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OVERVIEW OF 15926 Ian Glendinning Target Training Room Target Plaza South 1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN September 20-21, 2007 ISO 15926 Training -

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1 OVERVIEW OF 15926 Ian Glendinning Target Training Room Target Plaza South 1000 Nicollet Mall Minneapolis, MN September 20-21, 2007 ISO 15926 Training - Data Modelling Introduction

2 Training Objectives  Provide the industry with introductory training on ISO 15926 RDS/WIP modeling  Attendees to gain the fundamental concepts and skills necessary to harmonize their internal systems with ISO 15926 standard  Attendees to gain the initial knowledge on how to extend the ISO 15926 reference data  Demonstrate RDS/WIP software tools  Provide examples

3 Overview of 15926  The standard itself, and its parts  Core Model, Reference Data / WIP, Templates / OIM’s and Facades  Short-Hand / Short-Cut Templates Conservation of Complexity, but “Under the Hood”.  ADI & IDS Project roles  RDS / WIP Services & process  Decoding “Acronym City”

4 ISO 15926 – The Standard  ISO 15926 Integration of life-cycle data for process plants including oil and gas production facilities  ISO 15926 - 1 Overview and fundamentals (Approved IS)  ISO 15926 - 2 Data model (Approved IS)  ISO 15926 - 3 Geometry. (Approved TS)  ISO 15926 - 4 Initial reference data. (Approved TS) (Included in the RDS/WIP)  ISO 15926 - 5 Procedures for registration and maintenance of reference data (NWI/CD pending resolution on MA)  ISO 15926 - 6 Scope and methodology for developing additional reference data (NWI/CD to be submitted to ISO Q3 2007)  ISO 15926 - 7 Implementation methods for the integration of distributed systems (TS submitted to ISO Q3 2007)

5 Overview of ISO-15926 Templates(Part7) User-Defined Document Types Façade Information Exchange File Data Transfer File ISO15926-2 EXPRESS data model any User System Façade schema(Part7) map out RDF/XMLRDF/XML Reference Data(Part4) Object Information Models (Part7) User-Specialized Reference Data Data Model(Part2) User-Specialized OIMs Template Specifications W3C Recommen- dations *CPF=Confederation of Participating Façades any other Façade CPF Server query any other Façade map in Ontology Browser query hand-over message API check access rights The ISO-15926 Standard Industry & User Organizations ( Figure 1 of Part-7 )

6 Not just harmonized data modelling Not just supporting OWL / RDF Schema But also supporting federated “Facades”

7 The Whole Elephant Common Terminology Core Classes Standard Classes (eg ANSI / API Standard Items) Proprietary Classes (eg Vendor Product Catalogue Items) PART 2 PART 4 Physical Object, Activity, Property Classes (Core) Data Model Base Templates and Object Information Models The RDL (Content) Managed by the RDS / WIP (Services) PART 7

8 Model / Classes / Templates  (Core) Model – the fundamental entity and relationship things (~200 entities)  (Reference Data) Classes (all the specialized types or categories of things (or specific things), and their properties and relationships) (10,000’s >>> millions of RDL Items)  Templates – building blocks / re-usable patterns to construct object information models from the above.  Short-cut form to allow business experts to define and select them,  Short-hand form to allow modelling experts to implement them. (50 >> 200 base templates, many possible specializations and assemblies up to business “document templates” or any datasets involved in business processes and exchanges.)

9  ADI (FIATECH) – Accelerating deployment of 15926 – supporting the ISO standardization process – not just the standard content of Parts 2, 4 & 7 – but also including the normative implementation of Part 7 with prototype tools.  IDS (POSC-Caesar) – Intelligent DataSets – focussing on Short-Cut Templates from the business perspective, and definition of simple business-focussed mapping tools using short-cut templates to hide the rest “under the hood” so far as possible.  RDS / WIP (FIATECH / POSC-Caesar / DnV) Reference Data Services / RDL Work-in-Progress – services and processes to manage the use and ongoing extension of reference data content (classes and templates) Main 15926 Projects

10 Master (ISO and WIP) ISO Extensions (WIP) Approved Façade (ISO Only) Façade (WIP Only) Read Search Write WIP Approved User 5 min Turnaround 5 min Turnaround 1 Month Turnaround 1 Year Turnaround 5 min Turnaround ISO 15926 RDS / WIP Logical Architecture

11 RDS/WIP Services Under The Hood

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