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CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR SYSTEMIC SOCIAL IMPACT Melinda Edwards, Jenny Onyx, Simon Darcy & Hazel Maxwell UTS & Vanessa Brown & Shauna Sherker SLSA.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR SYSTEMIC SOCIAL IMPACT Melinda Edwards, Jenny Onyx, Simon Darcy & Hazel Maxwell UTS & Vanessa Brown & Shauna Sherker SLSA."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK FOR SYSTEMIC SOCIAL IMPACT Melinda Edwards, Jenny Onyx, Simon Darcy & Hazel Maxwell UTS & Vanessa Brown & Shauna Sherker SLSA

2 Context Social Impact Reports – SLS cited as exemplars, but ‘spill-over’ not accounted (Productivity Commission 2010) – PWC report 2009/10 value $3.6 B (Coastal drowning and injury prevention) Broad well-being – Onyx & Bullen 2000 social capital scale – BUT what else?

3 An Iconic Partner – A Snapshot 2008/09 150 318 active national membership – 57% males and 43% females Volunteering national trend decline – SLSA steady increase Matthews Value Matrix (2006) three levels: personal, SLS and community NEED DISCOVERED: Diversity and socially inclusive values

4 Social Capital Theory “The core idea of social capital theory is that social networks have value” Robert Putnam (2001) Bowling Alone Social Capital refers to – connections among individuals (bonding). – interaction that enables people to build communities, to commit themselves to each other, and to knit the social fabric (bridging)


6 The Incident – The Response

7 Study Aims and Outcomes AimsOutcomes Identify activities contributing towards SLSA’s social benefit Indicators of social contribution of SLSA in the Australian community Determine SLSA’s indicators of social contribution Develop SLSA-specific tool(s) to measure those indicators Survey tools for measuring social contribution Apply those tools within SLSAAnalysis of data and report

8 Research Design SLSA Management Information Systems – Corporate documents – Database – Staff knowledge Focus groups with “toes in the sand” members (this presentation) Online questionnaire – all members

9 NSW Qualitative analysis Survey Tool Design QLD Qualitative analysis VIC Qualitative analysis SA Qualitative analysis Urban Branch Club Focus group Regional Branch Club focus group Urban Branch Club Focus group Urban Club Focus group Regional Club focus group Urban Club Focus group Regional Level Focus Group

10 InternalExternal Process/ Activities Skills ‘Emotion’/ values Volunteer Social Leveller Public Education Networks Club Contribution Belonging Personal Development Train others Community Service Leverage Skills Feel Good Social Values/Citizen Diversity Economic Contribution Cultural Symbolism Physical Club Hub Club Programs Local Organisational Connectivity Health & Fitness

11 Key Nvivo Nodes a family orientated and supportive organizational culture (engagement of whole family over life-span) the personal development of members which flow on to the wider community (eg social values) generic skill development among members of direct applicability to wider community (eg leadership skills) public education programs for the wider community (e.g. water safety) mutual assistance with other organisations (eg emergency) assistance, facilities available for wider community (eg community meetings) formal programs for disadvantaged groups (eg indigenous, migrants).

12 Belonging “So you're hanging out with your mates on the beach and you're part of an extended big family… Then you go down on the beach and you're all on the beach like a big family, big community” “if you are having a hard time like on a weekend, you know you go to the club and there’s always someone there to have a talk to and go for a swim with” A socially inclusive organisation “It’s a real equaliser. It doesn't matter who you are or what you do, you can be involved with the club” “The fact that you can go to any club in Australia really and be accepted for what you are. Whether you are a bricklayer, a politician or a doctor, it doesn’t make any difference” Social and Citizenship Values “The greatest thing we put back into the community is community minded people” “I keep being amazed at the willingness of any member of any age in the club that's just willing to contribute in any way or just be involved in something as big as surf lifesaving…They're always seen as people that are contributing Community Service ‘There was a call recently when all the floods in Brisbane. We all got emails, any clubby who has got experience in boat skills, et cetera, rubber ducky and radio skills, you know could volunteer to help in the flood situation in Brisbane’ Public Education “Primarily the role of it is to get out there and educate them… it's about, getting that education out so that when they do come to the beach, they have some sort of understanding of what's going on Personal Development “They learn skills that can be used for the rest of their lives” “Learning those life skills in a fun way and sometimes probably not even aware they are learning life skills like Nippers” ‘People come on board the committee and then become confident in their own ability to go out and go onto other committees”

13 Leveraging skills “You join life saving to get skills for life. It’s kind of got a double meaning where you get skills to save lives and you get skills for your own life “There is a lot of people … actually get full time employment as a result of the skills they learn through life saving…” Connections with local organisations “All the community groups do networking together at some stage, so you do get the respect from those groups because they realize how important the surf club is to the community in the smaller communities. Then the Lions Club might come in and sponsor or they might have an award that they have that they will ask if the club's got someone who they'd like to nominate for an award, or we've got a certain amount of money that we'd like to donate to your club or something like that” Physical hub for the community “Our club's got a café on it. You know we've got a function area outside. Glenelg's got a function area upstairs that has three or four nights a week available for the community to come in and use that” “We've given local clubs the benefit of coming into the club on a particular night and using the venue to fundraise” Volunteering “When you go for a job, it looks better because they see that you're giving something back to the greater community, to the public. So you're not so selfish, you're thinking of other people, because you're helping other people and you give up your free time” “When you come to the surf club you are surf club member and you are there to do services for the club and for the public. I think that’s really important and part of the volunteering situation” “All I do now in terms of active involvement is patrolling…I think it is the fact that you're doing something for the community and the satisfaction you get out of that”

14 Bonding Friendship through leisure/sport activity (recreation and competition) Individuals belonging to a larger purpose Club as extended family (analogy) Family Intergenerational – nippers to veterans Social leveller – budgie smugglers/swimsuits Club as refuge Geographic bonding

15 Bridging Diversity Disability Indigenous Refugee Remote communities Multicultural/ethnicity Religious - Muslim (exclusivity) Other Other sporting groups Other community groups Schools Local business Major business Sponsorship

16 The Survey Tool 76 scale items Demographics including diversity items 1 open ended question Rolled out to the 100,000 strong membership over November & December 2011

17 Factors Ao : Organisational Activity Bo : Welcoming Organisation Ci : Belonging Do : Organisational social and citizenship values Ei : Individual social and citizenship values Go : Connected with other organisations Hi : Individuals networks Ii : Skills Jo : Organisation contribute to others Ki : Individuals contribute to others


19 Discussion: several patterns First, organisation is having an enormous, but complex social impact on its members and on the wider community. Personal belonging important for the individual, leading to other personal outcomes, notably individual level skills and networks and a wider contribution to society. Factors divide into organisational factors on the one hand and individual factors on the other

20 A message for other organisations?? It seems that “charity begins at home”, that is that a strong welcoming culture within the organisation is the essential precursor to wider social impact, both for the individual and for the organisation itself.


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