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Published byJeanette Look Modified over 10 years ago
ATLAS LHCb CMS ALICE LHCf TOTEM MoEDAL Circumference: 26.7km Design Energy 7TeV+7TeV ATLAS/LHC Ultimate LHC→ HL-LHC Katsuo Tokushuku (KEK)
2 ATLAS Collaboration 38 Countries 173 Institutions ~ 2980 active scientists: ~ 1800 with a PhD contribute to M&O share ~ 1100 students 2011/10/25 KEK and other 15 Japanese universities ~110 scientists (including students) KEK: 25 members including 6 ph-D students (as of March13)
3 ATLAS Collaboration 38 Countries 173 Institutions ~ 2980 active scientists: ~ 1800 with a PhD contribute to M&O share ~ 1100 students 2011/10/25
Length : ~ 46 m Radius : ~ 12 m Weight : ~ 7000 tons ~ 10 8 electronic channels ~ 3000 km of cables Tracking (| |<2.5, B(solenoid)=2T) : -- Si pixels and strips -- Transition Radiation Detector (e/ separation) Calorimetry (| |<5) : -- EM : Pb-LAr -- HAD: Fe/scintillator (central), Cu/W-LAr (fwd) Muon Spectrometer (| |<2.7) : air-core toroids with muon chambers Superconducting Central Solenoid (Japanese contribution:100%) (Yamamoto) Time-to-digital conversion chips for muon drift tubes (100%) (Arai) End-cap muon triggering system (TGC) (~50%) (Iwasaki, Sasaki, Tanaka) -> New trigger logic system for LVL1 Silicon microstrip tracking system (SCT) (~20%) (Unno, Ikegami) -> New inner tracker with pixel and strip detectors ATLAS: Japanese contribution to the ATLAS detector and its upgrade
Detector: TGC contact: (Ishino:now at Kyoto U.), SCT DQ (Tojo) Trigger: Muon and Tau signature coordinators (Nagano, Tsuno) Reconstruction: Tau Convener (Tsuno) Monte Carlo: Production Coordinator (Tojo : now at Kyushu U.) Physics: Higgs -> tau tau (Nakamura, Tsuno), Top cross section, W+charm, high-mass dimuon… Management: An ATLAS executive board member. (Tokushuku) ATLAS: KEK contribution to the ATLAS Operation
LHC-Run1 (2010-2012): Very successful years for LHC and ATLAS ! Integrated Luminosity 7TeV: 5.25fb -1 8TeV: 21.7 fb -1 Many thanks to the LHC team for such a superb performance !
2011/10/257 Discovery of a new particle (July/2012)
2011/10/258 Discovery of a new particle (July/2012)
Discovery of a Higgs-like particle! July
Discovery of a Higgs-like particle! November 2012 HCP in Kyoto
March 2013 m H =125.5 ±0.1 +0.5 -0.6 GeV μ = 1.30 ± 0.20
12 No sign of the BSM (yet)
13 No sign of the BSM (yet) Stop searches
14 No sign of the BSM (yet) Dilepton resonance Zssm M>2.86TeV
15 No sign of the BSM (yet)
Run plan 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 consolidation 13-14TeVrun 14TeV run LHC shutdown 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 HL-LHC L=5x10 34 leveling 3000fb -1 in 10 years 16 Nominal LHC L=1x10 34 Ultimate LHC L=2x10 34 KEK-Roadmap We will continue the experiments with the nominal energy LHC, 1) to understand the property of the Higgs particle and 2) to search for new phenomena beyond the SM and others ATLAS roadmap 1 We will start a leading contribution in LHC/ATLAS upgrade: for example, LHC superconducting magnet / silicon tracker and muon system ATLAS/LHC roadmap 2
Why HL-LHC? LHC will be the unique energy-frontier collider for the next ten years (or more). Because of high radiation damage, LHC’s focusing magnets and ATLAS/CMS inner trackers will be dead after Int. Lumi. of 300-500fb -1 is accumulated. ( which will happen in early 2020’s ) – We need to replace them in order to perform physics with Int. Lumi 1000-3000fb -1. Let’s aim for 3000fb -1 ! Luminosity leveling at 5x10 34 cm -2 s -1. Can be feasible with crab crossing. Still, the number of collisions at a bunch crossin is >100. We need the better detector to work in the harsh environment. 17 ATLAS Detector Inner triplet magnet designed and constructied by KEK and FNAL
Physics at HL-LHC Precise measurements of the Higgs particle: – Is this the only Higgs? – Any deviation from the SM Higgs properties? If we find new particles in 13/14TeV run starting from 2015, – Study the properties of the particles. If we don’t – We will continue the search for new phenomena up to the kinematical limit. Proton PDF → low flux of the high energy partons in the proton → We need high integrated luminosity.
Higgs couplings ( very conservative estimations ) 19 κγ/κZ tested at 2% gg loop (BSM) κt/κg at 7-12% 2nd generation ferm. κμ/κZ at 8%
Higgs measurements 20 H→μμ ttH; H→γγ With an assumtion of Universal K V 、 K F Rare decays with enormous statistics
H→HH A very preliminary study 21 Huge backgrounds from ttbar, ttH, etc. The most promising decay mode is HH → bbγγ With a simple cut-based Analysis λ HHH =0 -> 26 events λ HHH =1 -> 15 events @ IntL=3000fb -1 backgrounds 24 events 2σ significance in one experiment.
BSM 22 HL-LHC reach – 3TeV squarks 2.5TeV gluinos
23 2011 O(10) pileups 2012 O(20) pileups L=5×10 34 ~ 100 pilups Luminosity Leveling: It’s not easy! 2010 O(2) Pile-up events
Replace the forcusing magnets around ATLAS and CMS. HL-LHC Luminosity Leveling: various options Crab crossing β* leveling And upgrades for LHC injectors.
25 LINAC4 ( 2018 ) PS booster PS SPS LHC ATLAS Magnetic arroys in the RF cavity. (developed at J-PARC) RF Amplifiers: Possible KEK conributions LHC Injector
26 J-PARC RF cavities PSB: cavities LHC magnets J-PARC neutrino beamline Very fruitful collaboration with CERN
27 International collaboration has started for the design work of the magnet system ~300 m D1: KEK Q1-3: US-LARP(Nb3Sn) or CERN(NbTi) D2: BNLQ4-6: CEA/Saclay 27 Radiation test at J-PARC Epoxy (G10) CEBMIBT Challenges: Large aperture (φ130~150mm) 6 Tesla magnet: saturation, flux leakage High radiation dose: selections of rad-hard materials
28 ATLAS upgrade (1) Inner tracker replacement Pixel A new inner tracker design 10cm Prototypes of the strip detector: produced by KEK and Geneva U. Radiation hard trackers are already in reality! We need a huge investiment. Pixel 8.2 m 2 600 M ch. Strip 193 m 2 70 M ch.
29 ATLAS upgrade (2) Trigger upgrade Outer MDT Middle MDT (BW) Inner MDT New Muon Trigger with the drift tube readout. Large wheels equipped with the TGCs Upgrade of the small wheel 29 Track trigger (Waseda University)CAL trigger upgrade (U. of Tokyo)
Run plan 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 consolidation 13-14TeVrun 14TeV run LHC shutdown 2023 2024 2025 2026 2027 2028 2029 2030 2031 2032 HL-LHC L=5x10 34 leveling 3000fb -1 in 10 years 30 Nominal LHC L=1x10 34 Ultimate LHC L=2x10 34 Injectors ConstructionInstallation Magnets Installation Construction R&D Crab cavities Collaboration Installation Accelerators Detector upgrade Installation Construction R&D ATLAS We need to start construction in 2015, in order to install them in 2022.
31 Summary The first LHC run with Ecm=7-8TeV was very successful. KEK has contributed for both LHC and ATLAS; in detector construction, operation and physics analyses. In the next 5 years, we are focusing on; ATLAS operation and physics analyses with the ‘nominal’ LHC energy. Preparation and start construction of the HL-LHC upgrades
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