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Chap. 6 Dataflow Modeling

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1 Chap. 6 Dataflow Modeling

2 Dataflow Modeling Continuous Assignments Delays
Expressions, Operators and Operands Operator Types Examples Summary

3 Continuous Assignments - I
Assign a logic value to a wire/net Syntax Continuous_assign::= assign [drive_strength] [delay] list_of_assignments; List_of_net_assignments::=net_assignment{, net_assignment} Net_assignment::=net_lvalue = expression Default drive_strength: strong1 or strong0 Delay: propagation time from inputs to output

4 Continuous Assignments - II
Constraints LHS of assignment (=) must be scalar net or vector net (rather than reg or vector reg) Once the value of RHS expression changes, the value of assigned wire also changes accordingly The expression of RHS can be reg, wire or function Delay controls the update time of LHS when the value of RHS has changed like gate delay

5 An Example of Continuous Assignments

6 Implicit Continuous Assignment
Perform a wire assignment when declaring the wire wire out; assign out = in1 & in2; (equals the following) wire out = in1 & in2;

7 Implicit Net Declaration
Perform assignment for an un-declared wire wire i1, i2; assign out = i1 & i2; // wire out has not been // declared

8 Dataflow Modeling Continuous Assignments Delays
Expressions, Operators and Operands Operator Types Examples Summary

9 Delays Regular Assignment Delay Implicit Continuous Assignment Delay
Net Declaration Delay

10 Regular Assignment Delay
assign #10 out = in1 & in2;

11 Implicit Continuous Assignment Delay
wire #10 out = in1 & in2; (equals the following) wire out; assign #10 out = in1 & in2;

12 Net Declaration Delay wire #10 out;
assign out = in1 & in2; (equals the following) wire out; assign #10 out = in1 & in2;

13 Dataflow Modeling Continuous Assignments Delays
Expressions, Operators and Operands Operator Types Examples Summary

14 Expressions Combine operator and operand to output a result a^b
addr1[20:17] + addr2[20:17] in1 | in2

15 Operands Data type - constants, integers, real, nets, registers, times, bit-select, part-select, memory or function calls Integer count, final_count; final_count = count + 1; real a, b, c; c = a – b; reg [15:0] reg1, reg2; reg [3:0] reg_out; reg_out = reg1[3:0] ^ reg2[3:0]; reg ret_value; ret_value = calculate_parity(A, B);

16 Operators Perform an operation on operands
d1 && d2 // && operates on operands d1 and d2 !a[0] B1>>1

17 Dataflow Modeling Continuous Assignments Delays
Expressions, Operators and Operands Operator Types Examples Summary

18 Operator Classes Arithmetic Logical Relational Equality Bitwise
Reduction Shift Concatenation Conditional

19 Operation Types - I

20 Operator Types - II

21 Arithmetic Operators - I
Binary Operator (+, -, *, /, **, %) A = 4’b0011; B = 4’b0100; D = 6; E = 4; A * B D / E A + B B – A F = E ** F;

22 Arithmetic Operators - II
Binary Operator (+, -, *, /, **, %) in1 = 4’b101x; in2 = 4’b1010; sum = in1 + in2; // sum is 4’bx 13 % 3 16 % 4 -7 % 2 7 % -2 Unary Operator (+, -) -4 +5

23 Logical Operators &&(logic-and), ||(logic-or), !(logic-not)
A = 3; B = 0; A && B A || B !A !B A = 2’0x; B = 2’b10; ( a == 2) && (b == 3)

24 Relational Operators >, <, <=, >= A = 4, B = 3
X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b1xxx A <= B A > B Y >= X Y < Z

25 Equality Operators - I Logic Equality (==, !=)
Event Equality (===, !==)

26 Equality Operators - II
A = 4, B = 3 X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101 Z = 4’b1xxz, M = 4’b1xxz, N = 4’b1xxx A == B // 0 X != Y // 1 X == Z // x Z === M // 1 Z === N // 0 M !=== N // 1

27 Bitwise Operators - I ~(Negation), & (and), | (or), ^ (xor), ^~ (xnor)

28 Bitwise Operators - II X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b1101, Z = 4’b10x1
X & Y // 4’b1000 X | Y // 4’b1111 X ^ Y // 4’b0111 X ^~ Y // 4’b1000 X & Z // 4’b10x0 X = 4’b1010, Y = 4’b0000 X | Y // 4’b1010 X || Y // 1

29 Reduction Operator &, ~&, |, ~|, ^, ~^ X = 4’b1010 &X // 1’b0
^X // 1’b0, can be used to count even parity

30 Shift Operator >>(right shift), <<(left shift), >>>(arithmetic right shift), <<< X = 4’b1100 Y = X >> 1; // 4’b0110 Y = X << 1; // 4’b1000 Y = X << 2; // 4’b0000 Integer a, b, c; a = 0; b = -10; c = a + (b >>> 3);

31 Concatenation Operator
{, } A = 1’b1, B = 2’b00, C = 2’b10, D = 3’b110 Y = { B, C } Y = { A, B, C, D, 3’b001 } Y = { A, B[0], C[1] }

32 Replication Operator reg A; reg [1:0] B, C; reg [2:0] D;
A = 1’b1; B = 2’b00; C = 2’b10; D = 3’b110; Y = {4{A}} Y = {4{A}, 2{B}} Y = {4{A}, 2{B}, C}

33 Conditional Operator Condition_expr ? ture_expr : false_expr;
assign addr_bus = drive_enable ? Addr_out : 36’bz; assign out = control ? in1 : in0; Assign out = ( A == 3 ) ? ( control ? x : y ) : ( control ? m : n );

34 Operator Precedence

35 Dataflow Modeling Continuous Assignments Delays
Expressions, Operators and Operands Operator Types Examples Summary

36 Design 4-to-1 Multiplexer
Using logic expression Using conditional operator

37 Using Logic Expression

38 Using Conditional Operator

39 Design 4-bit Full Adder Using addition (+) and concatenation ({, })
Carry look ahead

40 Using Addition and Concatenation Operator (DataFlow Modeling)

41 Carry Look Ahead Full Adder - I

42 Carry Look Ahead Full Adder - II

43 4-bit Ripple Carry Counter

44 Negative Triggered D Flip-Flop with Clear

45 4-bit Ripple Carry Counter in Verilog

46 T Flip-Flop in Verilog

47 D Flip-Flop in Verilog

48 Testbench for 4-bit Ripple Counter - I

49 Testbench for 4-bit Ripple Counter - I

50 Simulation Result

51 Dataflow Modeling Continuous Assignments Delays
Expressions, Operators and Operands Operator Types Examples Summary

52 Summary Continuous Assignment (expression, operator and operand)
Define delays in continuous assignment Various operators in Verilog Arithmetic, logical, relational, equality, bitwise, reduction, shift, concatenation, replication, conditional Conditional operator is equivalent to “if-then-else” statement

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