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TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 1. Theme: “Research Networking: Where do we go next?”. Attendees:

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Presentation on theme: "TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 1. Theme: “Research Networking: Where do we go next?”. Attendees:"— Presentation transcript:

1 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 1. Theme: “Research Networking: Where do we go next?”. Attendees: mostly NREN managers. Focus on 2007-2013 (lifetime of FP7). Proposals that FP budget (per year) might double. What are needs of research networking and how could the FP7 opportunities meet those needs?

2 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 2. Research networking develops very rapidly. Impossible to predict the status in 2013. Hence EU policies must be flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances and needs.

3 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 3. Instruments in FP7 should also be flexible. Large project to co-fund GÉANT3 will be needed. In addition a range of projects of different size, different form and different duration. Important that available funds are spread over the FP7 lifetime.

4 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 4. GÉANT2 new paradigm (hybrid IP- optical, “dark fibre cloud”). Is a technical and managerial challenge but GN2 project partners will deal with that.

5 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 5. For GÉANT3 no new revolutionary changes expected. Also no large increase in cost. Perhaps budget (per year) 10-20% higher than for GÉANT2?

6 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 6. Possible revolutionary development: “border hopping”, “cross-border dark fibre”. Will no doubt happen. Technical and managerial challenge when happens at large scale.

7 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 7. Overall objective: All researchers, teachers and students should receive the bandwidth and the services that they need.

8 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 8. In past years enormous progress in infrastructure provision by NRENs. In next years, NRENs will devote more and more attention to service development and provision.

9 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 9. FP7 can help that service provision throughout Europe attains equal levels. Jointly investigate and develop services. Studies into Best Practice, Cookbooks, training. In some cases build European service on homogeneous set of national services.

10 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 10. Intelligence moves to the edges of the network. “Power users”.

11 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 11. Grids. It appears that research networks will meet the requirements of Grids without too much additional effort. EC should remember that NRENs serve a much larger user community than just Grids.

12 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 12. How far does the NREN reach onto the campus? End-to-end services, light paths etc. require new balance between NRENs and those responsible for services on campus.. FP7 can help through studies into Best Practice, Cookbooks, training.

13 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 13. Campus networks are often the weakest link. Substantial investments needed. FP7 can help by supporting development of benchmarks and knowledge transfer.

14 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 14. The Digital Divide in Europe must be closed by the end of FP7.

15 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 15. Lack of competitive telecom market remains major cause of Digital Divide. EC should continue to monitor the situation and use its political influence.

16 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 16. Large investments needed to fight the Digital Divide. Structural Funds might help. FP7 can help by supporting transfer of knowledge and experience.

17 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 17. Inside a country: issue of bringing connectivity to remote locations. When a project has requirements that go beyond the normal offerings of NRENs or require connection of remote locations, then the project should have a budget to pay for those “extras”.

18 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 18. Pooling of resources like in GN2/NA6 (TERENA task forces) deserves continued support from FP7.

19 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 19. Other user communities: schools etc. Increasingly in focus of interest. FP7 can help, e.g. through support of knowledge transfer.

20 TERENA General Assembly meeting, Poznań 9-10 June 2005 Workshop on FP7 Brussels, 11 April 2005 20. In general, mission of an NREN is limited to data transport and associated services. In some countries NRENs may want / may be allowed to enter the field of content, but in most not.

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