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Published byGuy Hedrington Modified over 10 years ago
Revision and consolidation of Euratom Basic Safety Standards
Dr. Augustin Janssens Europäische Atomenergiegemeinschaft EURATOM Entstehung und Stand des Entwurfs der EURATOM-Direktive unter besonderer Berücksichtigung des Artikels 74 zu Radon in Gebäuden Obwohl der Titel meines Vortrags im Programmblatt sich auf Artikel 74 der neue Grundnormen beschränkt, werde ich zuerst ganz allgemein über die Aktualisierung und Konsolidierung dieser Richtlinie reden, natürlich mit Focus auf Radon, aber nicht nur in Wohnhäusern sondern auch Arbeitsplätze, und im Rahmen der Begriff "bestehende Expositionssituationen," auch auf Baumaterialien. Man muss das ganze Konzept verstehen, European Commission DG Energy D4: Radiation Protection Augustin Janssens 1
Overview Revision and consolidation of BSS Exposure situations
Existing exposure situations Radon (workplace, dwellings) Building materials 2
Revision and consolidation BSS DIRECTIVE
Article 31 Group of Experts since 2005 Topical issues natural radiation sources exemption, clearance, graded approach WP “Recast” First consolidated draft text: meeting in June 2009 Final text for Article 31 Experts in November 2009 Approval of draft text and related Opinion on Commission: Impact Assessment Report Inter-Service consultation Translation Draft Commission proposal adopted in September 2011 Opinion of Economic and Social Committee Final Commission proposal in May 2012 EP and Council? Member States? 2017? Die Aktualisierung der Grundnormen hat schon in 2005 angefangen, über 5 Jahre hat die Sachverständigengruppe nach Artikel 31 Euratom intensiv gearbeitet bevor Sie in 2010 Stellung nahm zur überarbeiteten Fassung. Die Kommission musste dann noch eine Reihe von Prozeduren durchlaufen, und erst jetzt liegt den endgültigen Vorschlag der Kommission vor. Mittlerweile hat sich schon die Gruppe für Atomfragen des Rates viele Sitzungen an dieses Thema gewidmet. Voraussichtlich Mitte 2013 sollten die Diskussionen abgeschlossen sein, nachdem wir auch die Meinung des Parlaments bekommen haben. Es dauert dann wohl noch bis 2017 bis de neuen Grundnormen umgesetzt sind in der nationalen Gesetzgebung. 3
RECAST Better legislation - simplification
Directives: Basic Safety Standards (workers, general public): 1996 Patients/Medical Directive: 1997 Informing the public on measures in the event of a radiological emergency: 1989 Outside Workers: 1990 High Activity Sealed Sources (HASS): 2003 Radon Recommendation 90/143/Euratom Recast: In principle no discussion of unmodified text In practice: too many changes with cross-cutting impact Hence: “consolidation” Die Aktualisierung beinhaltet auch eine umfassende Konsolidierung von fünf Richtlinien, im Bereich der Medizin, der >Information in Notfall Situationen, der externen Arbeitskräfte, und der hochaktiven Quellen. Diese Konsolidierung passt in einer Initiative der Kommission für eine bessere Rechtschreibung und Vereinfachung der EU Rechtsvorschriften. In Prinzip erlaubt es diese Prozedur die Diskussionen auf die wesentlichen Änderungen zu beschränken, aber bei eine so tief greifende Konsolidierung kann kaum daran festgehalten werden. Für unseres Thema, Radon und Baumaterialien, macht das nicht viel aus, diese Anforderungen sind neu. Radon wurden schon diskutiert in eine Empfehlung der Kommission, aber in eine Richtlinie werden die Anforderungen Rechtlich verbindlich. Es war logisch diese Empfehlung mit auf zu nehmen wiel auf dies Art und Weise die neuen Grundnormen alle Themen im Bereich Strahlenschutz umfassen werden. 4
Revision of EU-BSS Consolidation of current Directives
Allow for ICRP/IAEA Exposure situations rather than processes: practices/interventions Incorporate natural radiation sources strengthen the requirements Die Aktualisierung erfolgte auch der Veröffentlichung in 2003 von neuen Empfehlungen der ICRP. Die ICRP fördert die Anwendung der drei Eckpfeiler des Strahlenschutzsystems in jegliche Expositionssituation, und unabhängig davon ob die Strahlenquelle menschlichen oder natürlichen Ursprungs sei. Das Konzept "Tätigkeiten" (Practices) wird beibehalten, nicht aber der Unterschied zu den sogenannten "Interventionen". Tätigkeiten sind Handlungen die den Betrieb oder die Einführung neue Strahlenquellen mit sich bringen, oder, die Expositionspfade für existierend Quellen wesentlich anderen. Tätigkeiten sind also Handlungen die zu eine geplante Expositionssituation führen und als solches verwaltet werden. 5
ICRP Publication 103 Scope:
(176) … applied to all sources and all exposed individuals, in the following three exposure situations: planned: … involving the planned operation of sources (practices in operation) existing: … that already exists when a decision on control has to be taken, including natural background radiation … emergency exposure situations Principle of Justification: (206) … introduction of new activities where radiological protection is planned in advance and the necessary actions can be taken on the source (207) … where exposures can be controlled mainly by action to modify the pathways of exposure and not by action on the source Confusion because “planned” was associated with the applicable regime of regulatory control : notification, registration and licensing of practices. Euratom BSS: any (industrial) activity for which an undertaking or employer has legal responsibility for its conduct and for the resulting exposure should be managed in the same way as practices ICRP identifiziert geplante oder existierende Quellen mit geplante oder existierende Situationen. Weil die Tatsache ob es die Quelle schon gibt wichtig ist für das Prinzip der Rechtfertigung, macht es nicht so viel aus für die Art der Gesetzliche Überwachung. Das ist an sich kein Thema für ICRP, aber in den Grundnormen geht es vor allem um diese Frage. 6
Exposure situations Euratom approach
Existing: resulting from features of the location (not the type of activity) indoor Radon (ingress from soil) commodities managed together with the exposure situation: building materials (gamma exposure, radon exhalation) foodstuffs (post-accidental situation Planned: new source or new pathway of exposure resulting from the activity industries processing naturally occurring radioactive materials (NORM) operation of aircraft Occupational exposure: exposure of workers incurred in the course of their work responsibility of the employer for exposure to radon at work 7
Table of contents of revised EU-BSS
Preamble Chapter I Subject Matter and Scope Chapter II Definitions Chapter III System of Protection Chapter IV Requirements for Education, Training and Information Chapter V Justification and Regulatory Control of practices Chapter VI Protection of Workers, Apprentices and Students Chapter VII Protection of Patients and other Individuals submitted to Medical Exposure Chapter VIII Protection of Members of the Public Chapter IX Protection of the Environment Chapter X Requirements for Regulatory Control Chapter XI Final provisions 8
Annexes Existing exposure situations
VII: gives definition and use of the activity concentration index for the gamma radiation emitted by building materials IX: indicative list of types of building materials considered for control measures with regard to their emitted gamma radiation XVI: indicative list of items to be covered in the national action plans for radon in dwellings and workplaces 9
System of Protection Principles
Justification of practices Optimisation of protection constraints in planned exposure situations reference levels in existing or emergency situations Dose limits effective dose (stochastic effects) organ dose (tissue effects) 10
Reference levels Bands of reference levels for public exposure and corresponding societal criteria RL in the range 20 mSv – 100 mSv for emergency exposure situations below 20 mSv if no disproportionate detriment or excessive cost of countermeasures RL in the range 1 to 20 mSv per year for existing exposure situations indoor radon exposure long-term post-accidental management RL below 1 mSv for specific pathways of exposure (building materials) 11
EC Recommendation on indoor exposure to radon (90/143/Euratom)
Establish a system for reducing any exposure to indoor radon concentrations. Apply principle of optimisation. Decisions should be made on annually-averaged radon measurements Develop criteria for identifying regions, sites and building characteristics likely to cause high indoor radon levels Reference level for existing buildings 400 Bq/m3 Design level for construction of new buildings 200 Bq/m3 12
Natural Radiation Sources in present BSS Directive 96/29/Euratom
Exposure to radon in dwellings was not included in the scope Radon in workplaces Addressed in Title VII (Natural Radiation Sources) Identification of “work activities” of concern Large flexibility for Member States on measures taken No specific requirements on building materials 13
Guidance BSS Directive 96/29/Euratom Radiation Protection Series
Implementation of Title VII to occupational exposure (RP 88) Concentrate on highest exposures, and where actions are most likely to be effective. Surveys of radon exposure in different types of workplaces Action Levels for radon: 500 – 1000 Bq/m3 When radon concentrations remain above the Action Level the principles of BSS should apply (controlled areas, monitoring and dose limits) Information and advice to employers on remedial actions Building materials (RP 112) Definition of activity concentration index I = C226Ra /300 + C232Th /200 + C40K /3000 Radon exhalation: ”When gamma doses are limited to levels below 1mSv/y, the 226Ra concentration in the materials is limited, in practice, to a level which is unlikely to cause indoor radon concentrations exceeding … (200 Bq/m3).” 14
New BSS: Radon action plan
”Member States shall establish an action plan to manage long term risks from radon exposures in dwellings, buildings with public access and workplaces for any source of radon ingress, whether from soil, building materials and water.” Take into account issues specified in Annex XVI 15
Radon Action Plan indicative list of issues in Annex XVI
Assign responsibilities, allocate resources for measurements and remedial actions Criteria for delineation of radon prone areas Criteria for identification of buildings of concern Criteria for accreditation of measurement and remediation services Strategy for increasing public awareness in relation to smoking Long term goals for reducing lung cancer 16
Chapter VIII Protection of the public Radon in dwellings
Member States shall establish national reference levels for indoor annual average radon concentrations, not exceeding: 200 Bq/m3 for new dwellings and new buildings with public access 300 Bq/m3 for existing dwellings 300 Bq/m3 for existing buildings with public access In specific cases, allowing for occupancy time, a higher reference level with a maximum of 1000 Bq/m3 17
Chapter VIII Protection of the public Radon in dwellings
Member States shall: identify dwellings above reference level and encourage remedial action ensure measurements in buildings with public access in radon prone areas establish building codes to prevent radon ingress from soil and building materials provide information (local and national) on radon situation, risks and means for reducing radon concentrations 18
Chapter VI Protection of workers Radon in workplaces
Establishment of national reference level, not exceeding 1000 Bq/m3 Measurements necessary in workplaces located at ground floor or at basement level in radon prone areas specific types of workplaces identified in action plan Principle of optimisation Reduce radon concentrations or exposures If levels stay above reference level despite actions Manage as a planned exposure situation Dose limit and requirements for occupational exposure apply Control if individual exposures > 6 mSv/year 19
Discussions in AQG Same reference level (RL) for different types of buildings (300 Bq/m³) including workplaces? buildings with public access: also workplaces Optional higher RL in workplaces, or merely a threshold for regulatory control (6 mSv/y)? ICRP TG: 2nd RL if first one is exceeded Lower RL for new buildings? or WHO value (100 Bq/m³), not as a RL but as long term objective and basis of building codes Radon Prone Areas? ("gefährdet") 20
Building materials Reference level of 1 mSv per year
for indoor external exposure from building materials in excess of the background outdoor external exposure Below 1 mSv/y the material is exempted and free on the market in EU above 1 mSv/y the national authority may consider appropriate control measures Information about the materials relevant for compliance with building codes should be available before their placing on the market I: conventional activity concentration index (RP 112) two categories (reflecting whether the material is used in bulk or superficial quantities) Index 1 or 6, to be defined in national building codes CEN/TC standards (construction products) 21
Building Materials 22
NORM residues Clearance criteria
practices involving artificial radionuclides Nuclear fuel cycle 10 µSv specific clearance levels NORM materials 1 Bq/g Exempted industry Regulated NORM INDUSTRY lower activity concentrations 300 µSv BUILDING MATERIALS
NORM residues Clearance criteria
practices involving artificial radionuclides Nuclear fuel cycle 10 µSv specific clearance levels NORM materials 1 Bq/g Exempted industry Regulated NORM INDUSTRY lower activity concentrations 300 µSv drinking water standards TID : 0.1 mSv
Conclusions 25
Conclusions Indoor Radon now fully incorporated in Radiation Protection legislation Distinction between types of buildings: residential dwellings, public access, workplaces or single reference level for buildings? Effectiveness, transparency, proportionality Radon Action Plan and Radon Prone Areas Regulatory control of occupational exposure to Rn in specific workplaces Coherence with NORM industries and Uranium mining Building Materials now regulated Construction Products Directive CEN/TC Standards 26
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