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Kamila Partyka DG Education and Culture European Commission.

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Presentation on theme: "Kamila Partyka DG Education and Culture European Commission."— Presentation transcript:

1 Kamila Partyka DG Education and Culture European Commission

2 Education and Culture 1.Horizon 2020 - overview 2.Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (MSCA) 3.How MSCA work

3 Education and Culture




7 9400 projects financed by FP7 MCA 86% beneficiaries strengthened existing R&I collaborations with partner organisations 73% of organisations observe or expect improvement in the quality of training Education and Culture >130 nationalities of researchers and staff mobile thanks to FP7 MCA 50 000 researchers supported

8 Strong international profile of the Marie Curie Actions 2007-13 *Not including secondments in IRSES and with partial data on fellows in COFUND CIGCOFUNDIAPPIEFIIFIOFITNTOTAL 77511287094549247128917067 Total of 7067 Researchers from Third Countries Education and Culture

9 IRSES – International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (2007-2013) 39.000 researcher months exchanged from third countries to EU-28 Average duration: 3 months ~ 13.000 research staff exchanged from TC to EU-28 Education and Culture

10 MCA Researcher Mobility Flows Education and Culture

11 MCA Researcher Mobility Flows

12 Education and Culture

13 TW participation in FP7 MCA 53 Taiwanese researchers participating in FP7 MCA: ITN: 24 researchers Individual Fellowships: 7 researchers (6 IIF, 1 IEF) IAPP: 6 researchers IRSES: 1 researcher-month 1 institution: National Tsing Hua University COFUND: 15 researchers

14 Education and Culture

15 Includes all domains of research and innovation Strong accent on participation of non-academia (including industry, SMEs and other actors) A global scope with cross-border and cross-sector mobility as key components Education and Culture Level of involvement is proportional to the participant's needs

16 Education and Culture Universities IEIOs Academia Public or private HEI awarding academic degrees Public or private non-profit research organisations International European interest organisations Non-profit research institutes Industry Business and non- academia Other socio- economic actors SMEs Broad definition: Any socio-economic actor not included in the academic sector definition

17 Education and Culture






23 To prepare your application: Design your research project you Look for a host institute and supervisor (you can only submit one application per call) Consider appropriate secondment options Think about the proposal in the context of the Award Criteria (see Work Programme available on the Participant Portal) Guide for Applicants published with the call

24 Education and Culture

25 Academic Non- academic Academic Country 1 - MS or AC Education and Culture Country 2 - MS or AC Country 3 – MS or AC or TC Staff: Research Managerial Administrative Technical Non- academic Exchanges between MS/AC: Partners need to be from different sectors Exchanges with Third countries: Any combination is possible At least 2 partners from MS or AC RISE consortia require a minimum of 3 partners Third and further partners can be from any country

26 Education and Culture

27 Categories of eligible costs Costs of researchers / seconded staff member (1)Institutional costs (2) Marie Skłodowska- Curie action Living allowance (a) Mobility allowance (b) Family allowance (c) Top-up allowance (d) Research, training and networking costs (a) Management and indirect costs (b) ITN (100%) 3 110600500--1 8001 200 IF (100%) 4 650600500--800650 RISE (100%) -- 2 0001 800700 COFUND (50%) ESR: 3 710 ER: 5 250 -- 650 Education and Culture



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