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VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting Experience of water resources management IRIDE ACQUA GAS Nicola Bazzurro.

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Presentation on theme: "VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting Experience of water resources management IRIDE ACQUA GAS Nicola Bazzurro."— Presentation transcript:

1 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting Experience of water resources management IRIDE ACQUA GAS Nicola Bazzurro

2 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting IRIDE ACQUA GAS, established in October 2006 following the merger of AMGA S.p.A. and AEM Torino, is a multi–utility company operating in two major areas such as water and energy services. IRIDE ACQUA GAS provides complementary services such as: i) environmental quality services, water resources control; ii)process engineering services (including GIS); iii) research and development services (mainly research in the field of drinking water treatment and waste water treatment processes; iiii) Training services for technicians and specialists in the water sector. IRIDE ACQUA GAS activities

3 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting IRIDE ACQUA GAS is the reference partner for the application domain of VESTA-GIS “Water Management” bringing to the Network expertises and needs of an enterprise. The company should reflect expectations and requirements of the users operating in this application domain and contribute to the tasks related with the analysis of the state-of-the-art and the identification of training needs. IRIDE ACQUA GAS is involved as well in the valorisation process of VESTA-GIS results, contributing to mainstream exploitation of results towards appropriate decision-makers and stakeholders in the water domain. Finally, IRIDE ACQUA GAS contributes also to the promotion VESTA-GIS Network in the Water Community contributing to the involvement of new users. The water resources management stream in VESTA-GIS

4 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform WATERPIPE project Federutility - AMGA Foundation training courses Other ongoing or future research projects carried out by the Company

5 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting The Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform (WSSTP) is one of the technology platforms that are set up within the European Environmental Technology Action Plan (ETAP) that was adopted by the European Commission in 2004. It has been established as new instrument for the EU FP7; it is open to all stakeholders (private and public) and provides them an opportunity to define common strategic research agenda sharing activities and thus increasing investments in European technolgy development. The WSSTP objectives are: WSSTP -Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform the competitiveness of the European water industry (Lisbon Strategy) solving the European water problems reaching the Millennium Development Goals (Johannesburg)

6 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting Six research topics has been defined considering all important water issues and particularly issue in focus: 1. Mitigation of water stress in coastal zone 2. Sustainable water management in large cities 3. Sustainable water management for agricultrure 4. Sustainable water management for industry 5. Reclamation of polluted water zones (surface and ground) 6. Proactive and corrective management of extreme hydro-climatic events WSSTP Research Topics The 2nd issue “Sustainable water management in large cities” as follow-up of a survey carried out through questionnaires, has been split into several sub-themes. “Asset management” is one of these theme and includes sub-items classified into “Generic Research” and “Enabling Technologies”

7 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting For each theme several workshops are organised, participated by delegates, WSSTP Board members and invited experts. In the framework of the workshop a report will be prepared with the purpose to point out the EU Commission research topics the stakeholders would expect to be included into the next FP7 call. WSSTP “Asset management” Workshops On the other hand, the workshops represent a very good opportunity for establishing a cooperation agreement aimed at co-editing the EU report; accordingly to the approach followed in other workshops, as added value, the participants are supposed to start thinking about projects proposals to be submitted at the time the next Calls will be issued.

8 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting It is a research project co-fundend by the EC within the 6FP. It has been envisaged as a possible project where developing joined activities with third parties participating in the research topic “decision support systems considering operation, maintenance and rehabilitation of assets” of the WSSTP (Water Supply and Sanitation Technology Platform). The objectives of WATERPIPE are: 1. to develop a novel, high resolution imaging ground penetrating radar for the detection of pipes, leaks and damages and the imaging of the damaged region and evaluate it at a test site. 2. to produce an integrated system that will contain the equipment in ‘1’ and a Decision-Support-System (DSS) for the rehabilitation management of the underground water pipelines IS RESPONSIBLE FOR THE DISSEMINATION WATERPIPE Project Integrated High Resolution Imaging Ground Penetrating Radar and Decision Support Sytem for WATERPIPEline Rehabilitation

9 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting As one of the main dissemination activities in the framework of WATERPIPE project, Fondazione AMGA in cooperation with GOA (Gruppo Ottimizzazione Acquedotti) and IWC (Italian Water Convention) organises the “LEAKAGE TECHNOLOGY CONFERENCE” at the ACCADUEO Water Fair in Ferrara (IT), 21-23 May, 2008 The event is addressed to water industry practictioners interested in following global best practices in water leakage management to gain a full picture of the latest European research. Participants will heard directly from other European researchers and end-users how various applications for leak detection, measurement and management are working in practice. Leakage Technology Conference ACCADUEO Ferrara Fair

10 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting Training Courses IRIDE ACQUA GAS organises and develops training courses in cooperation with FEDERUTILITY and FONDAZIONE AMGA. The courses are addressed to employed personnel from water companies and multiutilities in Italy and abroad. They are oriented to the vocational training, focused both on practical aspects of daily work and on new emerging technologies and techniques. A course catalogue is scheduled each year, in order to tune the training offer according to the actual needs of the market.

11 VESTA-GIS Kick-off meeting


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