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Published byLincoln Ailes Modified over 10 years ago
Framework Programme 7 (FP7): Overview, Structure, Programmes and Actions Research Funding Opportunities for the Field of Civil Protection Lina Tsoumpanou National Contact Point SECURITY FP7 19 October 2011, Nicosia, Cyprus
7th Framework Programme (FP7) in Brief To which countries is FP7 open? Who can participate? When? The main Components of FP7 Budget Programme «Cooperation» Basic General Rules Funding Schemes & Funding Rates FP7 Call SEC-2012 Topics FP7 SEC Projects with CY Participation Recommendations RPF Role Contents
19 October 2011 The European Union of Today © European Communities, 1995-2009 27 Member States Population of 500 M Ambition to become the world‘s most dynamic knowledge-based economy European Research Area: index_en.htm
7th Framework Programme for Research & Technological Development 2007-2013 Key tool to respond to Europe‘s needs in terms of jobs and competitiveness and to maintain leadership in the global knowledge economy FP7: Mobilise Triangle of Knowledge Research Education Innovation 19 October 2011 FP7 in Brief
lasts 7 years, from 2007 to 2013 has a total budget of over € 53,2 billion this is a substantial increase compared with FP6 the main strategic objectives are to strengthen the scientific and technological base of industry to encourage international competitiveness to address specific problems with a global character or are faced by third countries on the basis of mutual interest/benefit 19 October 2011 FP7 in Brief
Legal entities from MS and AC or created under EU law (and JRC) Associated country to FP7 (AC) = third country with an S & T agreement with the European Community, under which it makes a financial contribution to FP7 (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway, Croatia, Serbia, Turkey, FYROM, Switzerland, Israel, Albania, Montenegro, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Faroe Islands – Moldavia from 01/01/12 for WPs 2012 - list on Cordis & annex to WP) International European interest organisations Legal entities established in International Cooperation Partner Countries (ICPC – see list on Cordis) International organisations and legal entities from third countries other than AC or ICPC (e.g. high income level countries) only if: EU financial contribution is essential to carry out the action (to be motivated: unique expertise and no alternative funds sources); or Indicated in the Work Program or in the call for proposals; or bilateral scientific/tech. agreement between EU and third country Industrialised high-income countries (USA, Canada, Japan etc.) are generally not funded (unless specified), but they can participate on a self- financing basis. 19 October 2011 To which countries is FP7 open?
Research groups at universities or research institutes Companies intending to innovate Small or medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) Public or governmental administration Early-stage (postgraduate Students) and experienced researchers Institutions running research infrastructures of transnational interest International organisations Civil society organisations Minimum number: at least 3 “independent” participants from 3 MS/AC (Joint Research Centre as if established in another MS/AC) for Topic 3.1-2 (POV) at least 3 independent public authorities in charge of border surveillance (local, regional, national or supra-national level) from 3 MS/AC Except for Support Action: 1 legal entity Who can participate? 19 October 2011
Calls for Proposals Set out in annual Work Programmes (WPs) (topics, timing & implementation). Once there is agreement on FP7 between the EU institutions and the WPs have been adopted by the Commission, Calls are being issued. The proposal process is triggered by the Call. Calls publish official invitations for researchers to submit project proposals for a specific area of the FP by a specific date, usually about 3-4 months after the Call. Calls specify very clearly what is required. Proposals that do not meet the specifications in the Call will be disqualified. Calls are announced in the Official Journal of the EU Call & documents relating to it published on Participant Portal: When? 19 October 2011
FP7: Budget for all Programmes FP7: all Programmes 19 October 2011
Sub-divided into 10 distinct Thematic Priorities They reflect the most important fields of knowledge and technology where research excellence is particularly important to improve Europe’s ability to address its social, economic, public health, environmental and industrial challenges of the future. Health Food, Agriculture and Fisheries Information & Communication Technologies Nanotechnologies Environment (incl. Climate Change) Energy COOPERATION: «do research together» 19 October 2011 Transport (including Aeronautics) Socio-economic Sciences and the Humanities Space Security
COOPERATION: Budget: 32.4 Billion € 2/3 of total budget
at least 3 independent partners in 3 different Member States (MS) or Associated Countries (AC) apart from top-down: European Commission defines topics and format (‘funding scheme’) of projects funding limits depending on types of participants types of activity location of partners Useful Document: FP7 Rules of Participation ( COOPERATION Programme: Basic General Rules 19 October 2011
Fixed maximum rates of reimbursement per activity and per beneficiary Upper Funding Limits Funding Rates - Upper Funding Limits 19 October 2011
Objectives: To develop the technologies & knowledge for building capabilities needed to ensure the security of citizens from threats such as terrorism, natural disasters and crime, while respecting fundamental human rights including privacy; To ensure optimal and concerted use of available and evolving technologies to the benefit of civil European security; To stimulate the cooperation of providers and users for civil security solutions, improving the competitiveness of the European security industry and delivering mission-oriented research results to reduce security gaps. Cooperation Programme: SECURITY Theme 19 October 2011
Context: A secure Europe is the basis for planning our lives, for economic investments, for prosperity and freedom. The Security theme contributes to growth and employment in general, innovation and the competitiveness of European industry. The respect of privacy and civil liberties is a guiding principle throughout the theme. The Security theme has an exclusively civil application focus. The Security theme facilitates the various national and international actors to co-operate and coordinate in order to avoid unnecessary duplication and to explore synergies wherever possible. COOPERATION: «do research together» 19 October 2011
FP7 SECURITY Theme Action 1: Security of citizens Action 2: Security of infrastructures and utilities Action 3: Intelligent surveillance and border security Action 4: Restoring security and safety in case of crisis Cross-cutting missions : Security systems integration, interconnectivity & interoperability Security & society Security Research coordination & structuring 19 October 2011 Security missions:
System development & validation - Combination of capabilities - Mission specific Systems of systems demonstration - Combination of IP results - Multi-mission Capability development - Technology development - Multi mission and mission specific FP7 SEC Call 19 October 2011
Call Identifier: FP7 SEC – 2012 - 1 Publication: 20 July 20101 Deadline for Submissions: 23 Nov 2011 at 17:00 Brussels time! Budget: ~ € 242M. Integration & Demonstration projects: ~45% (35-55%), Other topics: ~55% (45-65%) International cooperation: up to 3% SMEs open topic 7.2-1: up to 5% For the POV topic 3.1-2: up to 4% 50 Topics 19 October 2011 FP7 Call SEC-2012 - 1
Call FP7-SEC-2012-1 / Info Day Funding scheme Typical funding Typical duration (Years) Activities Collaborative Project Capability projects ≤ 3,5M€2-4 small or medium-scale focused research project (CP-FP) Integration projects >3,5M€ 3-4 large scale integrating project (CP-IP) Demo Phase II projects ~ 20 M€3- 4 large scale systems of systems demonstrations Coordination and support actions Demo Phase I Projects ~ 1 M€1strategic roadmaps CSA0,5-1 M€0,5-3 - CA: coordinating research activities and policies - SA: contributing to the implementation of the FP and to prepare future research policy Networks of Excellence NoE stakeholders combination/integration of activities/capacities in a given field, JPA Demonstration Programme Funding schemes (summary) Funding Schemes in FP7 SEC Call
New Funding modality: differ from and complement the others, by involving directly and supporting financially end-user agencies (national/European authorities) To support the demand side of research, rather than the supply side in their direct quest for new security solutions. Funding purposes: (i) the coordination of relevant institutions or authorities, acting as certifiers of new technologies (100% support); (ii) the actual implementation of the corresponding calls for tenders (50% support), for testing/validation of novel security solutions (implemented according to the own criteria and specifications of the participating institutions or authorities) Funding scheme: a combination of CSA (for coordination of validation policies) and Collaborative Projects (for implementation of testing and validation) Funding Schemes in FP7 SEC Call CP-CSA Pre Operational Validation (POV) 19 October 2011
WP specific issues Networks of security research stakeholders are key in disseminating results to end users, national public authorities and citizens Exploitation strategy requirements (CR 3, Impact). Coordination & supporting activities should be strengthened in all projects Coordination & supporting activities should be strengthened in all projects. end users Active involvement of end users is considered of utmost importance: Direct participation of user organisations implementing research actions Other forms of indirect participation might also be followed 19 October 2011 FP7 Call SEC-2012 - 1
WP specific issues Multidisciplinary and mission-oriented Multidisciplinary and mission-oriented: multi-purpose nature of technologies Testing, validation and demonstration Concrete achievements & milestones Testing, validation and demonstration of security solutions, involving end users, is considered at the core of the Security theme (in particular Demo II, IPs & FPs) Concrete achievements & milestones are strongly encouraged (expected impact) pre-normative standards To take into account the pre-normative research dimension. Research projects should focus, when possible, on the analysis and development of standards Standardsinteroperability Standards are considered crucial for interoperability: Preparation and promotion of standards within the projects is encouraged Societal impact Societal impact of the proposed solutions: respect fundamental rights and compliance with European societal values (including privacy issues) Dual use ‘Dual use’ technology (both civilian and defence applications) might be covered (EDA coordination) Gender aspects Gender aspects in planning, decisions, and funding must always be taken into account Sensitive Sensitive activities and information: proposals must not contain any classified information: Ineligible! 19 October 2011 FP7 Call SEC-2012 - 1
Increasing the Security of the Citizens Focus on threat aspects of potential incidents of a transnational importance, such as offenders, equipment and resources used by them or as mechanisms of attack Areas: 1.Organised crime 2.Intelligence against terrorism 3.Explosives 4.Ordinary Crime and Forensic 5.CBRN Protection 6.Information gathering FP7 SEC-2012-1 - Mission 1 19 October 2011
SEC-2012.1.3-1 Less than Lethal Handling of PBIEDs (CP-FP) (Person-borne Improvised Explosives Device Detection Systems) SEC-2012.1.3-2 Home made explosives (HMEs) and recipes characterisation (CP-FP) SEC-2012.1.5-1 CBRNE Demo Phase II SEC-2012.1.5-2 Improving drinking water security management and mitigation in large municipalities against major deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN-related contaminations (CP-FP) SEC-2012.1.5-3 Identification and development of low-risk alternatives to high-risk chemicals (CP-FP or CA) SEC-2012.1.5-4 Securing the food chains from primary production and animal feeds to consumer ready food against major deliberate, accidental or natural CBRN contamination (CP-FP) SEC-2012.1.6-1 Digital, miniaturised operational tool for investigation (CP-FP) 10.1 Increasing the Security of the Citizens 19 October 2011
Security of infrastructures and utilities Focus on incidents or disasters of transnational importance involving large event sites, sites of significant political or symbolic value, utilities Protect & Prepare Five areas: 1.Design, planning of buildings and urban areas 2.Energy, Transport, communication grids 3.Surveillance 4.Supply chain 5.Cyber crime FP7 SEC-2012-1 - Mission 2 19 October 2011
SEC-2012.2.1-1 Resilience of large scale urban built infrastructure (CP-FP) SEC-2012.2.1-2 Criticality analysis and simulation, if appropriate, of critical infrastructure including concepts for forgery proof and efficient facility access systems (CP-FP) SEC-2012.2.2-1 Identification of measures to counter illegal export of metal-bearing waste (CA) SEC-2012.2.2-2 Air traffic Management/Control threat assessment model (CP-IP) SEC-2012.2.2-3 Improving security in air cargo transport (CP-IP) SEC-2012.2.2-4 A common EU aviation security requirement to reduce costs and facilitate passenger flows (CA) SEC-2012.2.3-1 Early warning security systems: physical protection of critical buildings (CP-FP) SEC-2012.2.4-1 Pre-normative technology development for improved and more efficient security of the supply chain (CA) SEC-2012.2.5-1 Convergence of physical and cyber security (CP-FP) SEC-2012.2.5-2 Cyber resilience – Secure cloud computing for critical infrastructure (CP-FP) 10.2 Increasing the Security of Infrastructures & Utilities 19 October 2011
Intelligent surveillance and border security Deals with issues relevant to all consecutive tires of European border security strategy Focus on enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of all security relevant systems, equipment, tools and processes used at border crossing points Five areas: 1. Sea border 2. Land borders 3. Air borders 4. Border checks 5. Border intelligent surveillance FP7 SEC-2012-1 -Mission 3 19 October 2011
SEC-2012.3.1-1 Increasing trustworthiness of vessel reporting systems (CP-FP) SEC-2012.3.1-2 Pre-Operational Validation (POV) at EU level of common application of Surveillance tools SEC-2012.3.4-1 Research on "automated" comparison of x-ray images for cargo scanning with reference material (use of historic images in an automated environment) to identify irregularities (CP-FP) SEC-2012.3.4-2 Research and validation for fingerprint live scanners (CP-FP) SEC-2012.3.4-3 Tools and processes for assessing the impact of policies/actions on border control (CSA) SEC-2012.3.4-4 Innovative, cost-efficient and reliable technology to detect humans hidden in vehicles/closed compartments (CP-FP) SEC-2012.3.4-5 Further research, development and pilot implementation of Terahertz detection techniques (T-Ray) (CP-FP) SEC-2012.3.4-6 Enhancing the workflow and functionalities of Automated Border Control (ABC) gates (CP-IP) SEC-2012.3.5-1 Development of airborne sensors and data link (CP-IP) 10.3 Intelligent surveillance & enhancing border security 19 October 2011
Restoring safety and security in case of crisis Focus on technologies providing an overview of, and support for diverse emergency management operations, such as in civil protection (including natural disasters and industrial accidents), humanitarian aid and rescue tasks Areas: 1.Preparedness, prevention, mitigation and planning; 2.Response 3.Recovery 4.CBRN Response FP7 SEC-2012-1 - Mission 4 19 October 2011
SEC-2012.4.1-1 Preparedness for & management of large scale fires (IP) SEC-2012.4.1-2 Psycho social support in Crisis Management (FP) SEC-2012.4.2-1 Positioning and timing tools to guarantee security assets trace & tracking together with worker safety in a secure environment (CP- FP) SEC-2012.4.2-2 Situational awareness guidance and evacuation systems for large crowds, including crowds unpredictable behaviour (IP) SEC-2012.4.2-3 Post crisis lesson learned exercise (CSA) SEC-2012.4.3-1 Next generation damage and post-crisis needs assessment tool for reconstruction and recovery planning (CP-FP) SEC-2012.4.4-1 Development of mobile laboratories, structures and functions to support rapid assessment of CBRN events with a cross- border or international impact (CA) SEC-2012.4.4-2 Means of decontamination of large groups, urban/wide areas and large, complex and/or sensitive object (CP-FP) SEC-2012.4.4-3 Tools for detection, traceability, triage and individual monitoring of victims after a mass contamination (CP-IP) 19 October 2011 10.4 Restoring security and safety in case of crisis
Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity & interoperability Interoperability and intercommunication of systems, equipment services and processes Practical interoperability in both the short and longer term Interaction between technological and organisational factors Four areas: 1.Information management 2.Secure communications 3.Interoperability 4.Standardisation FP7 SEC-2012-1 – Horizontal Mission 5 19 October 2011
SEC-2012.5.2-1 Preparation of the next generation of PPDR communication network (CP-FP) SEC-2012.5.3-1 Embedded protection of security systems and anti- tampering technologies (CP-FP) SEC-2012.5.3-2 Establishment of a first responders platform for interoperability (CSA) SEC-2012.5.3-3 Establishment of a interoperability platform/centre for testing and validating security innovations (NoE) SEC-2012.5.3-4 Global solution for interoperability between first responder communication systems (CP-IP) 19 October 2011 10.5 Improving security systems integration, interconnectivity & interoperability
Security and Society Cross-cutting nature with the interactions between natural sciences, technology, political, social and human sciences Focus on targeted cultural and socio-economic, as well as systemic risk analyses, scenario building and others Five areas: 1.Citizens, media and security 2.Organisational requirements 3.Foresight, scenarios and security 4.Security economics 5.Ethics and justice FP7 SEC-2012-1 – Horizontal Mission 6 19 October 2011
SEC-2012.6.1-1 Methodologies to assess the effectiveness of measures addressing violent radicalisation (CP-FP or CA) SEC-2012.6.1-2 Tools and methodologies, definitions and strategies for privacy by design for surveillance technologies, including ICT systems (CP-FP or CA) SEC-2012.6.1-3 Use of new communication/social media in crisis situations (CP-FP or CA) SEC-2012.6.3-1 Developing an efficient and effective environmental scanning system as part of the early warning system for the detection of emerging organised crime threats (CP-FP) SEC-2012.6.3-2 Criteria for assessing and mainstreaming societal impacts of EU security research activities (CSA) SEC-2012.6.4-1 Fight against corruption (CSA) SEC-2012.6.5-1 Legitimacy and effectiveness of legal measures against security threats (CP-FP or CSA) 19 October 2011 10.6 Security and society
Security research coordination and structuring Provides platform for activities to coordinate and structure national, European and international security research efforts Activities will focus on improvement of relevant legal conditions and procedures Six areas: 1.ERA-Net 2.SMEs 3.Studies 4.Other coordination 5.End users 6.Training FP7 SEC-2012-1 – Horizontal Mission 7 19 October 2011
SEC-2012.7.2-1 Open topic for Small and Medium Enterprises: "Advancing contemporary forensic methods and equipment“(CP-FP) SEC-2012.7.4-1 Coordination of national research programmes in the area of security research (CSA) SEC-2012.7.4-2 Networking of researchers for a high level multi- organisational and cross-border collaboration (NoE) 19 October 2011 10.7 Security research coordination and structuring
STAR-TRANS Title: Strategic risk assessment and contingency planning in interconnected transport networks Research area: Security systems integration, interconnectivity and interoperability: Risk assessment and contingency planning for interconnected transport or energy networks SEREN 2 Title: SEcurity REsearch Ncp network phase 2 Research area: Trans-national co-operation among NCPs - phase 2 CONTAIN Title: Container Security Advanced Information Networking Research area: Monitoring and tracking of shipping containers Project start date: [2011-10-01] SUPPORT Title: Security UPgrade for PORTs Research area: Main sea and inland port security system EU-SEC II Title: Coordinating national research programmes and policies on security at major events in Europe Research area: European Security Research Networks (incl. for standardisation) SEREN Title: Security research ncp network - phase 1 Research area: Trans- national co-operation among NCPs TWOBIAS Title: Two Stage Rapid Biological Surveillance and Alarm System for Airborne Pathogenic Threats Research area: B-detection. Very fast alerting on broad substance type and identification. Low false alarm rates. 19 October 2011 FP7 SEC Projects with CY Participation
Call FP7-SEC-2012-1 / Info Day The criteria The innovation dimension of a proposal will be evaluated under CR3 'impact‘: With regard to the innovation dimension, describe the potential areas and markets of application of the project results and the potential advantages of the resulting technologies/ solutions compared to those that are available today. With regard to the innovation dimension, describe the measures you propose to increase the likelihood of market uptake of project results, such as: verification, testing, and prototyping; supporting the development of technical standards; identifying and collaborating with potential users; identifying potential partners and sources of finance for commercialisation. Evaluation criteria applicable to Collaborative project proposals S/T QUALITY “ Scientific and/or technological excellence (relevant to the topics addressed by the call) ” IMPLEMENTATION “ Quality and efficiency of the implementation and the management ” IMPACT “ Potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results ” Soundness of concept, and quality of objectives Progress beyond the state-of-the-art Quality and effectiveness of the S/T methodology and associated work plan Appropriateness of the management structure and procedures Quality and relevant experience of the individual participants Quality of the consortium as a whole (including complementarity, balance) Appropriateness of the allocation and justification of the resources to be committed (staff, equipment … ) Contribution, at the European [and/or international] level, to the expected impacts listed in the work programme under the relevant topic/activity Appropriateness of measures for the dissemination and/or exploitation of project results, and management of intellectual property. NEW Refer to the specific criteria for the relevant Funding Scheme!
Read and understand the WP: Not only the relevant topic Also the activity description And general recommendations Consult the relevant GfA (CP/CA/SA/NoE/CP-CSA) Cover the topic in its entirety unless otherwise specified Use the evaluation criteria and sub-criteria for building your proposal: The experts base their assessment on them! Divide your effort over the evaluation criteria Many applicants concentrate on the scientific element, but lose marks on project planning or impact description Recommendations (1) 19 October 2011
size The size of projects and of consortia should be the result of the intended project objectives and not the other way round! partnership Within the partnership look for the right expertise needed for reaching the proposal objectives: end users, private and public, academia, industry, SMEs, etc: Avoid “sleeping” partners without real contribution, Avoid redundant partnerships, SMEs End Users But … the involvement of SMEs and relevant End Users is strongly encouraged! CPs: “to be as small and simple as possible and as large as necessary” budget Clearly explain/justify the project budget Recommendations (2) 19 October 2011
ethical and sensitiveness Address ethical and sensitiveness issues within the proposal innovative aspects Justify the real innovative aspects (Incremental vs. breakthrough) Check/link the project with relevant ongoing or finished EU/international research projects: clearly present the state of the art! atalogue2010_2_en.pdf market deployment Present an overall vision of market deployment Respect the eligibility rules: completeness and number of partners 19 October 2011 Recommendations (3)
- 1- Submit before the deadline date & time 2- Minimum conditions: number of participants - as set out in WP Budget: NO eligibility criteria in 2012 3- Completeness of proposal Presence of all requested administrative forms (Part A) and the content description (Part B) Part B of the proposal shall be readable, accessible and printable. 4- In scope of the call: the content of the proposal must match to the topic(s) and funding scheme(s) set out in that part of the WP open in the call. ineligible 5- Proposals containing any classified information shall be declared ineligible. 19 October 2011 Recommendations – Eligibility Checks (4)
Proof-read Proof-read your proposal by a ‘neutral’ person Make the reading of an evaluator easy: Use a simple and clear language Be short and concise Clearly define objectives, milestones and deliverables well-organised contents, following the Part B structure useful and understandable diagrams/graphs/tables no inconsistencies and obvious paste-ins, no numbers which don’t add up, no missing pages … page limits Respect the page limits Don’t leave the evaluators to figure out why it’s good, tell them why it’s good: leave nothing to the imagination Make sure you submit the latest, complete version of your proposal … And do not leave the proposal submission to the last minute! Recommendations (5) 19 October 2011
EPSS - Electronic Proposal Submission System Online preparation only Improved validation checks before submission is accepted Submission failure: Main reasons Technical problems Panic-induced errors Too late starting upload, run out of time Submit early, submit often! “If more than one copy of the same proposal is received before the call deadline, only the most recent version is considered for checking eligibility and possible evaluation” If in trouble, call the helpdesk ! 19 October 2011 Recommendations – Electronic Submission (6) At least 2 cases within the 2011-Sec call
The Role of Research Promotion Foundation in supporting the participation of Cypriot researchers to FP7 Coordination of the National Contact Point (NCP) system for the FP7 through a Centralised NCP network RPF Role 19 October 2011
Informing and raising awareness Organise promotional activities in liaison with the Commission services (e.g. infodays, seminars, conferences, newsletters, Web sites, fairs, etc.) Distribution of documentation (forms, guidelines, manuals, etc.) Raise awareness for other European programmes in the field of research and innovation Advising, assisting and training Guidance on choosing thematic priorities and instruments Advice on administrative procedures and contractual issues(e.g. role and responsibilities of participants in a consortium, costs, rights and obligations of participants, etc.) Training and assistance on proposal writing (organising training sessions, seminars, etc. for information multipliers or for target groups) Assistance in partner search Signposting and Feedback Give feedback to the Commission on any problems and difficulties in implementing and participating in the Framework Programme Inform the Commission about planned NCP activities and events requiring participation of Commission staff RPF Role 19 October 2011
REA EU Security research website: Helpdesk: Centralised FP7 Enquiries Service: National Contact Points: Further Info 19 October 2011
Thank you for your Attention! Contact Details: Tel.: +357-22205000 Fax: +357-22205001 E-mail.: Website: 19 October 2011
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