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Vocabulary Atrophic necrosis Ectopic bone formation Iliac crest contusion Legg-Perthes disease Osteitis pubis Trochanteric bursitis.

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2 Vocabulary Atrophic necrosis Ectopic bone formation Iliac crest contusion Legg-Perthes disease Osteitis pubis Trochanteric bursitis

3 Anatomy Quadriceps: hip flexion and knee extension vastus medialis vastus lateralis vastus intermedius rectus femoris Hamstrings: knee flexion Biceps femoris semitendinosus semimembranosus

4 Anatomy Cont. Groin : hip adduction Adductor magnus Adductor longus Adductor brevis pectineus Misc. Muscles: sartorius gracilis ilio tibial band Gluteus maximus, medius, minimus popliteus

5 Anatomy: Bones Hip/pelvis Iliac crest Anterior superior iliac spine: ASIS Greater Trochanter- femur

6 Injuries to the Thigh Hamstring strains -vs quad and hip flexor strains. Hamstring= most injured muscle in the thigh. Caused from deceleration Quad strain most common= rectus femoris Hamstring should be at least 60% 70% as strong as the quads.

7 Injuries cont. Hip pointer: contusion to the iliac crest Very point tender and loss of ROM in hip function, swelling, ecchymosis Thigh contusion:3 grades of contusions –1st degree= mild hemorrhage, point tender, full ROM –2nd degree= pain, swelling moderate pain, restricted ROM –3rd degree= muscle herniation, hematoma, severe pain, loss of ROM and limping

8 Misc. Injuries Ilio tibial band friction syndrome (ITB). Common with runners and bicyclists. Pain over the lateral surface of knee. Rx.= Rest, ice, NSAID’s ultrasound, and stretching/soft tissue. Trochanteric bursitis. Also common with runners affects origin of ITB.

9 Treatment of Thigh Injuries Strains- rice, NSAID’s, do not stretch unless painfree, TKE (terminal knee extensions ), soft tissue massage, progress to activity slowly Hip pointer - RICE, NSAID’s, gentle ROM, ultrasound, protective padding for competition Bursitis - RICE, NSAID’s, ultrasound, gentle stretching Stress fractures- non weight bearing, rest approx. 6 weeks, easy progression to sport

10 Stretching of lower extremity Gastroc./soleus Hamstring Quad Hip adductors Hip Abductors Low back

11 Rehabilitation Limited exercises: TKE (terminal knee extension), isometrics, SLR (straight leg raises), isotonic to isokinetics, PNF, pool exercises, stationary bike, rowing machine, stair climber, PNF D1/D2 flexion/ extensions patterns- rotational motions for the hip or manual resistance

12 Rehab. Cont. Close kinetic chain -vs- open chain exercises. First stages of rehab for knee and thigh will consist of closed kinetic chain exercises: PNF, balance, 1/4 squats, tubing, weight machines. Then open kinetic chain exercises: jogging, running, trampoline, jumping, defensive slide.

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