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Statewide Mobility Performance Measures Team Meeting Webinar June 17, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Statewide Mobility Performance Measures Team Meeting Webinar June 17, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Statewide Mobility Performance Measures Team Meeting Webinar June 17, 2013

2 Statewide Mobility Performance Measures Team Purpose To provide guidance and support to FDOT and the state’s MPOs on mobility performance measures on reporting of internal and MAP-21 purposes

3 Agenda 1:00pWelcome and IntroductionsMcLeod 1:15pStatus of MPM Program (update since last meeting) McLeod 1:30pTravel Time Reliability PresentationMcLeod 2:00pBreak 2:15pMPM ContractVandervalk 2:30pFollow Up From Last Meeting 2:45pNext Meeting 3:00pAdjourn

4 Welcome and Introductions Welcome and Introductions

5 Status of MPM Status of MPM

6 Status of MPM Activities Final MPM Program PlanContinued support for MPM – Outreach Management Presentations Internal Central Office D4/D6/Broward MPO/Miami MPO Outside of State Production of Source Book underwayUpdate of MPM table



9 MPM Program Plan Goals Develop and improve measures and reporting techniques Report on mobility measures for MAP 21 and statewide reporting purposes Provide guidance on mobility performance measures (MPMs) to State and MPO stakeholders

10 Stakeholders understand the measures and how they can be used in decision making Monitoring the MPM Program Stakeholders are asking for the data Reaction Learning Multimodal Performance Measures Source Book is widely used and cited AND Modal offices and districts include defined Mobility Performance Measures in their publications Behavior

11 Monitoring the MPM Program Output Measures are used in evaluating alternatives, programming/prioritizing projects within Florida Outcome The MPM program makes a difference in improving mobility

12 Travel Time Reliability Travel Time Reliability


14 Delay Travel time reliability Other? Quantity? Utilization? Thoughts on MAP- 21 Mobility Performance Measures 14

15 Travel time reliability definition options 15

16 There are two general types of travel time reliability performance measures: Percent of trips that “succeed” Comparison of variability in travel times Travel Time Reliability # Trips Travel Time Success Measure # Trips Travel Time Free flow time 80 th percentile 95 th percentile

17 Didn’t arrive on time Travel time reliability The percent of trips that succeed … # Trips Travel Time Success Measure Arrived on time On Time Arrival Approach Arrived on time On Time Arrival Approach

18 On-Time Reliability Percent of trips made in stable flow traveling conditions – at a threshold operating speed 18 Highly Reliable 99+% of trips are made in uncongested traveling conditions Mostly Reliable 95%+ of trips are made in stable flow traveling conditions Unreliable Trips made in stop and go traveling conditions

19 19 Travel Time Reliability for freeway facilities % trips with a travel time index < 1.33 ~ trips under stable flow conditions ~ trips traveling at least 45 mph SHRP2 Project L08 – Incorporating Travel Time Reliability into the HCM

20 Travel time variability The variability of travel times that occur on a facility or a trip over a period of time Simplified curve

21 Travel Time Index = Percentile travel time Free flow travel time # Trips Travel Time Free flow time 80 th percentile 95 th percentile Travel Time Index = Planning Time Index Buffer Index Mean time

22 Travel Time Reliability Issues Peak Hour, Peak Period, Daily? When How far from A to B? Distance/Segmentation By Roadway, not Origin/Destination Facility/Trip Freeway/Arterial Network/Facility Type Traffic Ops/Planning Real Time vs Reporting Actual Data/Predictive Analysis Data vs Calibrated Model

23 23 TranStat’s Source Book FDOT’s Current Travel Time Reliability Reporting On-time arrival Planning time index 2005-2011 2011 On-time arrival

24 Travel Time Reliability Meanings Thoughts? 24

25 Break

26 MPM Contract

27 Cambridge Systematics Team Kittelson and Associates Teach America Sprinkle Consulting CDM Smith GIS Software and Consulting Reynolds, Smith, and Hills Texas A&M Transportation Institute

28 1. Support/Develop Mobility Performance Measures Program 2. Report and Analyze Measures 3. Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility 4. Research and Reliability 5. Other/Future Major Task Topics

29 Support Mobility Performance Measures Program Plan for MPM Program, organize resources, and develop tasks Brainstorm new ideas and coordinate with modes, districts, and subconsultants Assist with MAP-21 Training Travel time reliability implementation efforts SHRP 2 L38 the pilot testing of SHRP 2 Reliability Analytical Products – Including review of 5 products, testing, and recommendation for implementation 1. Support/Develop Mobility Performance Measures Program

30 Report and Analyze Measures Develop Source Book: – Review existing Source Book – Update calculation routines – Report new measures – Produce new General Interest Source Book – Implementation and Outreach Plan 2. Report and Analyze Measures

31 Report and Analyze Measures Acquire mobility performance measures’ data: – Assist in the coordination of multimodal databases – Summarize mobility performance measure data and provide documentation of the MPM Program – Provide data analysis through converting data into useful information 2. Report and Analyze Measures

32 Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility HCM bike LOS model – Update methodology to calculate bike LOS in the 2010 HCM Bicycle and pedestrian LOS evaluation – Evaluate bike & Ped LOS on the SHS in urbanized areas Sidewalk and bike lane inventory – Account for all bike lanes and sidewalks for the entire SHS 3. Bicycle and Pedestrian Mobility

33 Research and Reliability FDOT Reliability Model testing Travel time reliability LOS approach development and testing SHRP 2 reliability product implementation scoping Trip oriented mobility monitoring framework development 33 # Trips Travel Time Success Measure 4. Research and Reliability

34 Other/Future Topics Asset Management Plan Bottlenecks Managed Lanes Predictive Model versus Real Data Accessibility Measure Economic/Benefit Cost of Reliability Freight Reliability 5. Other/Future

35 Follow up from Last Meeting

36 Completed Developed 2 tables Website for sharing material Underway Definition of road network – MPO vs. FDOT reporting Repository of data to support PMs SHRP Implementation in Hillsborough Definition of district role in MAP 21 Not started D5 Case study on commuter assistance Follow Up

37 Discussion/Roundtable

38 Next Meeting

39 MPM Activities Meetings Webinar 3-6 months from now Possible Topics: Travel time reliability details Calculation of measures Other Face to face meeting 6-9 months from now

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