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Science City Hydrogen Energy project Robert Hudson 22 nd Jan 2010.

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1 Science City Hydrogen Energy project Robert Hudson 22 nd Jan 2010

2 Science Cities “The UK Chancellor of the Exchequer, Gordon Brown, has designate six 'Science Cities' to lead the development of deeper links between business and the science base and ensure that science, technology and innovation succeed in becoming the engine of economic growth”. Times Higher Education Supplement “The Science City designation was not just a badge, however. It also served as a catalyst, bringing together a range of partners from academia, business, the cultural sector and the public arena to focus afresh on how to support and stimulate science and innovation for sustainable economic and social benefit”. Professor Eric Thomas on BBC Bristol website

3 Birmingham Science City BIRMINGHAM SCIENCE CITY Demonstrator projectsScience City Research Alliance (SCRA) IT Infrastructure Energy Futures Advanced MaterialsTranslational Medicine Translational Medicine II Translational Medicine I Advanced Materials I Advanced Materials II Advanced Materials III Hydrogen Energy Energy Efficiency Energy Research Centre

4 Hydrogen Energy project 1 Develop a strong partnership between the region’s two leading research Universities International recognition of the West Midlands as a centre of excellence in hydrogen energy research and innovation Growth in the volume of public and private sector H2 R&D and its commercialisation in the region, sustained by appropriately skilled individuals Development of strong partnerships with industry

5 Hydrogen Energy project 2

6 Progress and success 1 The Hydrogen Energy project £6.5M Squeezing H2 from biomass £0.19M EPSRC Nano-NMR £0.18M EPSRC UKSHEC £0.75M EPSRC SCRATCH £1.5M EPSRC Zero emissions campus £1.35M HFCCAT Adaptive natural feedstock processing £0.4M EPSRC UKSHEC II £0.77M EPSRC UK-Japan H2 storage network EPSRC £0.2M Wealth from Waste £1.2M EPSRC Delivery of sustainable hydrogen £0.6M EPSRC H2 and Fuel Cell DTC £5.4M EPSRC Engineering Synthetic Reactions EPSRC £0.12M PLA-Foam FP7 £0.2M Total Levered = £10.66M (Private = £679,000)

7 Progress and success 2 Develop a strong partnership between the region’s two leading research Universities International recognition of the West Midlands as a centre of excellence in hydrogen energy research and innovation Growth in the volume of public and private sector H2 R&D and its commercialisation in the region, sustained by appropriately skilled individuals Development of strong partnerships with industry

8 Science City Hydrogen Energy Business Engagement & Collaboration

9 Hydrogen Project: Business Engagement Objective: To encourage and facilitate regional Industrial engagement with the equipment and capabilities within the Hydrogen Project, with the objective of delivering commercial business advantage.

10 Opportunities from collaboration UNIVERSITY –Knowledge transfer –Business support –Outputs –Research Income –R&D Partners –New technical challenges for R&D BUSINESS –New knowledge –Staff –Improved products –New products –Diversification –New solutions –Access to facilities –Increased turnover and profit There is mutual benefit in collaboration between Universities and Business

11 Hydrogen Energy Project: Key Areas Sustainable Generation of Hydrogen and other products Hydrogen Storage Hydrogen Utilisation

12 Capabilities Knowledge Facilities –Laboratory –Pilot Plant Demonstration projects Key differentiator is the expertise and facilities to span research, pilot scale trials and demonstration projects

13 Mechanism to support collaboration Consultations Testing PhD CASE awards KTP’s and mini KTP’s Short term projects Collaborative projects Preliminary consultation and testing can often be provided at no or a minimal charge.

14 Examples of Collaboration CASE award with SME Participation in SCRATCH supply chain project DTC short projects Short term consultancy project

15 Programme

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