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Section 7 Regulations Governing the D Score D Score: Content Vault: The D score on Vault is the Difficulty Table in the Table of Vaults. The D score on.

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Presentation on theme: "Section 7 Regulations Governing the D Score D Score: Content Vault: The D score on Vault is the Difficulty Table in the Table of Vaults. The D score on."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section 7 Regulations Governing the D Score D Score: Content Vault: The D score on Vault is the Difficulty Table in the Table of Vaults. The D score on Uneven Bars, Balance Beam, and Floor Exercise includes the 8 highest difficulties (DV), composition requirements (CR) and connection value (CV). 1

2 DIFFICULTY VALUE  A- 0.10  B- 0.20  C- 0.30  D- 0.40  E- 0.50  F- 0.60  G- 0.70  H- 0.80  The maximum 8 highest difficulties including the dismount are counted on UB, BB and FX.  The D- panel will always recognize the DV unless there is a failure to meet the technical requirement of the element.  The same element is recognized only one time as a DV. If performed a 2 nd time DV is not considered. DV 2

3 Elements are considered the Same if listed under same number and have the following criteria: UB elements: – are performed with or without a hop grip change (Cast to handstand with or without a hop grip change) – giants fwd & bwd performed with legs straddled or together, with hip bent or stretched 3 DV

4 Elements are considered the Same if listed under same number and have the following criteria: Dance elements: When performed in Side or Cross position (BB)  Jumps with 1/1 turn or more performed in side position will be awarded 1 DV higher than in cross position.  If the same element is performed in cross and in side position, the DV will be awarded one time only and in chronological order  Jumps that start from side position and finish in cross position, or vice versa – consider as elements performed in cross position with take off from one or two feet with the same leg position land on one or both feet (BB) land on one or both feet or in prone position (FX) turns in the forward and backward direction 4 DV

5 Dance Same # = Same DV With take off from 1 or 2 feet with the same leg and body position: wolf hop (take off from 1 leg) and (wolf jump take off from 2 legs) Stretch hop with 1/1 turn; stretch jump with 1/1 turn Land on one or both feet or in prone position (FX) Wolf jump – land on one or two feet and also to land in prone position (FX) 5 DV

6 ACRO Same # = Same DV Acro elements that land on 1 or both feet Examples: BB # 5.410 Front aerial to land on one or both feet. FX: # 4.202 Salto forward stretched to land on both feet or on one foot. DV awarded one time only In chronological order 6 DV

7 Different Elements Elements are considered different with different numbers in the Table of Elements Example: BB – 2.203 and 2.301 7 DV

8 Elements are considered different, if they are listed under the same number and have the following criteria  there are different body positions (tuck, pike or stretched) in saltos,  the description for body position of dance elements is different  the legs are together or straddled in saltos (UB)  the legs are in cross or side split in dance elements  there are different degrees of turns  ½, 1/1, 1½ (180°, 360°, 540°), etc.  See Section 9 for specific apparatus requirements  the support is performed on one or both arms or free  the acrobatic elements take-off from one or both legs 8 DV

9 Same # = Same DV (BB) Performed in cross or side position Straddle pike jump / straddle pike jump with ½ turn If the same dance element is performed in cross & side position DV awarded 1 time only in chronological order 9 DV

10 Same # = Same DV Jumps/ Leaps with ¼ (90˚) Straddle pike jump/ Straddle pike jump ¼ turn ½ (180˚) and ¾ (270˚) Straddle pike jump ½ turn/ Straddle pike jump ¾ turn, also in side position 1/1 (360˚) and 1¼ (450˚) Straddle pike jump 1/1 turn/ Straddle pike jump 1 ¼ turn 10 DV

11 Jumps with 1/1 or more turn Jumps with 1/1 turn or more performed in side position award 1 DV higher than in cross position Example: Split jump with 1/1 turn = C Split jump with 1/1 turn in side position = D Stretch jump 1/1 turn in cross position = B Stretch jump 1/1 turn in side position = C. (Award DV in chronological order) 11 DV

12 Jumps with 1¼ (450˚) Start from side position and finish in cross position (vice versa) Consider same as element performed in cross position No higher value will be awarded Example: Straddle pike jump 1/1 turn; Straddle pike jump 1 ¼ turn DV awarded one time only In chronological order 12 DV

13 13 5.3.2 Recognition of DV of elements DV (Help desk 2011)

14 Recognition of elements occurs in chronological order An element devalued due to technical failure (credited one DV lower) that does not exist in the Table of elements is performed again in the exercise it will then be considered as a repetition and no DV will be awarded. 14

15 Recognition of Element Example: When an element is devalued due to technical failure: 15 C B D C Clear hip circle Giant 1 ½ turn (Did not finish in handstand)

16 16 Recognition of Elements When an element is recognized as another from the Table of Elements 1/1 turn with heel of free leg at horizontal throughout turn becomes 1/1 turn as free leg was not held at horizontal until the end of the turn C to A 3/1 twist attempted; only completed 2 ½ E to D In these cases, if the element is performed later in the exercise with correct technique, both elements will receive DV. They will be considered as 2 different elements in the Table.

17 Split Leap with Change of Legs Recognize as different DV from Table Free leg swing below 45° reward split leap If Performed 2 nd time with correct technique reward switch split leap 17 DV

18 First attempt no value – did not land feet first; 2 nd attempt successful landing – credit DV - D 18 Recognition of elements When no DV was credited due to technical failure Double back tuck salto Gienger First attempt failure to grasp bar; 2 nd attempt successful grasp – credit DV -D In these cases, if the element is performed later in the exercise with correct technique, it will receive DV. It is not considered repetition since the first time no DV was given.

19 Composition Requirements (CR) 2.50 Only elements from the table may fulfill CR 1 element may fulfill more than 1 CR An element may not be performed again to fulfill another CR 19 CR

20 Connection Value 0.10, 0.20, 0.30 Elements used for CV do not have to be among the 8 counting DV Devalued elements may be used for CV All elements must be from the Table of elements In order to be credited the connection must be performed without a fall. All acrobatic elements (FX without hand support only) & dance elements as specified in the CV formulas may be used. 20 CV

21 Direct Connections – Acro, Dance or Mixed Connections are performed without: Hesitation or stop between elements Extra step between elements Foot touching beam between elements Loss of balance between elements Leg/hip extension in 1 st element before take off for 2 nd element Additional arm/leg swing between elements 21 CV

22 Indirect Connections Only in acrobatic series on FX Are those in which directly connected acrobatic elements with flight phase and hand support (from Group 3; e.g. round off, flic flac, etc. as preparatory elements) are performed between saltos. The recognition of direct or indirect connections should be to the benefit of the gymnast. The order of succession of elements within a connection may be freely chosen unless there is a special requirement for CV recognition. E.G. FX D salto + B dance 22

23 Repetition of Elements for CV Elements may not be repeated in another CV Recognition occurs in chronological order Example BB: Salto backward tuck with 1/1 twist; Round off, salto backward tuck with 1/1 twist. 23 CV

24 Same elements on UB, and acrobatic elements on BB and FX may be performed 2 times within one connection and still receive CV. Examples: UB: Tkatchev 2 x D+X = 0.20 Or Stalder 1/1 2 x D+X = 0.10 BB: Aerial walkover 2x D+X=0.10 Flic flac with 3/4 turn 2x D+X=0.20 FX: Indirect or direct connections with whip salto 2 x to double salto backward piked A+X+D=0.10 Repetition of Elements for CV 24

25 Repetition of Elements for CV Giant 1 ½ turn, Tkatchev, Tkatchev, Pak Salto UB D + D + X + D 0.10 + 0.20 + 0.10 Total CV = 0.40 The flight element Tkatchev may be used: The first time as the 2 nd element of a connection The 2 nd time as the connection of 2 same flight elements The 3 rd time as the 1 st element to begin a new connection 25 With direct connections of 3 or more elements, the repeated flight element on UB or salto on BB and FX must be directly connected. CV will be awarded for all connections.

26 Repetition of Elements for CV BB : (Front aerial) + (front aerial) + (aerial cartwheel) D X D 0.10 0.10 Total CV = 0.20 Salto (Front aerial ) may be used: The 1 st time as a connection of same two saltos The 2 nd time as the 1 st element to begin a new connection 26

27 FX: Front handspring, Forward layout salto 1/1, forward layout salto 1/1, forward salto 1 ½ twist tuck + + + C X C 0.10 + 0.10 Total CV= + 0.20 Salto may be used: The 1 st time as a connection of 2 same saltos The 2 nd time as the 1 st element to begin a new connection Repetition of Elements for CV 27

28 Non Recognition of CV BY D PANEL JUDGES (D1 - D2)RESULT Performance of connection with a fallNo CV Failure to land feet first or in prescribed position from an element No DV, CV CR Take off outside the border markingsNo DV, CV, CR Spotting assistanceNo DV, CV, CR 28

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