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Published byKayli Simco Modified over 10 years ago
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 1 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA How can small and medium-sized enterprises participate in FP7 Rajko Sabo, M.Sc. Undersecretary FP7 SME NCP Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Technology Slovenia Chişinău, 9 October, 2009 MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORATE, e: Kotnikova 38, 1000 Ljubljana t: 01 478 4600, f: 01 478 4719
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 2 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA CONTENTS “Capacities” in the FP7 “Research for the benefit of SMEs“ in “Capacities” “Work Programme 2010 Capacities” The Call “FP7-SME-2010-1” “Guidelines for Applicants” Some instructions for the applicants
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 3 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Framework programme 7: 2007-2013 (50,5 mrd €) co-operation – 32,4 mrd € ideas – frontier research - new knowledge 7,5 mrd € people – mobility of the researchers 4,8 mrd € CAPACITIES– research capacities 4,1 mrd € JRC and Euroatom – JRC, nuclear research 1,7 + 2,7 mrd € = 4,4 mrd €
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 4 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA FP7 2007–2013 budget breakdown
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 5 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA FP7 - “Capacities” Budget: 4,1 mrd € (2007-13) The Capacities programme supports research, technology and innovation capacities throughout Europe and ensure their optimal use, with the aim to become a globally successful knowledge based society. 7 operational fields: research infrastructures research for the benefit of SMEs regions of knowledge research potential of Convergence Regions science in society support to the coherent development of research policies international co-operation
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 6 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA “Capacities”- Research for SMEs research for SMEs EraSME – ERA-NET started in FP6 devoted to RTD for SMEs; 17 countries/regions involved research for SME associations CORNET – ERA-NET started in FP6 devoted to collective research for the industrial (SMEs) associations; 21 countries/regions involved These actions faciliate the participation of SMEs in RTD. SMEs make a vast majority of the European industry since there are 23 million SMEs, i.e. 99 % of all businesses.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 7 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Communication strategy Key message FP7
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 8 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Capacities: Work Programme 2010 The work programme was adopted by the Commission, with the assistance of the Programme Committee, and Advisory Groups in 29 July 2009. This work programme provides additional details of the implementation of the Specific Programme, setting out information on the priorities, objectives and policy relevance of the research topics which are being implemented through calls for proposals until the end of 2009. This work programme also contributes to the complementarity of support for RTDI besides the FP7, the Competitiveness and Innovation programme (CIP) and the Structural Funds.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 9 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Capacities, WP 2010 – general This WP contributes to the objective for European policy of developing an open, competitive, excellent European Research Area (ERA). The main premise for ERA is to overcome deficiencies arising from: fragmentation, sub-criticality, duplication in R&D activities, a lack of policy coherence and coordination at all levels. The realisation of ERA depends upon on the impact of the Ljubljana Process (30.5.2008) on to high-level political/ ministerial commitment to long-term actions and partnerships among the Member States and the EC. It is oriented towards enabling the 5th freedom besides those 4 on the Common Market, (i.e. freedom of movement of people, goods, capital and services), and that is freedom of circulation of researchers, knowledge and technology within Europe.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 10 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA WP 2010 - Specific objectives The overall aim of the WP 2010 is to enhance research and innovation capacities throughout Europe: to optimize new and existing research infrastructures in Europe to strengthen the innovation capacity of SMEs to enhance the research potential of European regions to unlock the research potential of the EU's convergence and outermost regions to stimulate the harmonious integration of scientific and technological endeavor into European society to improve the coherence of national and European Community research policies; and to build strategic R&D partnerships with non-EU countries.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 11 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Scope, gender, ethical aspects The scope of WP 2010 is planning call for proposals launched in 2nd half of 2009. The projects are encouraged to promote gender equality in research, to have a balanced participation of women and men in their research activities and to raise awareness on combating gender prejudices and stereotypes, and gender differences that might exist. All research carried out under this work programme must respect fundamental ethical principles, The Commission is fully committed to the principles set out in the declaration on the use of human embryonic stem cells. For instance, the Commission will not fund projects which destroy human embryos.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 12 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Supported actions,funding schemes This specific programme will support a range of actions involving the active collaboration of research teams from all sectors, including industry, SMEs, universities and other higher education institutions, research institutes and centres, international European interest organisations, civil society organisations, and any other legal entities. The funding schemes: Collaborative Projects Networks of Excellence Coordination Support Actions, and Research for the benefit of Specific Groups (in particular SMEs).
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 13 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Who may participate legal entities based in EU Member States legal entities based in Associated Countries (with the same rights and obligations) legal entities from International Cooperation Partner Countries – ‘ICPC ’ (with the same rights and obligations) legal entities from third countries (various restrictions may apply).
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 14 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA The coordination of non-Community research programmes The coordination of non-Community research programmes is an important and integral part of the development of the European Research Area. Actions foreseen in the Capacities WP will make use of two specific approaches: –the ERA-NET scheme and the –participation of the Community in joint research programmes (through Article 169 of the Treaty). An example of such Article 169 initiative was presented in 2007, with great success. This initiative is called 'Eurostars‘.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 15 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Risk-Sharing Finance Facility This new financing instrument has been designed by the European Investment Bank with the support of the EC. It improves access to loans for those RTD actions which often involve a high level of risk and is designed as a support to overcome market deficiencies. Important examples for use of RSFF are the development of research infrastructures as well as infrastructure services.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 16 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Submitting a Proposal Proposals should be submitted in accordance with the terms set out in a call for proposals. Applicants should consult the following documents: PRIMARY: –The text of the call for proposals (Official Journal EU, website (such as the CORDIS website); –This work programme 2010; and –The relevant Guide for Applicants SECONDARY: –Rules for Participation for FP7 –Rules for Submission of Proposals and the Related Evaluation, Selection and Award Procedures –Commission Recommendation on the European Charter for Researchers, and –Commission Recommendation on a Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 17 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA National Contact Points In addition, every Member State and Associated country has appointed a set of National Contact Points (NCPs) to assist potential and successful applicants. There is a NCP for each of the parts of the Capacities Programme, except for the 'Support to the Coherent Development of Research Policies'. Applicants are encouraged to make contact with the relevant NCP from their country.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 18 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Early Warning System & Central Exclusion Database The Commission uses an internal information tool, called Early Warning System (EWS), as well as a database available to public authorities implementing EU funds – Central Exclusion Database (CED) to flag identified risks related to beneficiaries of centrally managed contracts and grants with a view to protecting the EU's financial interests.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 19 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Budget Figures in WP 2010 This work programme draws on financing from the 2010 budgetary year. All budgetary figures given in this work programme are indicative. Unless otherwise stated, final budgets may vary following the evaluation of proposals. The final budget awarded to actions implemented through calls for proposals may vary: – The total budget of the call may vary by up to 10% of the total value of the indicated budget for each call –The final budgets for evaluation, monitoring and review may vary by up to 20% of the indicated budgets for these actions –The final budget awarded for all other actions not implemented through calls for proposals may vary by up to 10% of the indicated budget for these actions.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 21 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA ANNEX 2: Eligibility conditions A proposal will only be considered eligible if it meets all of the following conditions: It is received by the Commission before the deadline It involves at least the minimum number of participants given in the call text. It is complete (i.e. both the requested administrative forms and the proposal description are present). The content of the proposal relates to the topic(s) and funding scheme(s), including any special conditions, set out in those parts of the work programme. It does not contravene fundamental ethical principles and it complies with the relevant security procedures. Other eligibility criteria may be given in the call text.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 22 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA ANNEX 2: Evaluation criteria The evaluation criteria are: –relevance to the objectives of these specific programmes; –the potential impact through the development, dissemination and use of project results; –scientific and/or technological excellence; –the quality and efficiency of the implementation and management. The work programmes may specify the evaluation and selection criteria and may add additional requirements, weightings and thresholds, or set out further details on the application of the criteria.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 23 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Annex 3 – Forms of grant and reimbursement % Form of grant REIMBURSEMENT OF ELIGIBLE COSTS Maximum reimbursement rates non-profit public bodies, secondary and higher education establishments, RTOs and SMEs all other organisations RTD75%50% demonstation activities50% coordination & support100% management, auditing, and other100%
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 24 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA The call: FP7-SME-2010-1 Publication date: 30.7.2009 Deadline: 3.12.2009, at 17:00 (Brussels local) Indicative budget: 137 mio € ± 10 % Topics: the call is open to all research fields (except nuclear energy research, which has special programme => Euratom) Funding scheme: Research for the benefit of specific groups (in particular SMEs)
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 25 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Evaluation procedure Evaluation procedure: the evaluation will follow a single stage procedure; proposals will not be evaluated anonymously. Details on evaluaton scoring: –scoring 0 to 5, halfmarks possible –no weightings will be applied –min thresholds are: S&T quality-3, implementation-3, impact-4 –overall threshold (the sum) will be 11. Proposals must conform to the page limits and the layout given. Experts might be instructed to disregard any excess pages!
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 26 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Consortium agreements The participants will be required to submit a signed consortium agreement before the signature of the grant agreement. It addresses issues such as the internal organisation of the consortium and the management of the Community financial contribution. Within the Description of Work in the proposal, the rules on dissemination and use, including intellectual property rights management and the settlement of internal disputes, are described.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 27 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Indicative timetable Evaluation results estimated to be available within 3 months after closure date. Grant agreement signature: it is estimated that the first grant agreements related to the call will come into force 6 months after the closure date. The objective is that all grant agreements will have been completed 9 months after the closure date. A reserve list of proposals will be established (more in “Guidelines for Applicants”)
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 28 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Eligibility conditions The general eligibility criteria for the different funding schemes are set out in Annex 2 to this work programme and in the guide for applicants. The completeness criterion also includes that the proposal shall be readable, accessible and printable. At least 3 participants must be independent SMEs established in at least 3 MS or AC. At least 2 participants must be RTD performers independent from any other participant.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 29 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Guidelines for Applicants The call FP7-SME-2010-1 is being managed by the Research Executive Agency (REA). Proposals describe planned research activities, information on who will carry them out, and costs. They must be submitted before the deadline (strictily!). The REA evaluates all eligible proposals in order to identify those whose quality is high enough for possible funding. The basis for evaluations are independent expert peer-reviews. The REA then negotiates with those whose proposals have successfully passed the evaluation stage, depending on the budget available. If negotiations are successfully concluded, grant agreements providing for an EU financial contribution are established with the participants.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 30 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Size, resources, and duration The budget, the duration of the projects and the size of the consortium should provide the necessary resources to achieve the objectives. The relevant Work Programmes may include recommendations for the total budget, the duration of the projects and/or the number of participants.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 31 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Minimal consortium Research for SMEs: 3 SME participants (from three different Member States or Associated countries) and 2 RTD performers (independent from any other participant); Research for SME associations: SME associations (3 independent associations from three different Member States or Associated countries. Alternatively, 1 European SME association/grouping established in a MS or AC. This association/grouping must be made up of a minimum of 3 independent legal entities established in 3 MS or AC), 2 RTD performers (independent from any other participant) and at least 2 SMEs (as other enterprises and end-users) established in 2 MS or AC.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 32 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Coordinator, help desks For a given proposal, the coordinator acts as the single point of contact between the participants and the REA. The coordinator is generally responsible for the overall planning of the proposal and for building up the consortium Annex 1 to Guide for applicants gives references to these further sources of help for this call: The general enquiry service on any aspect of FP7. Questions can be sent to a single e-mail address A help desk has been set up for questions related to the Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS). A further help desk providing assistance on intellectual property rights. Any other guidance documents, background information, and contact adresses, relating to this call (information day may be organised).
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 33 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Who may participate? In principle, a legal entity may participate in a proposal no matter where it is established. A legal entity can be a so-called "natural person" (he or she) or a "legal person“ (enterprise, institute, etc.). The following may receive EU funding in FP7:
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 34 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Who may participate? (2) Any legal entity established in a Member State or an Associated country (including the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre), or created under Community law (e.g. a European Economic Interest Grouping), Any International European Interest Organisation Any legal entity established in an FP7 International Cooperation Partner Country (ICPC). The ICPCs are listed on the CORDIS web site, and in Annex to the work programme.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 35 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Who may participate? (3) In the case of a participating international organisation, other than an intn’l European interest organisation, or a legal entity established in a non-EU country other than an AC or ICPC, a Community financial funding may be granted provided that one of the following conditions is met: (a) Provision is made to that effect in the specific programmes or in the relevant work programme, or (b) It is essential for carrying out the indirect action, or (c) Such funding is provided for in a bilateral S & T agreement or any other arrangement between the Community and the country in which the legal entity is.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 36 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Proposal submission Only the coordinator is authorised to submit the proposal Proposals must be submitted electronically, using the Electronic Proposal Submission Service (EPSS). Proposals arriving at the REA by any other means are regarded as ‘not submitted’, and will not be evaluated! Proposals must be submitted on or before the deadline specified in the Call fiche. It is coordinator’s responsibility to ensure the timely submission of a proposal. The EPSS will be closed for after the call deadline Please note that you may submit successive drafts of your proposal through the EPSS. Each successive submission overwrites the previous version Withdrawing a proposal is possible at any time.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 37 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA What happens next Shortly after the call deadline (12 days) the REA will send acknowledgements of receipt to the coordinators (e-mails). The REA will check that proposals meet the eligibility criteria that apply to this call and funding scheme. All eligible proposals will be evaluated by independent experts. Based on the results of the evaluations, and according to the available budget, the REA – together with the Commission – makes three lists: the final list of proposals for possible funding, the reserve list and the fail list. Official letters are then sent to the applicants. If all has gone well, this letters will mark the beginning of a negotiations phase.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 38 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Negotiations Negotiations between the applicants and the REA aim to conclude a grant agreement for EU funding.They cover: –the scientific –the technological, –the administrative, and –the financial aspects of the project. They will also refer to: –any recommendations by the experts concerning modifications of the work in the proposal, –any ethical review recommendations, if any –any security aspects recommendations, if relevant. (See Negotiation Guidance Notes)
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 39 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Indicative timetable for this call Publication of call30 July 2009 Deadline for submission of proposals 03 December 2009, 17:00 Evaluation Summary Reports sent to proposal coordinators ("initial information letter") March - 2010 Invitation letter to successful coordinators to launch grant agreement negotiations with REA services April - 2010 Letter to unsuccessful applicantsMay - 2010 Signature of first grant agreementsJune - July 2010
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 40 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Some instructions for the applicants Why the FP7 is not so easy? complexity administration low success rate management of the intellectual property rights
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 41 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Important issues in writing a project proposal read carefully the topics and characteristics find the most suitable call for proposals the content of the proposal has to match the topic(s) and scope when it is the first time, be a participant rather than the co-ordinator search for experienced partner(s)
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 42 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Important issues in writing a project proposal (2) fulfil all the eligibility conditions at writing take care about evaluation criteria project has to demonstrate: awareness of the state of the art clear goals and milestones well determined way to achieve the goals
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 43 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Important issues in writing a project proposal (3) let the proposal writing to be done by someone who already has a successful project ensure that the proposal is written clearly and understandable project proposal should be optimal in size –enough detailed, but not over-sized project should be strucured –first things first
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 44 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Important issues in writing a project proposal (4) writing should be of good quality and deprived of grammatical errors one should take into consideration –that most of the evaluators are not native English speakers –that the time to read and evaluate each proposal is limited
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 45 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Important issues in writing a project proposal (5) prepare project plan carefully and in details: –split project in phases –define tasks –determine milestones –set up clear results –determine deliverables.
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 46 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Important issues in writing a project proposal (6) project should demonstrate European added value project consortium should settle legal and financial issues –different meaning and interpretation of the same terms in different countries project should be well balanced
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 47 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Threats Major threats that could jeopardise a project to fail, are: inadequate management weak agreement on intellectual property rights handling (e.g. patents, licences, upgrades of ICT, deliverables) project proposal does not states in detail potential impact of the project results (financial, market, employment and growth) improper dissemination of the results and training
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 48 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Eurostars The initiative related to programme EUREKA is called 'Eurostars‘. It is aimed at supporting research & development performing SMEs. In this work programme only ERA NETs which are within the scope of one of the parts will be supported and any call is clearly indicated in that part. An additional EUR 17 million of the 2010 budget will be dedicated to EUROSTARS (Art 169).
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 51 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Further information
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 52 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Further information
THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Chişinău, 9 October 2009 53 THE REPUBLIC OF SLOVENIA Further information DG Research DG Enlargement SME Web FP7 Home Page FP7 TransCoSME NCP NET http://www.enterprise-europe- EEN http://www.enterprise-europe- phone: +3861-4784640, the MINISTRY OF HIGHER EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY TECHNOLOGY DIRECTORATE, e: Kotnikova 38, 1000 Ljubljana t: 01 478 4600, f: 01 478 4719 T H A N K Y O U !
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