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Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 1 EIMG Considered Projects for call 3.

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1 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 1 EIMG Considered Projects for call 3

2 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 2 Mechanical project (1/2) Major technical objectives of the project: –To improve the integration and the virtual design/testing –To develop innovative technologies On two mechanical systems : –Variable vane system (VSV and VBV) –Power off take/Gearbox system General content : –Innovative design and new technologies using composite –Advanced modelling (kinematics using flexibility and friction, CFD code, etc.) –Demonstrators –Validation through testing ("power off take", VSV, VBV) –Updated design rules –Updated best practises for simulation

3 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 3 Mechanical project (2/2) Objectives In line with the FP7 Targets : –GREEN through SFC improvement, Reduced weight, Increased life time –COST EFFICIENCY through Reduced development times, Reduction of maintenance costs by dynamics improvement & gear noise prediction SME partners already identified : –Samtech (BE), Arttic (FR) Contact point : Christian Paleczny - Snecma Mail : Phone : 33 1 60 59 99 79

4 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 4 Aerothermal project (1/2) Major technical objectives of the project: –Build-in a database of test cases representative of HP turbine inlet conditions : To validate 3D CFD and thermal codes to improve the numerical methodologies General content : –Upgrade one existing test rig with combustor simulator to provide representative HPT inlet flow conditions ( RTDF/OTDF profile, flow unsteadiness, flow structure) –Design and manufacturing of the test rig modification and of the turbine to be tested –Realize tests, with the highly instrumented test rig –Realize CFD validation using the available experimental data

5 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 5 Aerothermal project (2/2) Objectives In line with the FP7 Targets : –GREEN through SFC improvement, Increased life time –COST EFFICIENCY through Reduced development times SME partners already identified : –? Contact point : Remi Olive- Snecma Mail : Phone : 33 1 60 59 91 76

6 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 6 Engine distributed control system project ( ½) Major technical objectives of the project: –To increase maturity (SRL) of distributed control systems used in a aero-engine –To investigate software modules running on distributed microprocessors linked by a bus network –To assess usage and provide knowledge and recommendations for further development General content : –Capture of functional requirements –Architecture and evaluation methods –Advanced control laws –SW top level design & tools evaluation –Communication sub system design –SW design & tools evaluation –Communication evaluation by simulation and test (test in specific rig) –Integrate components to demonstrate local control concepts –Smarts sensors or components requirements –Smarts sensors or components evaluation

7 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 7 Engine distributed control system project ( 2/2) Objectives In line with the FP7 Targets : –GREEN through SFC improvement, Reduced weight, Reduced nacelle lines –COST EFFICIENCY through Reduced development times, Reduced possession costs SME partners already identified : –TT Tech (Austria) Contact point : Marc Missout - Snecma Mail : Phone : 33 1 60 59 66 24

8 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 8 Reality Volvo Aero lead Contact: Topics studied; –Real geometry effects Effect of geometrical deviations caused by the manufacturing process or wear. Effects on aerodynamic performance and mechanical integrity of components Different engine components will be studied FP7 Call 3 July 2009

9 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 9 Weldmat FP7 Call 3 July 2009 Volvo Aero lead Contact: Topics studied: The focus is welding simulation and metallurgy of superalloys, to achieve predictable welding. Specific outcome of the project is: 1.Improved lifing of welds → reduced cost and weight 2.Joining dissimilar material → reduced cost and weight 3.Control of tolerances and deformation in welding → improved engine efficiency

10 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 10 RISE Lead: MTU Aero Engines Contact: Major technical objectives of the project: –Develop a validated and predictive design tool for compressor and turbine sealing. –Improve the modelling of micro and macro cutting in seals for better engine and fuel efficiency. –Develop an integrated model for seal abradability as an enabling technology to increase the use of un-shrouded blades, which leads to increased engine and fuel efficiency. General content : –Advanced modelling, Innovative materials processing, Validation through testing, Updated best practises Objectives In line with the FP7 Targets : –GREEN through SFC improvement, reduced tip clearance, increased life time –COST EFFICIENCY through reduced development times, reduction of maintenance costs by increased life time SME partners already identified : Ramiro Y Rilla S.A. ES Ustav fyziky plazmatu AV CR, v.v.i. CZ

11 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 11 INTELLECT D.M. 2 Major Technical Objectives of the Project: Support low emissions combustor technologies for aero-engines, through –Innovative design methodologies for clean combustion. Detailed non-intrusive measurements inside low NOx combustion chambers to gain knowledge e.g. on improved fuel-air mixing –Low emission combustors designs with improved operability –Advanced combustor cooling technologies, design and validation –Improved knowledge on combustor interfaces, compressor-combustor-turbine modeling and experiments Objectives In-line with FP7 Targets: –GREEN through Lowest Emissions, Clean Combustors with Improved Operability (Ignition, Efficiency, Lean-Blow Out) –COST EFFICIENCY through Significant Reduced Development Times, Smart Knowledge Based Engineering Systems to allow Full Combustor Optimisation and enhanced Combustor Cooling Technologies SME’s: Dziomba Aeronautical Consulting (DAC), Cambridge Flow Solution (CFL)

12 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 12 Fuel Injector Research for Sustainable Transport WP1. Fuel Spray Preparation WP2. Soot Prediction in Complex Systems

13 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 13 CoNoMaC formerly CORENOISE (1/2) Major technical objectives of the project: Improvement of the understanding of – the generating mechanism of direct and indirect combustion noise – the transmission process of combustion noise through the turbine Development and enhancement of core noise prediction methods for industrial design tools Validation of the prediction methods on the basis of acoustic data of industrial aero-engines General content : Experiments involving carefully designed test cases –A generic set up with controlled excitation –A combustor experiment on noise generation –A turbine experiment on noise propagation Validated improved prediction tools and models (high fidelity and low fidelity) with increased accuracy, less variability requiring less computational effort

14 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 14 CoNoMaC formerly CORENOISE (2/2) Objectives In line with the FP7 Targets : –Reduce aircraft noise by 10dB SME partners already identified : –SMCPFA Contact point: Friedrich Bake - DLR Mail : Phone :

15 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 15 Composites Project (1/2) Major technical objectives of the project: –Development of design methods, and advanced manufacturing simulation capability for 3D reinforced composites, including NDE capability acquisition. General content : –A process map for FEM supported validation and capability to optimise 3D reinforced engine components with regard to weight and cost –Verification of the manufacture process capability and improved accuracy in analytical verification activities –Known capabilities of NDT methods, and use of NDT to validate structural models –Known cost/benefit of using state-of -the art NDT technologies, manufacturing process simulation and appropriate FEM methods to improve competitiveness. –Significant training benefits (100% funded), and potential for End-User employment of researchers at the end of the project Benefits for SMEs: –Opportunity to work directly with end users who could utilise your capabilities in the longer term –Opportunity to validate your capabilities through the development and testing of a substantial test article –Access to networks of contacts in industry and academia, with potential for involvement in other projects

16 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 16 Composites Project (2/2) Objectives In line with the FP7 Targets : –Green Aircraft – developing improved composites manufacture and design validation capability would lead to reduced CO2 emission –Aircraft development costs – composites manufacture capability development would enable efficient design, cheaper manufacture and utilisation of cheaper raw materials SME partners already identified : –Currently in negotiation –SME partners with specialist composites manufacturing, NDE, test metrology or engineering software development capability are particularly encouraged to enquire. Contact point : Alison McMillan – Rolls-Royce Mail : Phone : +44 1332 244951

17 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 17 MERLIN - Possible partners and activities. ITP –On-Line NDT –Boss Creation –Salvage (production) –Prototypes for Rigs/Blades for aerodynamics only –No modelling AVIO –Boss creation on case L.P.T (min dia 300mm, max 1800mm) –Restoration of errors during production of cases –Build-up carrier for geared turbo fan –Build-up input shaft (corrugated shaft) –Note: Protocast (Italy SME) to be involved MTU –Ti Al repair fo blade –247 static part –Part of turbine centre frame Rolls-Royce –On-Line NDT –Deposition of bosses on to aeroengine cases TWI –Blown Powder stsrem Deposition Studies –Powder bed Deposition system studies Turbomeca –Static parts –Diffusers –HP nozzle guide vanes –Blade Sheilding case Volvo (VAC) –Manufacture and repair of structural components –NDT –LMD of powder and wire –Deposit different material to substrate

18 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 18 Proposed Work packages – July 2009 WP1 –Project definition –Design optimisation WP2 –Process development –High spec material –More complex –Geometry validation –Process monitoring and control –Analysis –FE Modelling WP3 –NDT –On-line NDT WP4 –Testing and OEM evaluation WP5 –Demonstrators WP6 –Management –Inc dissemination and exploitation

19 Engine Industry Management Group July 2009Page 19 MERLIN - Innovation Online NDT High Spec Materials New Design development for performance More Complex Geometries Powder Recycling Generic Demonstrator Faster Laser Metal Deposition Contact point : Jeff Allen – Rolls-Royce Mail :

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