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Title of the presentation | Date | ‹#› European Commission Enterprise and Industry EU Funding for R&D - FP7 Health Wednesday 11 th April 2012 Scotland's.

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Presentation on theme: "Title of the presentation | Date | ‹#› European Commission Enterprise and Industry EU Funding for R&D - FP7 Health Wednesday 11 th April 2012 Scotland's."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title of the presentation | Date | ‹#› European Commission Enterprise and Industry EU Funding for R&D - FP7 Health Wednesday 11 th April 2012 Scotland's People, Edinburgh.

2 Agenda 9.30 Registration and refreshments 10.00FP7 - Overview and the 2013 Health call 10.45 Scottish Enterprise support for your FP7 project 11.00How do you participate? 12.15FP7 case study SME 12.45 Q&A 13.00Buffet lunch / Networking 14:00 1:1 Surgery sessions FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 2

3 Scottish Enterprise Support FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 3

4 EU Funding Support in Scotland Awareness raising events Specific advice by sector One to one meetings Partner search and European networking Early intelligence FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 4FP7 Masterclass | 8 June 2011 4

5 EU Funding Opportunities Current requests FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 5FP7 Masterclass | 8 June 2011 4

6 Web: Email: Call 0845 607 8787 FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 6FP7 Masterclass | 8 June 2011 | 6

7 Web resources UK FP7 Community - EEN Scotland - Scotland Europa - CORDIS- HealthTech and Medicines KTN - FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 7FP7 Masterclass | 8 June 2011 | 7

8 Social Media resources UK FP7 NCP @FP7_Health_NCP Enterprise Europe Scotland @stairwaytoseven Scotland Europa @ScotlandEuropa LinkedIn Groups : FP7 Health FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 8FP7 Masterclass | 8 June 2011 | 8

9 Local Support contacts Enterprise Europe Network Scotland Ken Anis Scotland Europa Francesca Richard FP7 Health| 11 April 2012 | 9FP7 Masterclass | 8 June 2011 | 9

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