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ERTMS and related research projects European Technology Research & Innovation Dennis Schut UIC Peter Gurnik UNIFE.

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Presentation on theme: "ERTMS and related research projects European Technology Research & Innovation Dennis Schut UIC Peter Gurnik UNIFE."— Presentation transcript:

1 ERTMS and related research projects European Technology Research & Innovation
Dennis Schut UIC Peter Gurnik UNIFE

2 Increase competitiveness of ERTMS
The deployment of ERTMS is a priority For the first time, the Commission also stresses the need to support ERTMS outside European borders Strengthening of cooperation of key stakeholders on ERTMS Reinforcing the competitiveness and dynamism of the railway sector (interoperability issues) Improve the specification including new technologies

3 Innovation in the European Rail Sector
Horizon2020 R&I Technology Risk Horizon2020 R&I ERRAC SRRIA Rail Sector commitment to innovation FP7 RTD ERRAC FP7 RTD -ERRAC topic priorities Longer-term R&D Pre-competitive Interfaces specifications/ Standards Blue sky research National Innovation Private industry sector SHIFT2RAIL Pre-competitive market-oriented problem solving R&D Rail needs from regulations and standards System cooperation + leverage private investment Large scale validation – comprehensive demonstrators Innovative/new technology integration New R&D business model Time to Market 10+ years 5+ years deployment roll-out

4 Interfaces and Fields of Co-operation
EC - Interoperability Directives ERA - Technical Specifications for Interoperability With support of UNISIG, UNIFE, EUG, CER, EIM CEN/ CENELEC/ ETSI / UIC (IRSs*) Code of practice Interface layer above Building Consensus Protection of Investment Reports, Guidelines, Benchmark, Positions, Strategy State-of-the-art UIC Technical Activity area State of the art Guide lines, reports Con- sensus building Code of practice EU Norms TSI’s Directives t Norms, Standards TSIs Visible part of the Iceberg *IRS: International Railway Standards e.g. EIRENE

5 The UIC main support activities
EMC Axle Counters validation Satellite research and integration of CCS with GNSS ERTMS Economic Benchmark (worldwide) ERTMS implementations Feedback Analysis GSM-R current development as Tech. Authority (worldwide) GPRS for ETCS GSM-R Interferences Future Railway Mobile Communication System (with ERA) Participation in ERTMS MoU Steering Group Collaboration with ERTMS Users’ Group

6 Test of Rolling Stock Electromagnetic Compatibility for cross-Domain
TREND - TEST OF ROLLING STOCK ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY FOR CROSS-DOMAIN INTEROPERABILITY - FP – Test of Rolling Stock Electromagnetic Compatibility for cross-Domain Interoperability In terms of organisation, all the partners of TREND consortium have experience in European projects (contributors and/or coordinators) as described in the individual description of each one in B2.2 section of the proposal. This assures a good base from the management and coordination point of view. From the technical point of view, as shown in the first figure, the consortium perfectly cover the 6 fields that have to be integrated: Rolling stock by CAF, Infrastructure by TV, spot signalling systems by CEIT, GSM-R by INRETS, track circuits systems by LTU and TV (because of Niska specific background) and telecommunication broadcasting services by Y-EMC. CEDEX has a vast expertise on interoperability measurements, as will be presented by Jaime, later on, and this will be a great link for all. Mostly from the point of view of the Electromagnetic Compatibility. From the research point of view, the 4 lines of investigation on signalling systems have to be faced in parallel, in most of the technical WPs. That will build a common vision that leads to the pursued harmonization. This is done applying the expertise and know-how of the members as shown in the expertise chain figure. The effort, in terms of distribution of the PMs per partner is here depicted in that table. It shows the sharing of the tasks into the WPs, and it also shows that the research is well balanced among the partners in the technical WPs. The leaders of each WP are here highlighted, and these work load are also balanced inside the consortium. Motivation: A - Available harmonized EMC standards do not completely address interoperability issues caused by rolling stock interferences with signalling systems B - These standards do not cover representative worst case conditions worsened by transients in the rolling stock behaviour (mostly due to feeding and track discontinuities) EMC with BTM, GSM-T, track circuits and broadcasting services Train & infrastructure electromagnetic modeling Identification of worse-case interferers and noise by means of field testing and statistical data processing as well as Laboratory testing &

7 ETCS validation by means of lab testing
EATS - etcs Advanced testing AND SMART Train Positioning System - fp7 Project - ( – ) EATS_LAB: On-board ETCS lab testing tools On-board ETCS model Fault injection in the interfaces Electromagnetic compatibility in the wireless interfaces EATS_STPS: Smart Train positioning System, train positioning by means of multi constellation GNSS and wireless communication technologies. - Motivation: ETCS validation by means of lab testing GNSS positioning into ETCS level 3

8 Expected impact and objectives:
3INSAT - Train Integrated Safety Satellite System ESA project Expected impact and objectives: Satellite-based train control system (new requirements for the evolution of the ERTMS) Reference architecture will be designed, developed and tested in a real scenario. Demonstrate that satellite assets can be incorporated in the ERTMS-ETCS train control system -

INESS - Integrated European Signalling System – background Delivering ERTMS compliant interlockings Traffic Management TRAFFIC REGULATION CENTRALIZED TRAFFIC CONTROL Signalling INESS TRAIN ROUTING, SPACING AND ROUTE PROTECTION Railway communications Train control command TRAIN COMMAND TRAIN PROTECTION National Systems

10 openETCS @ ITEA2 Project
Objectives: Implementing the “Open Proofs” methodology for ETCS on-board, avoiding ambiguities, providing standard SW & HW solutions, and opening up SW service markets for train borne equipment. Deliverables: Open Formalized Specifications; Open Reference On-Board System; Open Tools Chain and Modeling Platform Impact: True Interoperability by Reference Unit; A Very Long Term System Support; Lower overall Life-cycle Cost and Shorter Time-to-Market

11 openIT4SR Objectives Enhanced Functionality Integration of „open STM“
Proposal submitted for the 1st Call of Horizon 2020 Call Planned starting: Duration: 2,5 Years OpenIT4SR = Open Information Technologies for Smart Rail Objectives Enhanced Functionality Integration of „open STM“ Very long Term Support Lower Life Cycle Costs Expected Benefits Interoperability Improved Performance Open Market Service for Software Partners: 12 nationalities, 7 Railway Undertakings, 4 R&D Institutes, 9 Universities, 14 Industry and SME

12 21 members of the consortium
Basic Facts Next Generation Train Control systems NGTC project is supported by the European Community’s Seventh Framework Programme (FP7/ )  Coordinated by UNIFE Project budget: Total project Budget: 10,96 € Planned EU contribution: 6,36 € Timing Started: 36 months Coordinated by: 21 members of the consortium Manufacturers Urban Operators Mainline infrastructure Universities and consultancies

13 NGTC Project high-level objectives
ETCS/CBTC investigation of operational and functional consistencies & differences Common & specific requirements to each domain including additional functions ETCS/CBTC technical coherence Architecture definition & SRS Common Message Structure for Urban and Mainline Definition and validation of moving block principles IP based Radio Communication General requirement specification for the radio communication system Satellite positioning Positioning functionalities characteristics & Safety analysis NGTC Shift2Rail

14 “New technologies can do much to help modernise Europe’s railways, while also reducing operational and infrastructure costs and creating new business opportunities for the European rail supply industry” Proposal for a Council Regulation establishing the SHIFT²RAIL Joint Undertaking , 16 December 2013 It is the first time ever that the EU Industry is joining forces for such a large scale initiative. Shift²Rail is an “enabler” of Rail R&D at sectorial level.

15 SHIFT²RAIL 14 March 2014: Political approval by the European Transport Council of a legislative regulation called SHIFT2RAIL to launch an ambitious new European Research & Innovation Programme that aims to: Increase the competitiveness of the EU rail industry to help it retain world leadership increase the attractiveness of rail transport. A public-private Joint Undertaking under Horizon 2020 starting in 2015 Budget of 920 Million Euros for , including 450 Million from the EU and 470 Million from the Industry After 3 years of intense work by the rail sector for the technical preparatory phase (coordinated by UNIFE) A historical decision for the rail sector all over Europe

16 S2R Preparatory phase: the 25 Founders and overall 115+ promoters

STAKE AT EU LEVEL: Maintaining the dominance of ERTMS as a solution for railway signalling and control systems across the world, while extending synergies and interoperability with the urban and mass transit railway sectors and speeding up the time to market. CHALLENGE: Develop a new generation of signalling and control systems, building on current ERTMS, to enable intelligent traffic management with automatically driven trains and optimise capacity, reliability and minimise Life Cycle Costs. ADVANCED TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT AND CONTROL SYSTEMS Capacity and Efficiency Surge Smart Procurement & Testing Dependable Safe Signalling System

18 Participation in future R&D activities
The future ways of participating (*as proposed by the European Commission in its legislative proposal) Participation in future R&D activities Long-term funding for Founding and Associated Members Members which will commit themselves to bring resources (financial resources, human resources and/or technical means) for the full duration of the project Depending on their degree of involvement/contribution, these Members will be either: Founding Members (8 companies already named in the Regulation Proposal) or Associated Members (own contribution required shall be 2,5% of the Innovation Programme + selection through a competitive call) → Possibility for SMEs and research organisations to get together within a « consortium » in order to collectively become an Associated Member Regular open calls for proposals for shorter-term projects A significant part of the budget will be devoted to regular open calls for proposals for each Innovation Programme The objective is clearly to trigger the participation of SMEs and Research Institutes through better-targeted calls Regular open calls for tenders The JTI will have very concrete outputs.

19 H2020 1st Call (proposal to be approved by EC)
Transportation topics MG – Intelligent infrastructure  linked to IP2, IP3 and IP4 MG (1): Seamless multimodal travel  linked to IP4 MG (2): Logistic services  linked to IP5 MG.2.3: New generation rail vehicles  linked to IP1 SHIFT²RAIL promoted proposals The JTI will have very concrete outputs.

20 Conclusions The current innovations are aiming to fulfill the vision described in the Transport White Paper; The innovations of NGTC and SHIFT2RAIL are following the specification improvements identified in the ERTMS Memorandum of Understanding (2012); SHIFT2RAIL under Horizon2020 provides the long term research strategy on step change innovation for the European Railway Sector.

21 Thank you for your kind attention
Dennis Schut – UIC – Peter Gurnik – UNIFE –

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