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An initiative to clean up the air for our children The National Health Institute.

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Presentation on theme: "An initiative to clean up the air for our children The National Health Institute."— Presentation transcript:

1 An initiative to clean up the air for our children The National Health Institute

2  An outgrowth of NHI’s commitment to health and wellness  Spearheaded by parents, who want cleaner air for their children  Encourage people to reduce air pollution indoors and outdoors  Newsletters  Conferences  Seminars  Promotional materials  Special task force targets smokers because of the harmful effects of secondhand smoke 12/12/20102

3  Smoke exhaled by a smoker  Smoke from the burning end of cigarettes, cigars, and pipes  Composed of nearly 4,000 different chemicals and chemical components  Often called involuntary smoking or passive smoking 12/12/20103

4  Effect on lungs  Children who breathe secondhand smoke are more likely to suffer from pneumonia, bronchitis, and other lung diseases.  Ear infections  Children who breathe secondhand smoke can have more ear infections.  Asthma  Children who breathe secondhand smoke have more asthma attacks and the episodes can be more severe.  Secondhand smoke causes healthy children to develop asthma each year. 12/12/20104

5  Miscarriage  Premature birth  Low birth weight  Sudden infant death syndrome 12/12/20105

6 6 Source: Pennsylvania Youth Tobacco Survey, 2006-7, Pennsylvania Department of Health, Division of Tobacco Control & Prevention

7 BronchitisWheezing PneumoniaCoughing Ear InfectionsAsthma Attacks Behavioral & Cognitive Disorders Sudden Infant Death Syndrome 12/12/20107

8  Infants whose mothers smoked were 38 percent more likely to be admitted to the hospital for bronchitis and pneumonia.  Children living in households where more than three packs of cigarettes were smoked per day were four times more likely to be hospitalized for ear tubes.  Children younger than one year whose mothers smoked were four times more likely to be hospitalized. 12/12/20108

9  Cough and wheeze more and have a harder time getting over colds  Get more sore throats and colds  Get eye irritations and hoarseness 12/12/20109

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11 Make your home smoke free. If you currently smoke, vow to quit. Don’t allow smoking in your car. 12/12/201011

12 12/12/201012

13 13 12/12/2010

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