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CORDIS presentation at the 2 nd Istria Economic Forum 31st March 2009 Official source of information on the 7th Framework Programme! CORD IS CORDIS: The.

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Presentation on theme: "CORDIS presentation at the 2 nd Istria Economic Forum 31st March 2009 Official source of information on the 7th Framework Programme! CORD IS CORDIS: The."— Presentation transcript:

1 CORDIS presentation at the 2 nd Istria Economic Forum 31st March 2009 Official source of information on the 7th Framework Programme! CORD IS CORDIS: The COmmunity Research & Development Information Service

2 1/ CORDIS and the 7th Framework Programme 2/ SMEs participation in EU research projects 3/ Information services AGENDA

3 1/ CORDIS and the 7th Framework Programme : the main missions of CORDIS To facilitate participation in European Research activities; To enhance exploitation of research results with an emphasis on sectors crucial to Europe's competitiveness; To promote the dissemination of knowledge fostering the innovation performance of enterprises; To promote the acceptance by society of new technology. CORDIS is a free online service managed by the Publications Office of the EU http://publications.europa.eu

4 The homepage Register now! 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

5 Guidance service Introduction to all the services of CORDIS Helpdesk 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

6 When you register on CORDIS, you have access to personalized services: CORDIS Wire CORDIS Express E-mail notification CORDIS Partners DOCMAIL 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

7 Use CORDIS to be informed about FP7: during the 2007-2013 period all the calls for proposals partners for projects 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

8 Cooperation Ideas People Capacities Joint Research Centre Euratom How is FP7 structured? 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

9 The CAPACITIES programme: 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

10 Research for the benefit of SMEs: Strengthen the ‘innovation capacity’ of SMEs in Europe. Increase their research efforts and extend their networks including research centres. Acquire technological know how. Bridge the gap between research and innovation. 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

11 2 programmes dedicated to SMEs: Research for SMEs Research projects 1-2 years Limited consortium: 5-10 participants € 0.5 - 1.5 million Research for SME associations Research projects of 2-3 years Consortium: 10-15 participants € 1.5 - 4.0 million Research for the benefit of SMEs: 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

12 Test if your company can be considered as a SME Discussion Forum Documentation Newsletter SME TechWeb 1/ CORDIS and the FP7 e-techweb/index_en.cfm

13 Pratical Guide to EU funding opportunities for Research and Innovation Other programmes not covered by FP7 and CORDIS: CIP Cohesion Policy funding-guide/home_en.html 1/ CORDIS and the FP7

14 Look for a corresponding call for proposals Project Management Identify a research theme in the ongoing Framework Programme 2/ FP7- typical steps for project participation Find partners Submit a proposal Evaluation Negotiation

15 Look for a corresponding call for proposals Project Management Identify a research theme in the ongoing Framework Programme Find partners Submit a proposal Evaluation Negotiation 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

16 FP7 projects have to be leading edge  Project database: what has already been done ? 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

17 Look for a corresponding call for proposals Project Management Identify a research theme in the ongoing Framework Programme Find partners Submit a proposal Evaluation Negotiation 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

18 All the calls are published on CORDIS. How to find the right call for proposals? 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

19 Example of a call How to find the right call for proposals? 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

20 Look for a corresponding call for proposals Project Management Identify a research theme in the ongoing Framework Programme Find partners Submit a proposal Evaluation Negotiation 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

21 How to use the CORDIS Partners Service Looking for a project partner? Browse the CORDIS Partners database; more than 4500 profiles are waiting for you! service/home_en.html 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

22 How to use the CORDIS Partners Service: publish your profile 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

23 Look for a corresponding call for proposals Project Management Identify a research theme in the ongoing Framework Programme Find partners Submit a proposal Evaluation Negotiation 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

24 Submit a proposal via EPSS (Electronic Proposal Submission System) An internet-based application providing a secure workspace for a consortium to prepare and submit a proposal jointly A special Helpdesk: or by phone +32 2 233 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

25 Look for a corresponding call for proposals Project Management Identify a research theme in the ongoing Framework Programme European commission: various Directorates General responsible for research Find partners Submit a proposal Evaluation Negotiation 2/ Typical steps for a project participation

26 3/ Information services How can you keep up with the latest developments? Register to receive the free Research*eu Results Supplement magazine

27 CORDIS Express: a weekly briefing on what’s new & the week’s most important news CORDIS Express 3/ CORDIS information services

28 CORDIS Wire – free submission of articles & press releases DATABASES & SERVICES: how you can make CORDIS work for you 3/ CORDIS information services

29 How you can make CORDIS Wire work for you 3/ CORDIS information services

30 Access directly the CORDIS National Service the regional CORDIS pages Link to the CORDIS presidency service 3/ CORDIS information services

31 Example of Croatia National R&D Information Service 3/ CORDIS information services

32 CORDIS Regional Gateway: a tool for promoting regional research! 3/ CORDIS information services

33 An example of a dynamic service: the Italian region of Piemont 3/ CORDIS information services

34 ERAWATCH: Information on the research policy of your country 3/ CORDIS information services

35 Get support: National Contact Points (NCPs) Other Information Centres like the Enterprise Europe Network Get support 3/ CORDIS information services

36 Pierre-Henri Lagriffoul CORDIS Marketing and Communications (consultant), Tel: +32 2 238 1737 e-mail: For questions please feel free to contact the CORDIS Tel: + 352 29 29 42 210

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