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Published byLeila Yelder Modified over 10 years ago
“Pozadina i analiza programa “Research for the benefit of SMEs” uz praktične savjete
Ciljevi Osnovni ciljevi: Jačanje inovacijskih kapaciteta MSP Razvoj i komercijalizacija proizvoda temeljenih na novim tehnogijama
Neki mehanizmi ostvarivanja ciljeva (MSP): Outsourcing istraživanja i razvoja Povećanje intenziteta istraživanja i razvoja Umrežavanje MSP u svrhu istraživanja i razvoja Komercijalizacija istraživanja i razvoja Usvajanje potrebnih novih tehnologija i znanja Povezivanje istraživanja i uvo đ enja inovacija
MSP: vidjeti SME techweb:
Tri skupa aktivnosti u Capacities - SME (1) 1. Potpora MSP u outsourcingu istraživanja i razvoja (Izvo đ ači istraživanja su sveučilišta, instituti, specijalizirani SME,..) – Shema ‘Research for SMEs’: namijenjena MSP s malim vlastitim istraživačkim kapacitetom ili high-tech MSP kojima treba komplementarno istraživanje. Nužno je dokazati da projekt stvara znanje koje će potencijalno rezultirati u novim proizvodima i uslugama MSP. – Shema ‘Research for SME associations’: namijenjena asocijacijama koje predstavljaju MSP koje imaju zajedničke tehničke problem te mogu prihvatiti i prenijeti rezultate projekta prema MSP.
Tri skupa aktivnosti u Capacities - SME (1) Literatura: Research for SMEs at a glance,Research for SMEs at a glance Research for SME associations at a glance, Research for SME associations at a glance
Tri skupa aktivnosti u Capacities - SME (2) 2. Razvoj i koordinacija potpore MSP na nacionalnim razinama – ‘Article 169 initiatives’, potpora EU nekim istraživačkim programima koje zajednički provode neke zemlje članiceArticle 169 initiatives – 'exploratory awards’, financijska potpora nacionalnim shemama koje sufinanciraju pripremu prijedloga projekata za 1a i 1b – ‘ERA-NET’, koordinacija nacionalnih i regionalnih programa potpore MSPERA-NET – Potpora mreži NCP
Tri skupa aktivnosti u Capacities - SME (3) 3. Mjere potpore Dodatne mjere za povećanje učinka programa na MSP i praćenje sudjelovanja a. mjere za povećanje učinaka b. studije s evaluacijama učinaka programa
‘Work Program’, elementi /1 Temeljni principi /1: implemented by the Research Executive Agency (REA) projects aim at creating new knowledge projects focused on economic interest of SME participants who define specific technological needs and ensure that the research performed satisfies requirements clear exploitation potential to improve or develop new products, processes or services meet the needs of the participating SMEs. not for short-term technological problems, for acquiring technological know-how and accessing international networks
‘Work Program’, elementi /2 Temeljni principi /2: for medium to long-term business development bottom-up approach all fields of science and technology financira MSP za outsourcing istraživanja, rezultati i intelektualno vlasništvo pripadaju MSP (razlika prema ‘Cooperation’) SMEs can outsource work to RTD–performers from any country, including third countries, if these have the right expertise and the research activity provided is cost-effective. SMEs are direct beneficiaries of the scheme, who outsource research activities to RTD performers. Grant covers part of this investment. SME participants normally retain the full right of use and dissemination of project results ("foreground"). The relationship between SMEs and RTD-performers is “customer- seller”. SMEs buy knowledge from RTD performers
Principi financiranja /1: Program contribution for projects based on reimbursement of eligible costs, based on maximum rates for different types of activities, never covers all the costs The financial support of the Community in accordance with Article 33 of the Rules for participation will be capped at a value not exceeding 110% of the estimated price to be invoiced by RTD providers to SMEs RTD performers will charge eligible costs only under ‘management activities’, resources they use for ‘research and technological development activities’ and/or ‘demonstration activities’ will be invoiced to SMEs RTD performers will be protected against the legal impossibility for SMEs to pay
Principi financiranja /2:
Principi financiranja /3:
Resursi i trajanje, namjena Resursi i trajanje The size of the consortium should typically be between 5 and 10 participants. The overall budget of the project should typically be between EUR 500 000 to EUR 1 500000 Duration of the project should normally be between 1 and 2 years. Namjena: research, technological development demonstration activities, training, dissemination and exploitation of results
Sudionici /1: 1. MSP At least three independent SME participants, established in three different Member States (MS) or Associated countries (AC). Research centres or consultancy firms not eligible as SMEs. 2. Istraživačke institucije At least two RTD performers independent from any other participant. (Universities, research organisations and industrial companies, research performing SMEs). 3. Drugi sudionici
Sudionici /2: Research for SME associations: SME associations (3 independent associations from three different Member States or Associated countries. Alternatively, 1 European SME association/grouping established in a MS or AC. This association/grouping must be made up of a minimum of 3 independent legal entities established in 3 MS or AC), 2 RTD performers (independent from any other participant) and at least 2 SMEs (as other enterprises and end-users) established in 2 MS or AC.
Evaluacija /1:
Evaluacija /2: Evaluation scores will be awarded for each of the three criteria, and not for the sub-criteria. Each criterion will be scored out of 5. No weightings will apply. The threshold for individual criteria will be 3.
Prijava projekta /1: Part A Administrativni podaci Part B Predložak obrasca projekta koji uključuje: 1: Scientific and/or technological excellence, relevant to the topics/activities in the call 1.1 Soundness of concept and quality of objectives 1.2 Innovative character in relation to the state-of-the-art 1.3 Contribution to advancement of knowledge / technological progress 1.4 Quality and effectiveness of S/T methodology and associated work plan
Prijava projekta /2: 2. Implementation 2.1 Quality of the Consortium as a whole – 2.1.1 Description of project management structure and procedures – 2.1.2 Description of the consortium 2.2 Appropriate allocation and justification of the resources to be committed 3. Impact. The potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results 3.1 Contribution, at the European and/or international level, to the expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant activity 3.2 Appropriateness of measures envisaged for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property Project results and management of intellectual property Dissemination and/or exploitation of project results
Prijava projekta /3: A detailed work plan, broken down into work packages which follow the logical phases of the implementation of the project, and include consortium management and assessment of progress and results. Detailed work description broken down into work packages: – Work package list – Deliverables list – Description of each work package, and summary – Summary effort table – List of milestones – Graphical presentation of components with interdependencies (Pert diagram or similar) – Significant risks, and associated contingency plans.
Format WP, DL, MS
WP description
Rad: čovjek -mjeseci
Struktura ponude RTD izvršitelja MSP-ovima
Rezultati projekta s pozicije MSP Detalji: Guide for applicants
Primjer statistike call-a /1: Programski odbori: rasprave o work programima, statistike provedbe, evaluacije uspješnosti,..
Primjer statistike call-a /2:
Primjer statistike call-a /3:
Primjer statistike call-a /4:
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