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International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR.

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Presentation on theme: "International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR."— Presentation transcript:

1 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR JCT EU FP7 application for FAIR "preparatory phase" J. Eschke, FAIR JCT ►Resume FP6 ►Strategy for FP7: FAIR preparatory phase proposal

2 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR JCT Scope of FAIR CNI (DIRAC-Phase-1) :  FAIR injector SIS18 intensity upgrade, HADES upgrade + R3Bmagnet EU-Support: 10,4 M€ Scope of FAIR Design Study (DIRAC-secondary-Beams) :  secondary beams (RIB and Antiprotons) EU-Support: 9 M€ Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3): I3HadronPhysics: FAIR related EU-Support: 10,8 M€ EURONS: FAIR related EU-Support: 2 M€ EU support for FAIR in FP6: FAIR Construction of new Infrastructure (CNI) contract, FAIR Design Study, I3HadronPhysics, EURONS SIS100/SIS300 HESR PANDA ( I3Hadron Physics) CR GSI Accelerator Facilities NESR Super- FRS HADES* / CBM I3HadronPhysics NUSTAR EURONS HADES* R3B SIS18 Total EU FP6 support of 32,2 M€ for FAIR in FP6 very important for the preparatory phase of the FAIR project

3 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR JCT EU FP7 Preparatory Phase proposal for FAIR ►EU FP7 call for ESFRI roadmap projects - Scope: support for preparatory phase of all ESFRI roadmap projects - Total budget of this EU call: 130 M€ for 34 ESFRI project - Up to 7 M€ EU support per project -- on average 4M€ - Contract duration: 1 – 4 years - Deadline for submission of proposals: 2 May 2007 ►Intention and ultimate goal of this EU call - "Implementation of project" - Main milestone: signature of construction agreement between partner countries ►Main focus of proposal - Work on legal, organisational (project management), governance, strategic and financial issues (technical work only under certain conditions) - EU funding 100% (except for technical work) ►It is mandatory to include ministries and / or funding agencies as participants in the proposal

4 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR JCT ►Suggestion of European Commission for FAIR application (1)Apply for funding of FAIR Joint Core Team personnel and FAIR GmbH personnel (2)Duration of the contract should be two years. This would include also the first year of the FAIR GmbH until the FAIR project is successfully implemented EU FP7 Preparatory Phase proposal for FAIR

5 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR JCT ►Funding for Joint Core Team personnel ~ 38 FTE over two years plus overhead costs for JCT (travel, committees, consumables,...)  ~ 6,3 M€ for personnel plus 0,7 M€ for overheads ►Our suggestion Funding for JCT personnel ~ 22 existing FTE at GSI, 2 existing FTE at FZ Jülich for HESR ~ 15 FTE from other FAIR member countries names already proposed from CBM, PANDA, NUSTAR, SPARC and FLAIR and HESR Institutions and Funding Agencies/Ministries become consortium members ►Status of draft proposal - Draft definition of work packages (see overview workpackages) - Application under preparation by FAIR EU management team (H. Bokemeyer, J. Eschke, F. Weißbach) - Proposal preparation in contact with EC liaison officer, C. Kurrer (coordinator of PP Call) Draft: FAIR FP7 proposal in detail

6 Overview Work packages FAIR preparatory phase EU proposal

7 International Accelerator Facility for Beams of Ions and Antiprotons at Darmstadt Preparation of FAIR EU FP7 preparatory phase proposals J. Eschke, FAIR JCT Confirmed participation of Funding Agencies and Ministries Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Poland INFN Italy for the Ministry of Research and University Swedish Research Council Rosatom Russia BMBF Germany Ministry for Research France Ministry for Education Austria Helsinki Institute of Physics for the Ministry of Education of Finland Romanian National Authority for Scientific Research for the Ministry of Research Department of Science and Technology, India Science and Technology Facilities Council, UK Ministry for of Education and Science, Sain

8 Nominated international members of FAIR Joint Core Team Link person country: Z. Majka, Crakow, Poland Link persons experiments: PANDA: G. Boca, Pavia, Italy S. Tomassini, Accelerator Division at LNF, Frascati, Italy CBM: R. Karabowicz, Crakow, Poland D. Dutta, BARC, Mumbai and Anand Kumar Dubey, VECC, India (1 FTE) D. Cozma and M. Petris, NIPNE, Romania (1 FTE) S. Belogurov, ITEP, Russia (?) NUSTAR: Heikki Penttilä, UNIVERSITY OF JYVÄSKYLÄ, Finland W. Korten, CEA, Saclay, France C. Mihai and T. Sava, NIPNE, Romania (1 FTE) C. Pardo, CSIC, Spain (?) APPA (SPARC, FLAIR,..): M Czarnota, Institute of Physics, Kielce, Poland Brian O'Rourke, Belfast, UK A. Hirtl, SMI, Vienna, Austria Link persons accelerator: HESR: B. Gålnander, TSL, Uppsala, Sweden HESR: D. Prasuhn, COSY, FZ-Jülich, Germany HESR: A. Lehrach, COSY, FZ-Jülich, Germany

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