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Published byMilo Helm Modified over 10 years ago
Porto, March 21st, 2006 Introduction to the 7th Framework Programme (FP7)
Introduction to FP7 Agenda Introduction to FP7 1.Background 2.FP7 Structure 3.FP7 Budget 4.Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) 5.Next steps in FP7 development 6.Preparing for FP7
Introduction to FP7 1. Background -The Framework Programme (FP) is the European Union's main instrument for funding research and development -FPs have been implemented since 1984, and generally -cover a period of five years -with the last year of one FP overlapping with the first year of the following FP -The current FP is FP6 which will run up to the end of 2006 Background: Framework Programme
Introduction to FP7 Background: FP7 1. Background -Overall goal of FP7 is to strengthen EU research and competitiveness -Designed to carry Europe further towards a knowledge economy and society -FP7 is proposed to -Run for seven years, from 2007 to 2013 -Will not overlap with FP6 FP7 is not yet approved
Introduction to FP7 Background: FP7 Budget 1. Background -Overall budget is Euro 72.7 Billion -Equal to Euro 10.4 Billion per year -Higher budget than previous FPs -FP6 total budget equal to Euro 17.5 Billion -FP5 total budget equal to Euro 14.9 Billion
Introduction to FP7 Background: FP Budgets 1. Background
Introduction to FP7 Structure of FP7 2. FP7 Structure -Four basic components of FP7 -Cooperation -Ideas -People -Capacities -Also, relatively minor component of, non-nuclear actions of the Joint Research Centre
Introduction to FP7 2. FP7 Structure CooperationIdeasCapacitiesPeople Support to cooperation between Universities Industry Research centres Public authorities In order to lead key scientific and technology areas Funding for basic or 'frontier' research by individual teams competing at European level Support to Training Mobility Careers development Through reinforced 'Marie Curie actions' In order to strengthen the human resources for European research Enhance research and innovation capacity by developing research infrastructures and supporting Regional research driven clusters SMEs Closer relationships between science and society International cooperation Four Basic Components of FP7 61% of FP7 Budget16% of FP7 Budget10% of FP7 Budget
Introduction to FP7 2.1 FP7 Structure: Cooperation Component 1: Cooperation Objective: Support the whole range of research activities Carried out in trans-national cooperation From collaborative projects and networks, to The coordination of research programmes Including international cooperation between the EU and third countries Three major axes Collaborative Research – Building up European excellence Joint Technology Initiatives and Technology Platforms Co-ordination among national research programmes & FP7 Cooperation Support to cooperation between Universities Industry Research centres Public authorities In order to lead key scientific and technology areas 61% of FP7 Budget
Introduction to FP7 2.1 FP7 Structure: Cooperation Collaborative Research -Core of FP7 research funding -Objective is to establish excellent research projects and networks able to attract researchers and investments from Europe and the world -Range of funding schemes, e.g. -Collaborative projects, Networks of Excellence, Co- ordination/support actions -Nine themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 2.1 FP7 Structure: Cooperation Nine Themes for Collaborative Research Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Collaborative research organized into 9 themes Themes defined to allow priorities to be adapted to evolving research needs during FP7 Multi-disciplinary approach by cross-thematic approaches to research and technology
Introduction to FP7 2.1 FP7 Structure: Cooperation Joint Technology Initiatives and Technology Platforms -There are 29 European Technology Platforms (ETPs) -ETPs focus on strategic issues where -Europe's competitiveness, economic growth and welfare depend on important research and technological progress in the medium to long term -ETPs bring together stakeholders, under industrial leadership, to define and implement a Strategic Research Agenda FP7 will contribute to these Strategic Research Agendas when they present true European added value
Introduction to FP7 2.1 FP7 Structure: Cooperation Joint Technology Initiatives and Technology Platforms Three-stage development process for ETPs Individuals and organizations can apply to join an ETP
Introduction to FP7 2.1 FP7 Structure: Cooperation Joint Technology Initiatives and Technology Platforms -Joint Technology Initiatives mainly result from the work of an ETP -Joint Technology Initiatives are used when the scale of the resources involved justifies setting up long term public private partnerships -Covering a small number of selected aspects of research in the chosen field FP7 will support a limited number of Joint Technology Initiatives
Introduction to FP7 2.1 FP7 Structure: Cooperation Coordination between National Research Programmes -Two measures foreseen -A reinforced ERA-NET scheme (ERA-NET +) -New pilot initiatives undertaken under national research programmes - e.g. GALILEO -Also used to enhance the complementarity between FP7 and activities carried out in the framework of intergovernmental structures such as EUREKA and COST
Introduction to FP7 2.2 FP7 Structure: Ideas Component 2: Ideas Objective: Enhance the dynamism, creativity and excellence of European research at the frontier of knowledge By supporting "investigator-driven" research projects by individual teams in competition at the European level EU activities in frontier research will be implemented by a European Research Council (ERC), composed of A scientific Governing Council A dedicated implementation structure. Research areas covered will be independent of the thematic orientations of other parts of the FP, and will include engineering, social sciences and the humanities. Ideas Funding for basic or 'frontier' research by individual teams competing at European level 16% of FP7 Budget
Introduction to FP7 2.2 FP7 Structure: Ideas ERC – Governing Council -Made up of independent representatives appointed by the EC following an independent procedure -The governing council will -Oversee decisions on the type of research to be funded -Develop the annual work programme -Establish the peer review process -Monitor the programme's implementation to control quality from a scientific perspective
Introduction to FP7 2.3 FP7 Structure: People Component 3: People Objective: Strengthen, both quantitatively and qualitatively, the human potential in research and technology in Europe Methods include Initial training of researchers via Marie Curie Networks Life-long training and career development Industry-academia pathways and partnerships Support the creation of a genuine European labour market for researchers People Support to Training Mobility Careers development Through reinforced 'Marie Curie actions' In order to strengthen the human resources for European research 10% of FP7 Budget
Introduction to FP7 2.4 FP7 Structure: Capacities Component 4: Capacities Objective: Enhance research and innovation capacities throughout Europe and ensure their optimal use through measures targeted at 6 topics: Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society International co-operation. Capacities Enhance research and innovation capacity by developing research infrastructures and supporting Regional research driven clusters SMEs Closer relationships between science and society International cooperation 10% of FP7 Budget Also aims to support the coherent development of policies, complementing the Cooperation programme, and contributing to Community policies and initiatives to improve the coherence and impact of Member States policies
Introduction to FP7 2.4 FP7 Structure: Capacities Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society Objective: Optimise the development of the best research infrastructures in Europe and create new research infrastructures Capacities: Topics International cooperation Objective: Strengthen the innovation capacity of European SMEs and their contribution to the development of new technology-based products Objective: Strengthen the research potential of European regions, in particular encouraging regional "research-driven clusters" Objective: Stimulate the full research potential of the enlarged Union by developing the potential in the EU's Convergence Regions Objective: Stimulate harmonious integration by encouraging a Europe-wide debate on science and technology and their relation with society Objective: Target cooperation with third countries
Introduction to FP7 3. FP7 Budget 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 CooperationIdeasPeopleCapacitiesJRC (Non- nuclear) Million Euro Total = Euro 72.7 Billion FP7 – Budget Detail
Introduction to FP7 3. FP7 Budget 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 CooperationIdeasPeopleCapacitiesJRC (Non- nuclear) Million Euro Information and Communication Technologies, 29% Health, 19% Transport (including Aeronautics), 13% Production Nanosciences, Nanotechnologies, Materials and new Technologies, 11% Security and Space, 9% Energy, 7% Environment (including Climate Change), 6% Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology, 6% Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities, 2%
Introduction to FP7 3. FP7 Budget 0 5,000 10,000 15,000 20,000 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 45,000 50,000 CooperationIdeasPeopleCapacitiesJRC (Non- nuclear) Million Euro Research Infrastructures, 53% Research for the benefit of SMEs, 25% Research Potential, 7% Science in Society, 7% Activities of International Co- operation, 5% Regions of Knowledge, 2%
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP The Competitiveness and Innovation Framework Programme (CIP) -Programme for Community action in the field of competitiveness and innovation (2007-2013) -Contributes to the competitiveness and innovative capacity of the Community as an advanced knowledge society, with -Sustainable development based on balanced economic growth, and -A highly competitive social market economy with a high level of protection and improvement of the quality of the environment
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP CIP Objectives -Foster the competitiveness of enterprises and in particular SMEs -Promote innovation including eco-innovation -Accelerate the development of a competitive, innovative and inclusive Information Society -Promote energy efficiency and new and renewable energy sources in all sectors including transport
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP CIP and FP7 -CIP and FP7 will be complementary and mutually reinforcing -FP7 supports trans-national cooperation, in particular between enterprises and public research organisations, and researcher’s mobility between firms and academia -CIP addresses technological and non-technological aspects -Technological innovation: CIP focuses on the downstream parts of the research and innovation process -CIP will improve the availability of external sources of financing to innovative SMEs and promote SME participation in FP7
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP Entrepreneurship and Innovation ICT Policy Support Intelligent Energy- Europe Bring together activities on entrepreneurship, SMEs, industrial competitiveness and innovation Specifically target SMEs Mutual learning for excellence in national and regional innovation policy- making Promote awareness of innovation and disseminate good innovation practices Stimulate the wider uptake of ICT by citizens, businesses and governments and aim at intensifying the public investment in ICT Support actions to develop the single European information space and to strengthen the internal market for information products and services Support sustainable development as it relates to energy Contribute to the achievement of the general goals of environmental protection, security of supply and competitiveness Facilitate the development and implementation of the energy regulatory framework Specific Sub-Programmes of CIP
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP -The Entrepreneurship and Innovation Programme will support, improve, encourage and promote -Access to finance for the start-up and growth of SMEs and investment in innovation activities, including eco-innovation -An environment favourable to SME co-operation -Innovation in enterprises, including eco-innovation -Entrepreneurship and innovation culture -Enterprise and innovation related economic / administrative reform Objectives of Specific CIP Sub-Programmes
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP -The ICT Policy Support Programme will provide for the following actions -Development of the Single European information space and strengthening of the internal market for information products and services -Stimulation of innovation through a wider adoption of and investment in ICTs -Development of an inclusive information society -Particular emphasis on promotion of the opportunities and benefits that ICTs bring to citizens and businesses Objectives of Specific CIP Sub-Programmes
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP -The Intelligent Energy – Europe Programme will -Foster energy efficiency and the rational use of energy resources -Promote new and renewable energy sources and to support energy diversification -Promote energy efficiency and the use of new and renewable energy sources in transport Objectives of Specific CIP Sub-Programmes
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP Entrepreneurship and Innovation ICT Policy Support Intelligent Energy- Europe CIP Budget Total = Euro 4.2 Billion
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP CIP Implementing measures Community financial instruments for SMEs Pilot projects, market replication, projects and other measures to support the take-up of innovation Networks bringing together a variety of stakeholders Information sharing, dissemination and awareness raising Support to joint actions of Member States or regions Twinning between authorities at national and regional level Procurement based on technical specifications elaborated in cooperation with the Member States Applied to any of the specific sub- programmes Policy analyses, development and coordination with participating countries
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP -Operated with the aim to facilitate access to finance for SMEs at certain phases of their life cycle -Seed -Start-up -Expansion -Business transfer -Investments made by SMEs in activities such as technological development, innovation, and technology transfer are included in the scope of the instruments Community Financial Instruments for SMEs
Introduction to FP7 4. CIP -Instruments are -High Growth and Innovative SME Facility (GIF) - operated by the European Investment Fund (EIF) on behalf of the EC -SME Guarantee (SMEG) Facility - operated by the EIF on behalf of the EC -Capacity Building Scheme (CBS) - operated with international financial institutions, including the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD), the European Investment Bank (EIB), the EIF and the Council of Europe Development Bank (CEB) Community Financial Instruments for SMEs
Introduction to FP7 FP7 - Timeline 5. Next steps in FP7 development 2006 23-24 April - European Council 'Spring Summit' will discuss research as part of the Lisbon strategy Final administrative stages in the co-decision process for adoption of FP7 End of FP6; FP7 to be launched at the end of 2006 2007 Calls for proposals under FP7 First FP7 projects to be launched Financial Perspectives of the Union 2007-2013 enter into effect A European Space Policy, implemented through a European Space Programme, expected to enter into force (EU contribution to research in this programme will mainly come from FP7, complemented by CIP and other initiatives)
Introduction to FP7 Preparing for FP7 6. Preparing for FP7 Keep yourself informed.... Future European Union research policy: (including key documents for FP7) CORDIS – Towards FP7: CORDIS News services:; Other national websites Plan your strategy… CORDIS Partners: Expressions of Interest Database: National & International Events related to European Research
Introduction to FP7 6. Preparing for FP7 -Minimisation of administrative and financial regulations and introduction of a database of legal, financial and administrative information -Clear definition of eligible and non-eligible costs -Removal of need for complex cost models -Extended use of lump sum financing (instead of real costs) -Reduction of time between the opening of negotiations and the effective entry into force of contracts -Full operational autonomy to project consortiums -Simplification of reporting procedure -Two stage submission procedure will be extended to all calls -Systematic use of electronic tools for proposal submission, contract negotiations and submission of periodic and final reports Administrative Procedures
Introduction to FP7 Annex 1 Annex 1: What is new in FP7
Introduction to FP7 Longer duration, more flexible implementation Logistical and administrative tasks to be transferred to external structures Frontier research – European Research Council Integration of International Cooperation into all 4 programmes Close co-ordination with CIP Innovation part of FP 6 to be moved to CIP New topic – Security and Space Technology platforms and Joint Technology Initiatives What is new in FP7 Annex 1 Integrated Projects (IP) Specific Targeted Research Projects (STREP) Networks of Excellence (NoE) Coordination Actions (CA) Specific Support Actions (SSA) Article 169 Collaborative Projects Networks of Excellence (NoE) Coordination and Support Actions Article 169 Joint Technology Initiatives (JTI) - NEW FP6FP7
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Annex 2: Cooperation Component of FP7 - Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Particular emphasis on Translational research (translation of basic discoveries in clinical applications) Development of sustainable and efficient healthcare systems Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Aims to build a European "knowledge based bio-economy" to Answer the growing demand for safer and healthier food Promote sustainable use and production of renewable bio-resources Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Will enhance the different ICT technology pillars Help to integrate technologies Applications research will be concentrated on Societal, content-related, business- and industry supportive research Trust confidence-building research Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Aims to transform European industry from a resource-intensive to a knowledge-intensive industry By generating breakthrough knowledge for new applications Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Emphasis on research on: Renewables Low CO2 emitting power generation Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Highlights research related to Predicting climate change Developing earth observation. Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Generating an understanding of the socio-economic challenges Europe is facing, such as Growth Employment and competitiveness Social cohesion and sustainability Quality of life Global interdependence With aim to providing an improved knowledge base for policies Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Support the development of integrated, "greener" and "smarter“ pan-European transport systems Particular support to Galileo Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 2 Health Nanosciences, nanotechnologies, materials & new production technologies Food, agriculture & biotechnology Information & communication technologies Energy Environment (including climate change) Socio-economic sciences & the humanities Transport (including aeronautics) Security & space Build capabilities needed to: Ensure the security of European citizens Ensure an optimal use of technologies for both civilian and defence purposes Nine Themes for Collaborative Research
Introduction to FP7 Annex 3 Annex 3: Cooperation Component of FP7 - Capacities
Introduction to FP7 Annex 3 Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society Objective: To optimise the development of the best research infrastructures in Europe and create new research infrastructures of pan-European interest Activities 1. Support to existing research infrastructures Trans-national access Integrating activities Research e-infrastructure 2. Support to new research infrastructures Construction of new infrastructures and major updates of existing ones Design studies to promote the creation of new research infrastructures Capacities: Topics International cooperation
Introduction to FP7 Annex 3 Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society Objective: Strengthen the innovation capacity of European SMEs and their contribution to the development of new technology-based products, by helping them to Outsource research Increase research efforts Extend networks Better exploit research results Acquire technological know-how Activities 1. Research for SMEs 2. Research for SME Associations Capacities: Topics International cooperation
Introduction to FP7 Annex 3 Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society Objective: Strengthen the research potential of European regions, in particular by encouraging and supporting the development of regional "research-driven clusters" associating Universities Research centres Enterprises Regional authorities Activities Activities will be implemented in close Relationship with EU regional policy and the Competitiveness and Innovation Programme (CIP) Capacities: Topics International cooperation
Introduction to FP7 Annex 3 Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society Objective: Stimulate the full research potential of the enlarged Union by developing the research potential in the EU's Convergence Regions Activities 1. Two-way secondments of research staff 2. Acquisition and development of research equipment in selected centres 3. Organisation of workshops to facilitate knowledge transfer 4. Evaluation facilities for research centres in the Convergence Regions Capacities: Topics International cooperation
Introduction to FP7 Annex 3 Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society Objective: Stimulate harmonious integration by encouraging a Europe-wide debate on science and technology and their relation with society and culture Activities 1. Strengthening self-regulation 2. Engagement of general public in science 3. Gender research 4. Improved communication 5. Policy on the role of universities Capacities: Topics International cooperation
Introduction to FP7 Annex 3 Research infrastructures Research for the benefit of SMEs Regions of knowledge Research potential of Convergence Regions Science in society Objective: Target cooperation with third countries Candidate countries Countries neighbouring the EU, Mediterranean countries, countries of the Western Balkan region that are not acceding or candidate countries and Eastern European and central Asian states. Developing countries Emerging economies Capacities: Topics International cooperation
Introduction to FP7 Porto - Portugal Edificio “Les Palaces” Rua Júlio Dinis, no. 242, 208 4050 - 318 Porto Tel: 22 607 64 00 Fax: 22 609 91 64 Centro - Portugal Incubadora de Empresas Instituto Pedro Nunes Rua Pedro Nunes 3030-199 Coimbra Tel:23 998 55 12 Fax:23 998 55 12 Lisboa - Portugal TagusPark Núcleo Central, 232 2780 - 920 Oeiras Tel:21 421 22 49 Fax:21 421 12 01 Pequim - RP China China Garments Mansion, No. 99, Rm. 915 Jianguo Rd., ChaoYang Dist. Beijing, 100020, CHINA Tel:+86 10 6581 3193 Fax: +86 10 6581 2758 Maryland (Baltimore) - EUA 5523 Research Park Drive, Suite 325 Baltimore, MD 21228, USA Tel: +1 443 543 5530 Fax: +1 443 543 5533 Califórnia (Irvine) - EUA 2102 Business Center Drive, Suite 220E Irvine, CA 92612, USA Tel:+1 949 253 5702 Fax: +1 949 253 5703 Contacts
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