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Published byMustafa Orman Modified over 10 years ago
Presentation to the Standing Committee on Appropriations (SCOA) 2013/14: Q3 Performance and Expenditure reports DATE: 19 February 2014 The Presidency Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 2 Contents 1.2013/14 Performance information Q3 2.2013/14 Expenditure
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 3 2013/14 Q1 to Q3 Performance Information
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 4 Programme 1: Administration Targets Achieved The 2 nd draft Strategic Plan & APP for 2014/15 were submitted to National Treasury by end of November 2013 2 nd Quarter Performance Information report produced and approved by Minister and submitted to NT by end of October 2013 77% of activities in the communication plan were achieved against the target of 75% (10 of 13 activities) The 2 nd Quarter Risk report was presented to both Risk and Audit Committee meetings during October & November 2013 respectively 2 nd Quarter Internal Audit report presented to management and Audit Committee Vacancy rate 7% against the target of 10%. 195 posts filled out of 209 posts funded as at 31 December 2013 Number of targets18% Targets achieved12 67 Targets partially achieved5 28 Targets not achieved1 5
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 5 Programme 1: Administration cont.. 87% of workplace skills plan targets was achieved against the target of 60% 1 budget Committee meeting was held in the quarter Percentage of budget spent 102.1% of Q3 drawings. 90.3% cumulative drawings 74% (14 of 19 areas) of DPME commitments to the Auditor-General to resolve queries against the target of 50% 91% achievement of the systems standards against the target of 50% 68% (13 of 19) of activities in the business applications plan achieved against a target of 60% The partially achieved targets are as follows: Reviewed Risk Policy and Strategy, alignment with changes in the regulatory and operational environment if required The draft documents were presented at the Risk Management Committee. The RMC requested that further work be done on the documents. The policy and strategy has since been completed and they will serve in the RMC scheduled for 21 February 2014 for approval
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 6 Programme 1: Administration continued…. 80% of Internal Audit projects undertaken 70% of Internal Audit projects were undertaken, IT governance audit was postponed, scheduled for completion during February 2014 Mid-term Performance Assessment completed and submitted to HR by 31 October, for 100% of target staff 96% of staff submitted on time, three staff members submitted late due to leave of absence. Four staff members did not submit due to various reasons e.g. dispute on performance assesments and maternity leave 100% of required policies and plans approved by the by Director-General by October 2013 38% (3 of 8 policies were approved). Five policies are still in draft and will be submitted for approval in quarter 4 2 provincial workshop conducted on M&E IT guideline One provincial workshop on M&E IT guideline was held. One workshop was cancelled by the province (Free State) Target not achieved was as follows: 60% of activities in annual MPAT improvement plan Most of the activities in the MPAT improvement plan are being completed and this item will be achieved by the end of the financial year
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 7 Programme 2: OME Targets Achieved are as follows Compile and submitted a quarterly monitoring report to Cabinet Committees for each of the 12 outcomes by end of quarter Compile and submit a summary outcomes quarterly monitoring report to Cabinet by end of quarter Review of APPs for all departments that submitted (7) Prepared 51 briefing notes on Cabinet memoranda within timeframes against the target of 30 13 briefing notes and reports on executive monitoring and evaluation initiatives prepared against the target of 10 Produced 2 outcomes research reports related to outcome 8 Number of targets16% Targets achieved956 Targets partially achieved319 Targets not achieved425
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 8 Programme 2: OME continued.. National Evaluation Plan for 2014/15 approved by Cabinet on 4 th December 2013 Quarterly progress report for 11 outcomes reflected to the public within one month of the POA reporting week Attended all convened implementation forums for the quarter and monitor their functioning The partially achieved targets are as follows: 1 new guideline for evaluations produced Guideline still in draft, will be completed by end of financial year 5 municipal self-assessments completed Testing and piloting of the tool extended to end of March 2014 Proposed evaluations selected for 2014/15 for 3 provincial plans Limpopo, EC, Mpumalanga and North West still working on their plans
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 9 Programme 2: OME Not achieved target are as follows: Submit cabinet memorandum for approval of Municipal Assessment Tool by end of October The pilot phase to refine the tool took longer than expected and therefore could not be submitted to Cabinet for approval Draft report on Municipal Assessment (for municipalities participating in the pilot phase) The pilot phase to refine the tool took longer than expected. The drafting of the report on testing and piloting of the tool extended to end of March 2014 Final review report for the Twenty Year Review approved by IMC printed and published Four draft chapters were presented to the IMC for their inputs and remaining chapters are being finalised. The 20 Year Review will be published in the 4th quarter Hold one quarterly data forum meeting and produce one quarterly report Data forum postponed. Coincided with the mourning week of the former President
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 10 Programme 3: M&E Systems Number of targets6% Targets achieved583 Targets partially achieved117 Targets not achieved00 Targets achieved are as follows: National M&E Forum meeting held on 13 November 2013 Provincial M&E Forum meeting held on 14 November 2013 Capacity development CORE group meeting held on 7 November 2013 2 Learning events held on the 9 October & 4 December 2013 Development Indicators produced and distributed Partially achieved target was as follows: Convene 5 sectoral workshop to align reporting requirements The service provider was appointed in October and the work only started in December. Only one workshop was convened and the other 4 will be convened in the 4 th quarter
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 11 Programme 4: PSO Targets Achieved 100% (all 155 -national and provincial departments ) had their HODs sign off the MPAT self assessments Two MPAT workshops convened. (The target was over-achieved in the 2 nd quarter as during the Provincial and National launch learning workshops were convened for EC; FS; LM; MP; NC & WC) 2 monitoring reports on indicators of the quality of service delivery submitted to FOSAD against the target of 1 3 FOSAD deliverables targeted for improvements were achieved FSDM implementation tools were updated and presented to the Provincial and M&E workshop held on 7 November 2013 19 sites monitored, reports completed and quality assured. The target was 45 for the quarter however the targets were exceeded in Q1 (37) and Q2 (67) Number of targets19% Targets achieved1684 Targets partially achieved316 Targets not achieved00
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 12 Programme 4: PSO Continued.. Draft Annual Report for monitoring visits between Jan 2013 and Dec 2013, presented to the DG for comments by 31 December 2013 Draft sector reports done for CoGTA, SASSA, Justice, Home Affairs, Transport, Education, Health, SAPS 2 case studies produced and published on FSDM practices for the quarter Draft Baseline case studies at pilot sites conducted in SAPS, DOH, DSD and SASSA facilities in Msinga and Maluti-a-Phofung. Desktop research and discussions with facility management, staff and community groups 2 Learning publications produced and placed on website namely, paper for SAMEA Conference and article in Public Service Manager published Hotline case resolution performance reports submitted to FOSAD in November 2013 Quarterly progress report of weaker performing Hotline departments and Provinces produced and signed off in November 2013 Four Presidential Hotline case studies produced for the quarter Service delivery complaints trends reports produced by 30 November 2013. 2 research reports completed on Education and Land & Housing related complaints Hotline Satisfaction Survey outcomes for Q3 produced
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 13 Programme 4: PSO Continued.. Partially achieved targets are as follows Improvement monitoring visits conducted as per approved final list 63 of 69 improvement monitoring visits were completed. One report submitted to G&A by 30 November 2013 Submission was too late to reach G&A before the last meeting of November 2013 Produce quarterly progress report on the implementation of the improvement plan by end December 2013 The deadline was missed but the Improvement plan has since been signed off on the 8 th January 2014
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 14 Summary of departmental performance….. Number of targets59 % Targets achieved42 71.19 Targets partially achieved12 20.34 Targets not achieved5 8.47 Many of the partially achieved targets have been achieved after the end of the quarter or will be achieved by the end of the financial year. The department is therefore on track to achieve at least 85% of its targets by the end of the financial year.
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 15 2013/14 Q1 to Q3 Expenditure
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 16 2013/14 Expenditure: Monthly expenditure
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 17 2013/14 Expenditure: Quarterly expenditure
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 18 2013/14 Expenditure: Comparison
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 19 2013/14 Expenditure: Commitments
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 20 2013 Expenditure: Commitments continued Expenditure on compensation on track. R1,5million in savings due to delays in implementing PSCBC resolution 1 of 2012 for salary levels 9/10 and 11/12 diverted to evaluations Expenditure planning for goods and services on track with 76% of budget spent and a further 24% already committed (contracted) Acquisition process for additional office space still in progress. Savings due to delays reallocated to procurement of ICT equipment
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 21 2013 Expenditure: Filling of posts In light of all the changes to the structure, at the end of the 3 rd Quarter the department had 225 approved posts, of which 209 were funded The current approved posts is 231 195 posts were filled by December 2013 (93%) Department is on track with respect to the recruitment processes Movement in the department for the three months is reflected below: OctoberNovDec Approved Funded Posts206208209 Filled posts at the end of the month 193194195 Vacancy Rate6%7% Appointments226 Exits142 Internal Promotions / Transfers1
The Presidency: Department of Performance Monitoring and Evaluation 22 2013 Expenditure: Conclusions Monthly expenditure monitoring meetings have significantly improved expenditure planning and forecasting, although there is still room for further improvement Department is on track for its expenditure to be within 2% of budget by the end of March 2014 and to avoid the large March spike which was experienced last financial year Measures have been put in place to reallocate any possible savings to priority spending areas such as Evaluations and Municipal Performance Assessments and ICT equipment
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