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Deployment of Existing Mobility Protocols in DMM Scenario draft-liu-dmm-practice-of-deployment-00 draft-chan-dmm-framework-gap-analysis-05.

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Presentation on theme: "Deployment of Existing Mobility Protocols in DMM Scenario draft-liu-dmm-practice-of-deployment-00 draft-chan-dmm-framework-gap-analysis-05."— Presentation transcript:

1 Deployment of Existing Mobility Protocols in DMM Scenario draft-liu-dmm-practice-of-deployment-00 draft-chan-dmm-framework-gap-analysis-05

2 What is the “Best current practice of DMM”? In the charter: – Practices: Document practices for the deployment of existing mobility protocols in a distributed mobility management environment. It means: – How to deploy existing mobility protocol in DMM scenario to solve DMM problem? – What degree the DMM problem could be solved?

3 Motivation of this “practice draft” Many solutions have been proposed in DMM WG, but before defining any new DMM protocol, it is a good approach to investigate first whether it is feasible to deploy current IP mobility protocol in DMM scenario in a way that can meet the requirement of DMM. This document discusses the way of the deployment of current IP mobility protocol in DMM scenario and analyses the gaps between this approach and the DMM requirement.

4 Client-based mobility deployment in DMM scenario Deploy HA in the access router level. MN always select the nearest HA. Newly initiated flow go though the new HA. Previous flow go though the previous HA.

5 Client-based mobility deployment in DMM scenario (cont.) Analysis – Partly solve the DMM problem Routing is optimal for the newly initiated flow Routing is still not optimal for the previous established flow – Other gaps Prefix management of the terminal Source address selection of the terminal – draft-liu-dmm-dynamic-anchor-discussion-00 draft-liu-dmm-dynamic-anchor-discussion-00 – draft-liu-dmm-address-selection-00 draft-liu-dmm-address-selection-00 – draft-liu-dmm-mobility-api-00 draft-liu-dmm-mobility-api-00

6 Network-based mobility deployment in DMM scenario Deploy LMA/MAG together in the access router level MN always select the nearest LMA. Newly initiated flow go though the new LMA. Previous flow go though the previous LMA.

7 Network-based mobility deployment in DMM scenario (cont.) Analysis – Partly solve the DMM problem Routing is optimal for the newly initiated flow Routing is still not optimal for the previous established flow – Other gaps Prefix management of the terminal Source address selection of the terminal – draft-liu-dmm-dynamic-anchor-discussion-00 draft-liu-dmm-dynamic-anchor-discussion-00 – draft-liu-dmm-address-selection-00 draft-liu-dmm-address-selection-00 – draft-liu-dmm-mobility-api-00 draft-liu-dmm-mobility-api-00

8 Current practice in 3GPP In 3GPP specification, S2a/S2b/S2c could be based on IP mobility protocol. S2a: Trust access; PMIP/GTP S2b: Un-trusted network based; PMIP/GTP S2c: Un-trusted client based.

9 The LIPA scenario in 3GPP

10 The LIPA mobility problem DMM kind of solution is needed to support Inter L-GW handover

11 Q&A?

12 Unified view through Reconfiguration of existing functions 3 Basic Internet Functions 1. The Internet allocates IPv6 network prefixes or IPv4 addresses to a host. 2. The Internet manages information needed for routing by maintaining a database (DNS) and exchanging routing information between routers. 3. Router forwards packets using appropriate information in the routing table. 3 Basic Mobility Management Functions 1. Session identifier allocation (e.g., HoA) 2. Location management (LM) (e.g., binding HoA to CoA) 3. Mobility routing (MR)

13 Existing MIPv6 functions MR1 LM1 Allocate P1::/64 Net1 Net3 Net2 Allocate P3::/64 Allocate P2::/64 P1::/mn (HoA11) P3::/mn (IP31) Mobility client Move P2::/cn (IP21) P1::/mn P3::/mn Existing protocols first Compatib ility IPv6 deployme nt Security considera tions Distribute d deployme nt Upper layer transpare ncy when needed Route optimizati on YYYYNNN

14 Existing PMIPv6 functions MR1 LM1 Allocate P1::/64 Net1 Net3 Net2 Allocate P3::/64 Allocate P2::/64 P1::/mn (HoA11) P3::/mn (IP31) Mobility client Move P2::/cn (IP21) P1::/mn P3::/mn Existing protocols first Compatib ility IPv6 deployme nt Security considera tions Distribute d deployme nt Upper layer transpare ncy when needed Route optimizati on YYYYNNN

15 Redistribute MIP and PMIP functions in DMM scenario LM2 MR1 MR3 MR2 LM3 LM1 Allocate P1::/64 Net1 Net3 Net2 Allocate P3::/64 Allocate P2::/64 P1::/mn (HoA11) P3::/mn (IP31) P3::/ar (IP31) P1::/mn (HoA11); P3::/mn (IP31) Mobility client Move P2::/cn (IP21) P3::/mr3 P1::/mn P3::/mr3 P1::/mn P3::/mn P1::/mn P3::/ar Existing protocols first Compati bility IPv6 deploym ent Security consider ations Distribut ed deploym ent Upper layer transpar ency when needed Route optimizat ion YY(suppor ts above) YY (LM- MR in different networks YNN

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