enriched data


25 Features


27 Speakers from 9 different provinces Northern and southern accents

28 Cultural issues Science and research The environment World of workSocial issues Economic issues Healthcare and social security Government and Politics Education Urban and rural life

29 Our approach


31 Corpus compilation

32 Age range: 18 - 83 9 provinces Diverse professional fields doctor teacher archaeologist sportswoman ex-lawyer confectioner bio-farmer top researcher entrepreneur

33 Orthographic TEI-compliant markup

34 Transcribing and sectioning Supports metadata information Video formats: DIVX, XVID,AVI,MPEG, Quick Time, RM, Audio formats: MP3, WAV, ASF Timestamping audio-text


36 Pedagogic enrichment

37 Step 1: Annotation Photo: J_O_I_D

38 Unit-bound not text-bound Pérez-Paredes (2010)

39 Teacher-driven & Learner-oriented Pérez-Paredes (2010)

40 Customis able taxonom y tree An annotated section topics gramma r lexis notions and functions : CEF level... and whatever you need! Collaborativ e functionaliti es Configur ation options Corpus management: opening, closing, saving... Help and tutorial Categories applied Highlighted keywords Customisa ble taxonomy tree An annotated section topics grammar lexis notions and functions: CEF level... and whatever you need! Collaborative functionalitie s Configurat ion options Corpus management: opening, closing, saving... Help and tutorial Categories applied Highlighted keywords

41 TEI-compliant XML Drag & drop Edit options in XML Manages several corpora Integrated with Transcriptor and Search Tool

42 Backbone annotator Corpus Management Tool Collaborative annotation

43 CMT Annotator 1 Bob Annotator 2 David Annotator 3 Helen Annotator 4 Hugh Annotator 5 Jane Sánchez-Tornel et al. (Forthcoming) CORPORA OUTPUT Backbone Search Tool


45 Step 2: Materials development Photo: the waving cat

46 Thematic relevance Two types of materials: - Learning modules - Corpus-based communicative and exploratory activities The Virtual Resource Pool Integration in Search Tool

47 19 modules – 107 activities Telos Language Partner 1 section – 1 module – several activities Comprehension & focus on form








55 10 packages – 93 activities Corpus exploration: - lexis-grammar - communication

56 Lexis and grammar

57 Communication

58 Online integration of learning materials Learning modules and C&E packages linked to interview sections


60 Corpus exploitation

61 The learning space Access to corpora + learning materials Four search modes: - Browse - Section search - Concordances -Co-ocurrences Wordlists

62 The browse mode

63 The section search mode


65 The co-occurrences search mode

66 The concordances search mode

67 The word lists view



70 Scant scholarly attention in non-tertiary education settings CL methods and tools Pedagogic mediation!


72 From the possibilities scenario the feasibility scenario

73 Corpora can be exploited in the language classroom in different ways Language research-oriented paradigm CL Methods Sampling Representativeness Morphological tagging Alcaraz & Pérez-Paredes (2008)

74 Corpora are devised to be exploited in the language classroom by language learners in different ways Language learning-oriented paradigm Mediation role Theory-informed tagging Parametric framework- aware Learner-oriented tagging Representative of the world of the learner Alcaraz & Pérez-Paredes (2008)

75 Alcaraz, J.M. & Pérez-Paredes, P. (2008). What do annotators annotate? An analysis of language teachers' corpus pedagogical annotation. In A. Frankenburg-Garcia (Ed) Proceedings of the 8th Teaching and Language Corpora Conference. Lisbon, Portugal: Associação de Estudos e de Investigação Cientifíca do ISLA-Lisboa, (p. 27-37). Boulton, A. (2010). Learning outcomes from corpus consultation. In M. Moreno Jaén, F. Serrano Valverde & M. Calzada Pérez (Eds), Exploring New Paths in Language Pedagogy: Lexis and corpus-based language teaching. London: Equinox. Expanded web supplement available at http://arche.univ- Braun, S. (2006). ELISA – a pedagogically enriched corpus for language learning purposes. In S. Braun, K. Kohn & J. Mukherjee (Eds.), Corpus Technology and Language Pedagogy. New Resources, New Tools, New Methods (pp. 25-47). Frankfurt/M.: Peter Lang. Coyle, D. (2007). Content and Language Integrated Learning: Towards a connected research agenda for CLIL pedagogies. The international journal of bilingual education and bilingualism 10(5), 543-562 Eurydice Report. (2006). Content and Language Integrated Learning (CLIL) at School in Europe. Retrieved February 2011 from Pérez-Paredes, P. (2010). Appropriation and integration issues in corpus methods and mainstream language education. In T. Harris & C. Pérez Basanta (Eds.), Corpus Linguistics and Language Teaching. Linguistic Insights Series. Berlin: Peter Lang Sánchez-Tornel, M., Alcaraz Calero, J.M. & Pérez-Paredes, P. (in press). Collaborative annotation in implementing corpora for content and language integrated learning web services. Proceedings of the 2009 Eurocall Conference: New trends in CALL – Working together. Madrid: Macmillan ELT

76 The authors gratefully acknowledge the funding provided by the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. BACKBONE 143502-2008-LLP-DE-KA2-KA2MP María Sánchez-Tornel gratefully acknowledges the support provided by the University of Murcia under its PhD Scholarships Programme (R.- 549/2009).

77 María Sánchez-Tornel Pascual Pérez-Paredes José M. Alcaraz Calero Authenticating Language Learning: Web Collaboration Meets Pedagogic Corpora February 17-19, 2011. University of Tübingen

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