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The first pronunciation of L is similar to the English word love: – Lait (milk) – Lettre (letter) – Louer (to rent) In the middle of the word it retains.

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Presentation on theme: "The first pronunciation of L is similar to the English word love: – Lait (milk) – Lettre (letter) – Louer (to rent) In the middle of the word it retains."— Presentation transcript:


2 The first pronunciation of L is similar to the English word love: – Lait (milk) – Lettre (letter) – Louer (to rent) In the middle of the word it retains the same quality: – Filet =Fillet – Table = Table – Parler = To speak

3 A final L is generally sounded – Il (he) – Sel (salt) – Cheval (horse) There are a few exceptions when the L is silent – Gentil (kind) – Sourcil (eyebrow) – Le persil (parsley)

4 The second pronunciation is the y sound in English million and Versailles. It’s phonetic symbol is which can be confusing. This sound is referred to as a semi vowel. This sound occurs in the following: Ail, aill, eil, eill,eul, eull, ill = Y sound like English million – Travailler (to work), taille (size) – Soleil (sun) – Famille (family), Juillet (July) – Fauteuil (armchair), feuille (leaf)

5 A couple of exceptions ville (town), mille (thousand). Therefore double L can be pronounced two ways: 1.As a single L in salle (f) = room, aller (to go), ballon (ball), ville (town, city), mille (thousand) 2.As a sound when combined with an I maillot (swimming togs), vieille (old), fille (daughter)

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