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Route Leaks Sandra Murphy. Is This a Route Leak? To be able to detect a route leak: Given Update with AS_PATH AS1…ASn Is this a route leak?

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Presentation on theme: "Route Leaks Sandra Murphy. Is This a Route Leak? To be able to detect a route leak: Given Update with AS_PATH AS1…ASn Is this a route leak?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Route Leaks Sandra Murphy

2 Is This a Route Leak? To be able to detect a route leak: Given Update with AS_PATH AS1…ASn Is this a route leak?

3 Is This a Route Leak AS 1 draft-foo-sidr-simple-leak-attack-bgpsec-no-help Sprint ISP1 ISP2 Cust AS 1 ISP1ISP2 ISP1ISP2

4 Is This a Route Leak A B C1 C2 C3 C4C5 C6 D

5 Is This a Route Leak D A B C1 C2 C3 C4C5 C6

6 Is This a Route Leak D A B C1 C2 C3 C4C5 C6

7 Is This a Route Leak A B C1 C2 C3 C4C5 C6 D

8 Is This a Route Leak A B C1 C2 C3 C4C5 C6 D

9 Is This a Route Leak A B C1 C2 C3 C4C5 C6 D

10 Is This a Route Leak A B C1 C2 C3 C4C5 C6 D

11 Questions Is there a precise definition of route leaks How do we detect route leak How do we respond to detected route leak –Mandated behavior –Local policy based Is additional info needed to detect leak –Who provides info –What is trust model for info –How is info carried

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