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Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Career options day « Researchers in Europe: one profession, multiple careers » Stefania Bettini Researchers’ career DG Research European.

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Presentation on theme: "Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Career options day « Researchers in Europe: one profession, multiple careers » Stefania Bettini Researchers’ career DG Research European."— Presentation transcript:

1 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Career options day « Researchers in Europe: one profession, multiple careers » Stefania Bettini Researchers’ career DG Research European Commission

2 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Research: a profession with multiple careers? Current situation The action-based answers at European level (integrated European strategy for HR in R&D, European labour market for researchers…) Food for thought (the European Charter and Code, FP7…)

3 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Current situation mobileEuropean research needs sufficient, mobile and well-trained researchers Without researchers, Europe will not be able to secure and expand its role in science, technology and innovation

4 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Main problems? Lack of attractiveness Long and hard apprenticeship Poor rewards and uncertain future, with short term postdoctoral appointments Close, non transparent recruitment procedures

5 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Other problems… Administrative and legal obstacles Administrative and legal obstacles still hamper geographical and intersectoral mobility: Researchers risk losing advantages gained in the country of origin, such as: career progress pension and social security rights

6 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 = the EU weakness (not the quantity or quality of PhD holders, but quantity of researchers the quantity of researchers…)

7 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 The action-based answers at European level: an integrated European strategy for human resources in R&D building up and on human resources Developed by Commission together with Member States and Stakeholders within the Lisbon Strategy for growth and jobs and the Barcelona 3% Research Investment Target, building up and on human resources requires: European career perspectives for researchers statusattractiveness 1.Developing genuine European career perspectives for researchers, enhancing their status and attractiveness of this profession and related careers public recognition 2.Improving public recognition of researchers’ roles and contribution to society and citizens’ welfare as well as attracting more young people into researcher profession increasing of funding 3.Substantial increasing of funding for training, mobility and career development of researchers (« Marie Curie actions » at EU level)

8 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Leitmotiv  Retention of researchers in Europe attractiveness of research careers  The attractiveness of research careers = a European labour market for researchers

9 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 joint efforts Improving the position and careers of researchers in Europe requires joint efforts: At European level At Member State and regional level As well as from industry, universities, research organisations and social partners

10 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 public recognitionImproving the public recognition of researchers’ roles and contribution to society and citizens’ welfare AttractingAttracting more young people into the researcher profession foster the career development of researchersBut above all, foster the career development of researchers: If researchers are provided with a fair professional environment with good career prospects, then they will stay in, come to, or return to Europe Joint efforts to: I. Developing genuine European career perspectives and II. Improving public recognition

11 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Charter «Charter» = reference point for the career management of researchers as professionals researchers as professionals, addressing both researchers and employers/funders on minimum entitlements and obligations Code of Conduct «Code of Conduct» = reference point for transparency and merit based recruitment, fair recognition of qualifications and mobility experiences

12 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Joint efforts to: Improving overall environment remove obstaclesCommission&Member States to remove obstacles to mobile researchers and making the environment more appealing for researchers in Europe (since 2001) Structured information servicescustomised local assistanceStructured information services and customised local assistance throughout Europe: «The Researcher’s Mobility Portal» and «ERA-MORE» (since 2003 and 2004 respectively) legal and administrative measuresLaunch of legal and administrative measures to better take into account the specific needs of researchers (« Researcher’s Visa » Directive adopted by Council October 2005) social security and taxation (but more progress is needed on social security and taxation related issues)

13 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 training at an early stage part of their lifelong trainingFinancing of researchers’ training at an early stage of their careers or as part of their lifelong training different career movesFinancing of their different career moves, either geographically or between sectors Joint efforts to: III. Increasing of funding

14 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 FP7 2007 –2013/ Specific Programmes + Ideas – Frontier Research Capacities – Research Capacity People – Marie Curie Actions Cooperation – Collaborative research JRC (non-nuclear) JRC (nuclear) Euratom

15 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 budget Commission’s proposal (April 2005) for the overall FP7 2007-2013: increase budget from € 5 billion to >€ 7 billion per year In that frame, proposal to reinforce the «Marie Curie Actions» («People» Programme) substantially from €1,8 billion for 4 years to € 4.7 billion for 7 years Currently preparing a revision of the FP7 proposals in line with anticipated budgetary restrictions (following December 2005 European Councils position on the EU-budget)

16 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 FP7 “People” programme considerable reinforcementStill considerable reinforcement of the FP7 « Marie Curie Actions » expected «Marie Curie Actions» are expected to concentrate on: structuring effect the structuring effect they have on research training, mobility and career development & strengthen links with national systems while they will also focus on: involvement of enterprises - reinforcing the involvement of enterprises international dimension - strengthening the international dimension

17 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Marie Curie Actions in FP7 Overall scope –Human resource development in R&D in Europe –Numerous, well-trained, mobile and motivated researchers –Attract students to research careers –Attract researchers to Europe and retain –Skills and sustainable career development –Continuity of previous Framework programme, with focus on structuring impact, while simplifying –Appropriate gender balance

18 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Action lines on: –Initial training –Initial training of researchers –Life-long training –Life-long training and career development –Industry-academia –Industry-academia pathways and partnerships –International dimension –Specific actions for policy development

19 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Which career options for professional researchers? Inter-sectoral mobilityat all stages researcher’s career path Inter-sectoral mobility for researchers at all stages of their careers should become a normal component of a researcher’s career path  Mobility not penalised  Career progression  Career appraisal

20 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Knowledge sharing and exploitation career in both sectors Prepare researchers for career in both sectors Employment (transferable, generic) skills = MUST Incentives to increase entrepreneurship Placements/internships in industry Create a portfolio to empower researchers Propose researchers CVs online to industry Ad hoc training for supervisors and motive them

21 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 From where to start?

22 Heidelberg, 08/06/06 Stefania Bettini Researchers’ career DG Research European Commission The European Researcher´s Mobility Portal Thank you for your attention!

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