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Multi-model ensemble hydrometeorological modelling of the 4 November 2011 Genoa, Italy flash flood in the framework of the DRIHM project Alan Hally, Olivier.

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Presentation on theme: "Multi-model ensemble hydrometeorological modelling of the 4 November 2011 Genoa, Italy flash flood in the framework of the DRIHM project Alan Hally, Olivier."— Presentation transcript:

1 Multi-model ensemble hydrometeorological modelling of the 4 November 2011 Genoa, Italy flash flood in the framework of the DRIHM project Alan Hally, Olivier Caumont, Olivier Nuissier, Véronique Ducrocq (CNRS – Météo-France), Évelyne Richard, Juan Escobar (CNRS – Laboratoire d’Aérologie), Antonio Parodi, Nicola Rebora, Elisabetta Fiori, Fabio Delogu, Fabio Pintus (CIMA), Andrea Clematis, Daniele D'Agostino, Antonella Galizia, Alfonso Quarati, Emanuele Danovaro (CNR-IMATI), Luis Garrote (UPM), Maria Carmen Llasat (Univ. Barcelona), Quillon Harpham (HR Wallingford), Albrecht Weerts, H.R.A. Jagers (Deltares), Arnold Tafferner, Caroline Forster (DLR), Vladimir Dimitrijević, Ljiljana Dekić, Marija Ivković, Ana Mihalović (RHMSS), Richard Hooper (CUAHSI)

2 What is DRIHM? 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014 An FP7-funded project (2011-2015) gathering computer-science experts and hydrometerological researchers from 10 European and US institutions.

3 What is DRIHM? An FP7-funded project (2011-2015) gathering computer-science experts and hydrometerological researchers from 10 European and US institutions. What is the project’s main objective? Use cutting-edge information and communication technology to boost hydrometeorological research, with a focus on flash floods and ensemble prediction. 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

4 What is DRIHM? An FP7-funded project (2011-2015) gathering computer-science experts and hydrometerological researchers from 10 European and US institutions. What is the project’s main objective? Use cutting-edge information and communication technology to boost hydrometeorological research, with a focus on flash floods and ensemble prediction. What are the project’s technical goals? Develop a prototype e-Science environment that allows various users (researchers, citizen scientists) to provide and access hydrometeorological data and models and run complex hydrometeorological chains (from atmospheric simulations to hydraulic models through rainfall-discharge hydrological models) via a user-friendly interface. 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

5 Hydro-meteorological Chains 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

6 The DRIHM Distributed Infrastructure 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

7 Enabling new research paradigms WRFMeso-NHAROMERainFARMOBS DRiFt Hydrometeorological connections available initially No interoperability or standard interfacing Streamflow OBSRIBS Direct Hard-wired interface Gridded Data Point Series Data 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

8 Enabling new research paradigms WRFMeso-NHAROMERainFARMOBS DRiFtRIBSStreamflow OBS Hydrometeorological connections available initially No interoperability or standard interfacing DRIHM WRFMeso-NHAROMERainFARMOBS DRiFtRIBSStreamflow OBS NetCDF-CFWaterML 2 Hydrometeorological connections created through DRIHM Meteorological- Model-Bridge (MMB) Increased interoperability and standard interfacing Direct Hard-wired interface Gridded Data Point Series Data 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

9 A Mediterranean severe flash flood event A third of the average annual rainfall (450 mm) fell in 6 hours Caused by the Bisagno creek bursting its banks Six people were killed Genoa, Italy, 4th November 2011 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

10 4th November 2011 - Meteorological Details 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

11 4th November 2011 - Meteorological Details 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

12 Available Data and Numerical Setup 6 different simulated and observed rainfall sources (OBS, WRF-ARW, WRF-NMM, AROME, Meso-NH, RainFARM) These rainfall sources used to drive 3 different hydrological models (HBV, DRiFt, RIBS) 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

13 Available Data and Numerical Setup The characteristics of the different meteorological and hydrological ensembles performed for the case of the 4 November 2011 All simulations initialised at 00 UTC, 4 Nov. 2011, except Arome ensemble (18 UTC, 3 Nov. 2011). 6 different simulated and observed rainfall sources (OBS, WRF-ARW, WRF-NMM, AROME, Meso-NH, RainFARM) These rainfall sources used to drive 3 different hydrological models (HBV, DRiFt, RIBS) 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

14 Meteorological Simulations – 24h Precipitation 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

15 Meteorological Simulations – Ensembles AROME Ensemble – 8 members, perturbed IC and BC 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

16 Meteorological Simulations – Ensembles AROME Ensemble – 8 members, perturbed IC and BC Meso-NH Ensemble – 10 members, perturbed physical parameterisations 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

17 Hydrological Simulations 1 - RIBS (deterministic) 2 - RIBS (probabilistic) 3 - DRiFt (deterministic) 4 - HBV (deterministic) Peak observed discharge (800 m 3 /s) Warning threshold (400 m 3 /s) All hydrological models forced with MNH- MWF ensemble 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

18 Hydrological Simulations RIBS - Deterministic 1 – OBS 2 – AROME 3 – WRF-ARW 4 – MNH-ARP 5 – MNH-MWF 6 – WRF-NMM 7 - RainFARM 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

19 Hydrological Simulations RIBS - DeterministicRIBS - Probabilistic 1 – OBS 2 – AROME 3 – WRF-ARW 4 – MNH-ARP 5 – MNH-MWF 6 – WRF-NMM 7 - RainFARM 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

20 Hydrological Simulations RIBS - DeterministicRIBS - Probabilistic DRiFt - Deterministic 1 – OBS 2 – AROME 3 – WRF-ARW 4 – MNH-ARP 5 – MNH-MWF 6 – WRF-NMM 7 - RainFARM 1 – OBS 2 – AROME 3 – WRF-ARW 4 – MNH-ARP 5 – MNH-MWF 6 – WRF-NMM 7 - RainFARM 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

21 Hydrological Simulations RIBS - DeterministicRIBS - Probabilistic DRiFt - DeterministicHBV - Deterministic 1 – OBS 2 – AROME 3 – WRF-ARW 4 – MNH-ARP 5 – MNH-MWF 6 – WRF-NMM 7 - RainFARM 1 – OBS 2 – AROME 3 – WRF-ARW 4 – MNH-ARP 5 – MNH-MWF 6 – WRF-NMM 7 - RainFARM 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

22 Project Conclusions and Perspectives Successful exploitation of the DRIHM infrastructure for hydrometeorological research: Transparent interfacing of 6 simulated or observed rainfall sources with 3 hydrological models using Meteorological-Model-Bridge (MMB) Production of more than 1500 different scenarios, an in depth study of the physics and predictability of a chosen event, the design of efficient hydrometeorological ensembles, the propagation of uncertainties throughout a hydrometeorological forecasting chain, etc. Sensitivity to choice of hydrological model, but increased sensitivity to choice of simulated rainfall source Future work: Integration of additional components (models and services) in the DRIHM e- Infrastructure Further case studies (Muga flash-flood in Spain Nov. 2011, Flash-floods Serbia May 2014) Results and conclusions to be published in NHESS 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

23 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

24 Numerical Model Domains WRF-NMM, WRF-ARW, Meso-NH, AROME Models have different: domains, resolutions and configurations 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

25 Meteorological Simulations – 10m wind 14th EMS Meeting, Prague, 6th-10th Oct. 2014

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