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September 2006 eViP. To create a shared online bank of VPs, adapted for multicultural, multilingual use: for the improved quality and efficiency of healthcare.

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Presentation on theme: "September 2006 eViP. To create a shared online bank of VPs, adapted for multicultural, multilingual use: for the improved quality and efficiency of healthcare."— Presentation transcript:

1 September 2006 eViP

2 To create a shared online bank of VPs, adapted for multicultural, multilingual use: for the improved quality and efficiency of healthcare education across the EU electronic Virtual Patients Round 1: 2005…62% Round 2: 2006…89% - Pass!

3 September 2006 eViP 1.Implement common technical standards for VPs and partner software systems, using the MedBiquitous VP specification 2.Collate VPs from partners’ existing collections and select cases for repurposing and enriching to local educational needs. 3. Adapt a subset of VPs for other healthcare disciplines 4.Restructure content to standards-compliant structure and metadata (using MedBiquitous Healthcare LOM) including cultural and language metadata of the partners (English, German, Dutch, Swedish, Polish, Romanian) and IMS content packaging. Project outline

4 September 2006 eViP 5.Enrich the content of the repurposed VPs with the addition of supporting resources e.g. supporting clinical science resources, clinical skills videos etc. 6.Share enriched VPs with the wider EU community through an online referatory 7.Provide access to VPs for non-partners through an open source player. 8.Evaluate how the eViP VPs meet the individual needs of the project partners and the wider community. Project outline continued

5 September 2006 eViP 9.Share templates and tools within the EC community for the easy creation of new VPs. 10.Disseminate best practice guidelines and support tools for creating and sharing VPs 11.Embed a sustainable model for the storage and retrieval of VPs beyond the lifetime of the 3-year project Project outline continued

6 September 2006 eViP Project plan overview

7 September 2006

8 VP Examples

9 September 2006 eViP eViP and MedBiquitous  All Project members signed up to MedBiquitous, using MedBiquitous Virtual Patient specification and Healthcare LOM for metadata  Major opportunity to test, develop and embed the MVP specification in an international setting MedBiquitous Europe  Set up to promote local interest in common technical standards for VPs (in the first instance)  Permits other European partners to join the eVIP group by another route

10 ® Enabling Collaboration for Healthcare Education. Mission: To advance healthcare education through technology standards that promote professional competence, collaboration, and better patient care.

11 September 2006 D4.4An eViP project weblog and wiki.M1 D1.1Repurposed ‘pilot’ casesM3 D4.3A collaborative virtual patient web site and forum with engagement from the wider community M3 D7.1Project PresentationM3 D7.2Internal Project websiteM3 D1.2Dissemination of feedback, workflows, and recommendations for project plan M4 D1.3Pilot case study reportM4 D2.1eViP Application ProfileM4 D3.1Inventory of existing VP casesM4 D4.6Attendance and presentations at European medical education and e- learning conferences M4-36 D5.1Inventory report of the existing VP designs and of the pedagogical scenario’s the partners want to address in this project M4 DELIVERABLES- Year 1

12 September 2006 D2.2eViP Application Profile implementation and conformance testingM16 D2.4Common consent and licensing DRM frameworkM16 D2.5Documentation and best practice guidesM16 D3.4Set of new repurposed standards compliant VPs, with metadata, and packaged, for multi-lingual access M17 D5.3Published evaluation instrument for learning and teaching activities with VP’s M17 D3.5Set of repurposed VPs in new disciplinesM18 D4.2Good practice guidelines for developing and repurposing virtual patients M18 D5.4Publicly available set enriched and standards compliant VP’s for different educational scenarios M23 D5.5Published eddifferent educational scenario’s and different cultures ucational guidelines for enriching and implementing VP’s for M24 DELIVERABLES- Year 2

13 September 2006 D2.3Third party tools and servicesM6 D3.2Report on which VP cases that will be repurposed, medical/ healthcare specialty targeted and responsible partner M6 D4.1Case studies of the use of virtual patientsM6 D7.4Progress reports and budget statementsM6 M18 M30 D3.3Populated repository of English VPsM11 D5.2Published evaluation instrument for VP’sM11 D7.3Pre-financing request M12, M24 D7.5Annual Report M12, M24 DELIVERABLES- Year 2

14 September 2006 D5.5Published educational guidelines for enriching and implementing VP’s for different educational scenario’s and different cultures M24 D3.6Set of localized new VPs into new culturesM26 D3.7Report on approved peer review processM28 D6.1eViP learning object referatoriesM28 D3.8Report on approved metadata schemes for eViP VPsM29 D6.2Upload of eViP VP metadata recordsM30 D6.3Cooperative business and licensing modelM32 D6.4Implemented awareness and dissemination strategyM32 D6.5Copyright and IPR modelM32 D3.9Complete referatory of repurposed, standardised and localised VPs for different disciplines, including metadata descriptions M34 DELIVERABLES- Year 3

15 September 2006 D4.5Project outputs and documentation available via the eVIP project website End D4.7Published scholarly articles in relevant journals and newslettersEnd D4.8A successful European dissemination eventEnd D6.6Documentation and training materials guidesEnd D7.6Project Presentation (results)End D7.7Financial StatementEnd D7.8Final reportEnd PROJECT END

16 September 2006 eViP  Common standard to uniformly describe the VPs  Referatory’ of 320 collective VPs for multi-lingual, multicultural access, and integrated into the curricula of project partners  Sustainable network of European medical faculties for the development and exchange of VPs  Annual evaluation surveys used to improve VPs  Common content licensing model developed for open exchange of materials  First large-scale international collaboration around the exchange of virtual patients  Major resource for medical and healthcare education throughout Europe Major Outcomes

17 September 2006

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