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SWARP: Ships and Waves Reaching Polar regions

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1 SWARP: Ships and Waves Reaching Polar regions
Laurent Bertino, Timothy Williams

 Nansen Environment and Remote Sensing Center, Bergen, Norway Contract number

2 Objectives As of today, there is no forecasting service in GMES that is valid for the gray zone where waves-in-ice processes dominate. Aim: Filling the gaps existing in the GMES services with respect to waves in sea ice 1) extending the validity of wave and sea ice forecasting systems in the marginal ice zone, 2) developing remote sensing methods for routine monitoring of combined risks of waves and ice

3 SWARP Partnership


5 TOPAZ - North Atlantic and Arctic Oceans
11 – 16 km resolution (800 × 880) 28 hybrid vertical levels Fram Strait 3.5 km resolution (410 × 320) Barents and Kara Sea 5.0 km resolution (510 × 450) TOPAZ is the official European system for monitoring and forecasting the Arctic. It is exploited operationally at

6 OceanDataLab, NIERSC, Ifremer, NERSC
Model setup Tides (FES2004) Topaz4 NA & AO Nesting: Ocean and Ice Boundary Conditions Ocean and Sea Ice Model (EVP + MIZ) 2-3 days Sea Ice Forecast (3 days EVP+MIZ web) (2 days WIM wave data) Rivers (ERAI + TRIP05) Atmosphere (ECMWFR) NB! Today only EVP+MIZ on 3 day forecast on webpage, WIM module only 2 days wave data WIM module (Waves-in-Ice) Validation OceanDataLab, NIERSC, Ifremer, NERSC WW3 Nesting Forcing Forecast Models Validation

7 Project schedule at a glance
Mo 1-12: Developments Models Remote sensing methods Mo 13-24: Validation Integration in NAVTOR’s NavPlanner Mo 25-36: Demonstration to users Mo 30: Service launch Mo 36: Final project meeting

8 Dissemination plan (WP7)
Web sites Data service Short movie Interviews this week Animations Scenes from (previous) research cruises

9 Practical information
Soon: a SWARP website with internal area Sharing presentations Events, news … A SWARP logo (suggestions?) How to acknowledge the project EU FP7 logo on the first slide of your presentations Grant number acknowledged in publication Consortium agreement: status Inputs from NERC, UO, NIERSC, ODL, NERSC Waiting for IFREMER, ISMER, NAVTOR Issues about the text? (IPR, …)

10 Finances SWARP has 3 reporting periods
End of January 2015, 2016 and 2017 Use of EU online reporting tools (Emdesk, Force)

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