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Analytical Evidence on Research & Innovation in the Danube Region Progress of WP4 Vienna, 11.12.2014 Béla Kardon, PhD; RCISD

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Presentation on theme: "Analytical Evidence on Research & Innovation in the Danube Region Progress of WP4 Vienna, 11.12.2014 Béla Kardon, PhD; RCISD"— Presentation transcript:

1 Analytical Evidence on Research & Innovation in the Danube Region Progress of WP4 Vienna, 11.12.2014 Béla Kardon, PhD; RCISD

2 Overview D4.15 Analysis of research and innovation projects in the region and transferability of results (BIC) D4.16 Co-publication and co-patenting analysis among countries in the Danube Region (ZSI) T4.1: Monitoring research and innovation cooperation D4.17 Study on cooperation barriers in the Danube Region (IMP) T4.2: Barriers to cooperation in the Danube Region 4.18 Baseline study and concept for policy mix peer review (RCISD) 4.32 Policy Mix Peer Review Reports (RCISD) T4.3: Policy mix peer review

3 T4.1: Monitoring research and innovation cooperation D4.15 Analysis of research and innovation projects in the region and transferability of results – M14 (BIC) – Objectives:to identify and analyse EU funded projects’ results that have a transferability potential for the Danube Region – Content: cluster development technology transfer; financing mechanisms and tools; non-financing methods and tools for supporting research and innovation. – Actual status: Very first draft of the report is ready 75 out of 274 projects running (finished) under interregional & transnational programmes, FP7 & CIP were analysed Conclusions to be finalized M6 Definition of selection criteria M7 Automatic selection of projects > 10 000 projects M9 Selection of projects for result analysis: ~500 projects M10 Analysis of project results: ~200 projects M10  M11 Drafting the report and project database: 50-100 projects M11  M12 Consolidation of the report M13-14 Quality assurance & final deliverable M13 Uploading project entries to the website

4 T4.1: Monitoring research and innovation cooperation D4.16 Co-publication and co-patenting analysis among countries in the Danube Region – M14 (ZSI) – Objectives: basis for definition of strength and weaknesses – Content: the amount of co-publications and co- patents per country, their development over time (2003- 2013), major involved institutions and scientific fields, and the impact in terms of number of citations – Status: drafting of the report and visualization is in progress – The report shall be presented in a workshop (tbd) M8-9 Data acquisition M9-10 Data normalisation Data processing M10-11 Bibliometric and co-patent analysis M12-13 Report Visualization

5 T4.2: Barriers to cooperation in the Danube Region (1) D4.17 Study on cooperation barriers in the Danube Region – M14 (IMP) – Objective is to identify social, political and economic bottlenecks of S&T cooperation in the Danube region – Content Data analysis of desk research and the survey completed by DR researchers Policy recommendations – Status: MPI is in the process of finalization of the questionnaire by exchanging of e-mails and word documents with comments with the involvement of partners from ZSI, MIZS, RCISD and external reviewer The latest version shall be agreed during the GA in Vienna

6 M7 Draft questionnaire Database of e- mail addresses M8-9 Peer review (value survey mode) M9-10  M11-12 Piloting and finalization of questionnaire M10-11  M13-14 Launch & close of the survey M12-13  M14-15 Statistical & descriptive analyses M13  M16-17 Report delivery T4.2: Barriers to cooperation in the Danube Region (2) D4.17 Study on cooperation barriers in the Danube Region – M14 (IMP) – Next steps: December 2014: Finalization of the questionnaire January - February 2015: Launching the Survey – Partners will be asked again to circulate the questionnaire within their national RI community February - March 2015: Following the closure of the survey, statistical and descriptive analyzes will take place April-May 2015: Report will be delivered to project board.

7 T4.3: Policy mix peer review The task is consisted of the following activities 4.19 Baseline study and concept for policy mix peer review – M16 Policy mix peer review exercise 4.32 Policy Mix Peer Review Reports – M27 M11-12 Data acquisition M13-15 Elaboration of overview & methodology M16 Final baseline study M16-17 Presentation of the baseline study M17-25 Peer review exercise M27 Final report on policy mix peer review

8 T4.3: Policy mix peer review 4.19 Baseline study and concept for policy mix peer review – M16 (RCISD) – Objective is to elaborate a baseline study and concept for the policy mix peer review exercise – Planned content Baseline study: Overview to what extent non-EU Danube countries’ RI policy mix is analysed, identifying needs, transferable good practice examples  Rationale for selecting the 2 countries subject to the exercise out of Serbia, BiH, Montenegro Methodology of the peer review exercise – Status : concept sent for QA, data acquisition in progress Data acquisition (M11-12) Elaboration of overview & methodology (M13-15) Final baseline study (M16) Presentation of the baseline study (M16- 17)

9 T4.3: Policy mix peer review Policy mix peer review exercise – Objective is the exchange of good practices on innovation support programme and instruments portfolios, incentive schemes and support structures, funding bodies and institutional set-up, framework conditions for R&I – Why is it important? Evaluations bring in external knowledge and opinions to policy-making and policy-delivery Evaluations provide documentation on the implementation of policies – What is in this exercise? Defining specific needs of the countries concerned (shortcomings of previous evaluations, current needs of RDTI policy mix, etc.) Identification of good practises & country examples Critical examination of the existing RTDI policy mix by using a “critical friends” approach Dialogue with policy makers and RTDI experts from other countries to increase mutual understanding and learning Providing policy recommendations

10 T4.3: Policy mix peer review Policy mix peer review exercise – Planned steps of the implementation – in practise Decision on the countries being peer-reviewed (expression of interest of the countries concerned in line with the baseline study): beginning of 2015 Selection of reviewers: May-June 2015 Kick-off meeting: July 2015 Desk research: July-Aug 2015 Interviews: Sept-Nov 2015 Individual reports: Dec 2015 Draft synthesis report, presentation to national stakeholders: Jan 2016 Final report: Feb-March 2016 Decision on the countries: M13-15 Selection of reviewers: M16-18 Kick-off meeting: M19 Desk research: M19-20 Interviews: M21-23 Individual reports: M24 Draft synthesis report, presentation to national stakeholders: M25 Final report: M26

11 Thank you for your attention! Contact:

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