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EU – 7th Framework Program
2007 - 2013
What is FP7? FP7 is short for: Seventh Framework Programme for Research and Technological Development It is the European Union’s main instrument for funding research in Europe between 2007 and 2013 FP7 supports research in selected priority areas It represents a 41% budget increase from FP6 at 2004 prices
New elements in FP7 vis-à-vis FP6
Duration increased from 5 to 7 years Annual budget increased significantly New structure: Cooperation, Ideas (ERC), People, Capacities, Euratom and JRC activities Basic research (~ €1 billion per year): European Research Council Funding of research infrastructures Flexible funding schemes Simpler procedures
Some facts about Israel & the Framework Programs
Israel joined the 4th FP in August 1996 and became the first country, outside the EU, associated to this program. These programs are now the 2nd largest funding source for Israeli universities, after the ISF. About 75% of the Israeli academy international collaboration used to be with the U.S.A, and only about 25% with Europe. Today the relations are almost equal.
Advantages for Israel Accessibility to the European market
“Getting closer to Europe” – understanding Europe Exposure to and partnership in new technologies Leverage for implementation of big, visionary and money-abundant projects
Budgets for the different FP’s
Israel joined half way FP
FP7 Structure Cooperation – Collaborative research
Ideas – "Frontier" research 4 pillars People – Marie Curie Actions Capacities – Research Capacity + JRC non-nuclear research Euratom direct actions – JRC nuclear research Euratom indirect actions – nuclear fusion and fission research
FP7 – Indicative breakdown (€ million)
COOPERATION 32,365M€ 10 Thematic Areas
The 4 Pillars IDEAS 7,460M€ Supporting, investigator-driven research projects carried out across all fields COOPERATION 32,365M€ 10 Thematic Areas Health 6,050M€ Agri & Bio 1,935M€ ICT 9,110M€ NMP 3,500M€ Energy 2,300M€ Environment 1,900M€ Transport (incl. AERO) 4,180€ Socio Economic Sciences and the Humanities 610M€ Space 1,430M€ Security 1,350M€ PEOPLE 4,728M€ Strengthening the human potential in research and technology in Europe Initial Training of Researchers Life-long training & Career Development Industry-academia pathways International Dimension Specific support action CAPACITIES 4,217M€ Research Infrastructures 1,715M€ Research for the benefits of SMEs 1,336M€ Regions of Knowledge 126M€ Research Potential 340M€ Science in Society 330M€ International Cooperation 180€
Cooperation - Collaborative research
International cooperation projects, across the EU and beyond, in 10 thematic areas, corresponding to major fields in science and research: Health Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) Nano-sciences, Nano-technologies, Materials and new Production Technologies (NMP) Energy Environment (including Climate Change) Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and Humanities (SSH) Space Security Budget € billion
Cooperation - thematic areas (€ million)
Health Budget: € 6 billion (2007-2013)
Objective: to improve the health of European citizens, and increase and strengthen the competitiveness and innovative capacity of European health-related industries and businesses. Health Biotechnology, generic tools and technologies for human health Translating research for human health Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens Budget: € 6 billion ( )
Biotechnology, generic tools and technologies for human health
Detection, diagnosis and monitoring Prediction of sustainability, safety and efficacy of therapies
Translating research for human health
Integration of biological data and processes Research on the brain and related diseases, human development and ageing Translational research in infectious diseases: HIV/AIDS, malaria, tuberculosis, SARA, avian influenza. Translational research in major diseases: cancer, cardiovascular disease, diabetes/obesity, rare diseases, other chronic diseases including rheumatoid diseases, arthritis and muscoskeletel diseases
Optimising the delivery of healthcare to European citizens
Translation of clinical outcome into clinical practice Quality, efficiency and solidarity of health care systems including translational health care systems and home care strategies Enhanced disease prevention and better use of medicines Appropriate use of new health therapies and technologies
Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology
Objective: to provide the basis for safer, eco-efficient and competitive products and services for agriculture, fisheries, feed, food, health, forest-based and related industries. Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology Sustainable production and management of biological resources from land, forest, and aquatic environments “Fork to farm”: Food, health and well being Life sciences and biotechnology for sustainable non-food products and processes Budget: € 1.9 billion ( )
Sustainable production and management
of biological resources from land, forest, and aquatic environments Enabling research on sustainable production systems; plant and animal production and health; animal welfare; fisheries and aquaculture, including exploitation and sustainable use of their biodiversity. Tools to implement relevant strategies, policies and legislation supporting the European knowledge based bio-economy
“Fork to farm”: Food, health and well being
The integrity and control of the food chain (“fork to farm”) will be subject to research, addressing food, health and well-being
Life sciences and biotechnology for sustainable non-food
products and processes it will develop improved crops and forest resources, feed-stocks, marine products and biomass technologies for energy, environment, and high added value products such as materials and chemicals
Information and Communication Technologies
Objective: to boost innovation, creativity and competitiveness of all industry and service sectors. Information and Communication Technologies ICT Technology Pillars Integration of Technologies Applications Research Future and Emerging Technologies Budget: € 9.1 billion ( )
Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new
Objective: to enable novel solutions which could result in improved performance in the entire production sector as well as in the health/medicine/agriculture domains Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Production Technologies Nanosciences and Nanotechnologies Materials New Production Integration of technologies for industrial applications Budget: € 3.5 billion ( )
5. Energy Budget: € 2.3 billion (2007-2013) Hydrogen and fuel cells
Objective: to identify and develop adequate and timely solutions to the alarming trends in global energy demand and to the finite nature of conventional oil and natural gas reserves, and to curb greenhouse gas emissions. 5. Energy Hydrogen and fuel cells Renewable electricity generation Renewable fuel production Renewables for heating and cooling CO2 capture and storage technologies for zero emission power generation Clean coal technologies Smart energy networks Energy efficiency and savings Knowledge for energy policy making Budget: € 2.3 billion ( )
Objective: to build a coordinated approach at pan-European and international level to the challenges posed by the increasing natural and man-made pressures on the environment and its resources. 6. Environment Climate change, pollution and risks Sustainable Management of Resources Environmental Technologies Earth observation and assessment tools Budget: € 1.8 billion ( )
Climate change, pollution and risks
Pressures on environment and climate Environment and health Natural hazards
Sustainable Management of Resources
conservation and sustainable management of natural and man-made resources and biodiversity Management of marine environment
Environmental Technologies
Environmental technologies for observation, simulation, prevention, mitigation, adaptation, remediation and restoration of the natural and man-made environment Protection, conservation and enhancement of cultural heritage Technology assessment, verification and testing
Earth observation and assessment tools
Earth and ocean observation systems, monitoring methods for the environment and sustainable development Forecasting methods and assessment tools for sustainable development
7. Transport Budget: € 4.1 billion (2007-2013)
Aeronautics and air transport Surface transport (rail, road and waterborne) Support to the European global satellite navigation system (Galileo) Budget: € 4.1 billion ( )
8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities
Objective: to better understand the social and economic challenges Europe faces with, and to tackle them effectively by designing suitable policies. 8. Socio-Economic Sciences and the Humanities Growth, employment and competitiveness in a knowledge society Combining economic, social and environmental objectives in a European perspective Major trends in society and their implications Europe in the world The citizen in the European Union Socio-economic and scientific indicators Foresight activities Budget: € 610 million ( )
Space-based applications at the service of the European Society
Exploration of space RTD for strengthening space foundations Budget: € 4.1 billion ( )
10. Security Budget: € 1.3 billion (2007-2013)
Objective: to address the need for a comprehensive security strategy encompassing both civil and defence security measures 10. Security Protection against terrorism and crime Security of infrastructures and utilities Border security Restoring security in case of crisis Security systems integration and interoperability Security and society Security Research Coordination and structuring Budget: € 1.3 billion ( )
People Budget € 4.7 billion Human Potential, Marie Curie Actions
Initial training of researchers Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Individual Fellowships Co-financing of regional/national/international programmes Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Industry-Academia Scheme International dimension Outgoing International Fellowships; Incoming International Fellowships International Cooperation Scheme; Reintegration grants Specific actions Excellence awards
Initial Training Networks (ITN)
Main Features Trans-national network of participants Training through research Complementary skills: entrepreneurship, management, IPR, grant writing, communication Industry participation Mutual recognition training / qualifications Early-stage researchers (3-36 months) Experienced researchers (up to 24 months) Visiting scientists
Life-long training & career development fellowships
Intra-European Fellowships (IEF) Main features Objective: career development/competence diversification Experienced researchers for up to 2 years Joint application with hosting research organisation Trans-national mobility within EU or Associated Countries (AC) For EU/AC nationals Host institutions in EU/AC
Life-long training & career development fellowships
European Reintegration Grants (ERG) Main features To built on previous trans-national mobility To promote perspectives of research career development (Re)integration in a MS or AC, incl. own country Previous Marie Curie fellowship (MC) of ≥18 months Continous submission; evaluated at regular intervals (cut-off dates of call) Project duration: 2 to 3 years
Industry-Academia partnerships and pathways
Main Features Longer-term co-operation between sectors Staff secondments & recruitment of experienced researchers Salary costs Networking & workshops/conferences costs SMEs: small equipment costs Project duration: up to 4 years
International dimension
International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF) Main Features 1-2 yrs outside EU & 1 yr return to Europe For experienced researchers (PhD or ≥4 yrs research) Obligatory return Contract with return institution Community contribution similar to Intra-European fellowships
International dimension
International Incoming Fellowships (IIF) Main Features 1-2 yrs in EU/AC & option of 1 year return option if from developing countries For experienced researchers (PhD or ≥4 yrs research) Community contribution similar to Intra-European fellowships
International dimension
International Reintegration Grants (IRG) Main Features To support European researchers returning from 3rd countries Financial contribution of €25k/year for 3-4 years For research costs, including salary of researchers or assistants
Ideas Frontier Research- The European Research Council (ERC) Frontier (“basic”) Research is a key driver to innovation and economic performance establish the European Research Council (ERC) – the first pan-European funding agency for Frontier Research support investigator-driven frontier research over all areas of research European added-value through competition at European level budget ~ €1 billion per year ( ~ €7.46 billion) support projects of individual teams excellence as sole criterion Budget € 7.4 billion
Ideas (cont’d →) 2 types of the ERC grant, both operating on a “bottom-up” basis, without predetermined priorities, across all fields of research: The ERC Starting Independent Researchers Grants (ERC Starting Grants) Objective: to provide support to the independent careers of outstanding researchers The ERC Advanced Investigator Researchers Grants (ERC Advanced Grants) Objective: to support excellent frontier research projects by leading established researchers.
Capacities Budget € 4.2 billion
offering excellent infrastructures to conduct research Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of Knowledge Research Potential Science in Society Support to the Coherent development of policies Specific Activities of International Cooperation
Research Infrastructures
Support to existing research infrastructures: Transnational Access Integrating activities Research e-infrastructures Support to new research infrastructures: Construction of new research infrastructures and major updates of existing ones Design studies
Research for the benefit of SMEs
Research for SMEs Research for SME associations Under the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP): “Exploratory” awards Promote optimal participation in the Cooperation programme Promote assistance to SMEs by networks of intermediaries
Regions of Knowledge Two objectives for European regions:
Development of regional “research-driven clusters” Two objectives for European regions: Strengthen their capacity for investing in RTD and carrying out research activities Maximizing their potential for a successful involvement of their operators in European research projects
Research Potential Transnational two-way secondment and recruitment
Research equipment and the material environment Workshops and conferences for knowledge transfer “Evaluation facilities”
Science in Society Strengthening and improving the European science system Broader engagement in political and societal issues (inc. ethical issues) Science and technology and their place in society Gender research and the role of women in research Science education – curiosity and the participation of young people Policy for the role and engagement of universities Improved communication
Activities of International Cooperation
“Horizontal” support actions and measures not carried out in the Cooperation or People programmes Two interdependent objectives: Support competitiveness through strategic partnerships with 3rd countries in selected fields and by engaging the best 3rd country scientists to work in and with Europe Address specific problems that 3rd countries face or that have a global character, on the basis of mutual interest and mutual benefit
FP7 Consortia Large-collaborative project
Number of partners: ~6-12 (according to program) Project duration: months Budget: 6-10M€ (according to program) strong management structure Implementation Plan RTD 4 RTD 1 RTD 2 RTD 3 RTD 5 Demonstration Training Ethical aspects, science-society dialogue Technology transfer, exploitation Management
FP7 Consortia Small-medium collaborative project
Number of partners: ~4-8 Project duration: months Budget: 0.8-3M€ (in average 1.9M €) RTD 4 RTD 5 Management RTD 1 RTD 3 RTD 2 Demonstration
Cost Model FC – Full Cost 75% financing (50% for large industries)
Real overhead or 60% for the 3 first years, 40% for the remaining years (for public bodies & SMEs) Commission proposals allow to use average costs where these do not differ significantly from actual costs. Additional flexibility – allows the use of models based on averages instead of full cost absorption accounting systems.
Maximum funding rates Demonstration activities: - 50% of eligible costs minus receipts Other activities: - 100% minus receipts, including e.g.: Frontier research actions Coordination and support actions Training and career development of researchers actions Management
Evaluation criteria S&T Excellence Intrinsic quality
Relevance to the topic Progress beyond the state of the art Methodology Potential impact Outcome Dissemination Quality of the management Quality of the consortium Mobilization of resources
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