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International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU.

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Presentation on theme: "International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 1.Welcome and overview meeting 2.Status FAIR pp Management - History of this EU project - Distribution of 1st Prefinancing - 1st contract amendment - scope 3. Status of Workpackages – presentations by WP leaders 4. Preparation of first Report (Ira and Florian) - Activity Reports - Financial Forms - Distribution of work / deadlines 1st Reporting meeting and kick-off meeting of the consortium March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI

2 FP6 / FP7 FAIR related EU contracts EU contract scope Coordi- nating Institution/ Coordinator Total Bud- get [M€] EU financing total [M€] EU financing for GSI [M€] EU financing FAIR related [M€] FAIR related total* [M€] HadronPhysics, Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (I3) (1.1.2004 – 31.12.2008) R&D Dense Nucl. Mater, Hadron Phys., EM probes INFN / C. Guaraldo > 6017.41.910.846.7 HadronPhysics 2 (FP7) Integrating Activity (1.1.2009 – 30.6.2011) R&D Dense Nucl. Mater, Hadron Phys., EM probes INFN / C. Guaraldo 18,6 (>50) 10.01.1~6,5~35 EURONS, I3 on Nuclear Structure (1.1.2005 – 31.12.2008) R&D Exp. & Acc. Nuclear Structure GSI / Alex Müller, Orsay 3514,02,627 FAIR preparatory phase (FP7) "FAIR" (1.8.2007 – 31.7.2010) funding personnel of FAIR JCT & of FAIR GmbH GSI later FAIR GmbH / J. Eschke 4,9 2,954,9 FAIR Design Study "DIRACsecondary-Beams" (1.2.2005 – 31.1.2009) PANDA, HESR, NUSTAR, SIS100, NESR/CR GSI / J. Eschke 229,03,99,022 FAIR CNI (Construction of New Infrastructures) "DIRAC-PHASE-1" (1.10.2005 – 30.9.2009 (31.3.2011?)) SIS18upgrade, HADESupgrade, R3B magnet GSI / J. Eschke 10010,45,210,4100 CARE, I3 on Accel. R&D Accelerators CERN / ?>3015.20.40,40,8 EUROTEV Design Study TESLA / ILC DESY / E. Elsen >1890,1 Total:18,15~44,1

3 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 History of the FAIR pp Proposal: end 2006: Start preparation of proposal 30.4.2007: Submission of proposal July 2007: very good evaluation result received August 2007: Start of contract negotiations..........very long delay mid 2008: completion of contract negotiations 29.7.2008: signing of EU contract by EC 6.3.2009 Kick-Off Meeting and first Reporting meeting March 2009: Submission of 1st contract amendment  Start of contract 1. August 2007 (duration 36 month until 31. July 2010)

4 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 Budget of EC Contract (4,9M€):700 EC funded person months + 340 k€ for overhead cost of FAIR JCT/GmbH (100% EC funding)

5 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382

6 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 Prefinancing 1st prefinacing of 1.469 M€ (30 % of 4.9M€) distributed in Sept. 08 Next prefinancing will come after acceptance of 1st report

7 FAIR Joint Core Team: External Committees: PACs, TACs, IKAB International Steering Committee Team Leader Horst Wenninger Research Z. Maika (PL) NNB. Becker-de Mos B. Azzara B. Galander (S, HESR) H. Beyer W. Jacoby M. Lautenschläger P. Karampougiouki A. Lehrach (HESR) D. Prasuhn (HESR) S. Richter M. Steck AFI STI NUSTAR C. Scheidenberger NN (E) CBM H. Pentillä (FIN) D. Cozma (RO,1/2) W. Korten(F) D. Dutta (IND, 1/2) C. Borcea (RO) R. Karabowic (PL) NN (IND, 1/2) PANDA W. Müller G. Boca (I) M. Petris (RO, 1/2) K. Peters J. Stroth L. Schmitt A. Bersani (I) APPA T. Stöhlker M. Czarnota (PL) NN (A) B. O'Rourke (UK) Accelerator Dieter Krämer Finance & Admin A. Lambert Integration N.N. FAIR project management team I. Augustin T. Beier H. Bokemeyer M. Hinkelmann S. Hofmann I. Lemm F. Weißbach A. Zimbelius V. Varentsov (RUS) Funding of personnel from EU money: GSI FZJ international JCT members

8 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 FAIR-PP Description of Work: Distribution of person months along participants and WPs ►In total 700 person months / 4.9M€ can be charged to this contract ►Thereof 430 person months / 2.85M€ are reserved for GSI ►These numbers include funds for travel expenses, subcontracting, and indirect costs (max. 7%) 36 0 0

9 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 ► This EU project covers 7 work packages (WP), which cover all important coordination activities mandatory for the "implementation" of FAIR! (No technical WPs.)

10 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 Funding of FAIR JCT and (later of FAIR GmbH): EC Contribution (FAIR FP7 preparatory phase contract) FAIR JCT staff paid by EU EU financing for 700 person months plus running costs

11 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382

12 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 FAIR-PP work plan ►The proposal submitted jointly to EC has been recast into a "Description of Work" (DoW) / "Annex 1" ►No fundamental changes in comparison to original proposal / work plan ►DoW now has to be implemented  Contract expected to be dated back to 01 Aug 2007  First Annual Report foreseen for 31 Jan 2009 (P1 = 18 months) ►Need to get a feel for activities, time frames, deliverables, milestones in DoW ►Need to review budget / personnel effort ►Considerable part of DoW is part of our "everyday work" anyway, but the rest also has to be worked off ►Reporting by work package leaders work plan WP 1 WP 2 WP 3 WP 4 WP 5 WP 6 WP 7 Management of contract Legal Finance, in-kind management Governance FAIR line & project management Research coordination Accelerator coordination


14 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 1.Welcome and overview meeting 2.Status FAIR pp Management - History of this EU project - Distribution of 1st Prefinancing - 1st contract amendment - scope 3. Status of Workpackages – presentations by WP leaders 4. Preparation of first Report (Ira and Florian) - Activity Reports - Financial Forms - Distribution of work / deadlines 1st Reporting meeting and kick-off meeting of the consortium March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI

15 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 PERIODIC REPORT TEMPLATE ________ ________________________ ________________  FAIR EU management team  WP leaders

16 Contributions to Technical Report _____________________ ________________ _____________________ _______________________________  WP leaders ________

17 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382

18 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382

19  FAIR EU management team

20 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382

21 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382  FAIR EU management team

22 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt EU FP7 FAIR pp - 1st Reporting meeting March 6, 2009 J. Eschke, GSI EU FP7 FAIR preparatory phase contract 211382 Deadlines: Technical Report: 18. März 2009  contributions of Work package leaders for her/his WP MANAGEMENT REPORT (FINANCIAL INFORMATION): 26. February 2009  each participating contractor (Justification of the resources deployed and Form C)

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