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Acyl carnitine analysis: Pitfalls & Problems

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1 Acyl carnitine analysis: Pitfalls & Problems
Rachel Webster Birmingham Children’s Hospital

2 Carnitine Quaternary ammonium compound
Biosynthesised from lysine and methionine Liver and kidney Transports fatty acids from cytosol into mitochondria Facilitates the production of energy from fat

3 Dietary fat Major component of dietary fat is triglycerides 1 glycerol
3 fatty acids

4 Energy production Preferentially use carbohydrates
Glucose Glycogen Hypoglycaemia (fasting, illness, infection) Fat metabolism Mitochondrial oxidation of fatty acids provides upto 80% of total requirement Protein metabolism Last resort Periods of excessive starvation

5 Triglyceride breakdown

6 Transport into mitochondria
Acyl-CoA Carnitine Transporter


8 Acyl co-A dehydrogenase species

9 Energy yield Fat Carbohydrate
106 ATP 1 molecule of C16 palmitate Carbohydrate 36 ATP 1 molecule of glucose  Why we only need a small amount of fat in our diets

10 Defects Carnitine deficiency CPT-1 deficiency CPT-2 deficiency
CACT (carnitine transporter defect) VLCADD LCADD MCADD SCADD Plus many more!!!  all differing acyl carnitine profiles

11 Free and acyl carnitine analysis
Native (underivatised) acyl carnitines Butylated derivatives Carboxylic acid group is esterified Both fragment to yield a common m/z 85 daughter ion

12 BCH Practice Paired DBS and plasma CIL NSK-B IS kit Derivatise Report
Quantitative free carnitine (plasma) Qualitative acyl carnitine interpretation (plasma & DBS) Quantitate any relevant species Underivatised Urgent samples Unusual peaks

13 BCH Practice DBS and Plasma
Acute scenario DBS Better overview of long-term status Some disorders are better represented in different sample types GA-1 HMG CoA Lyase deficiency

14 Sample preparation 3mm DBS 10ul plasma 200ul IS c stable isotopes
30min elution Dry Protein crash Derivatised Underivatised Butanol HCL Dry Direct flow injection +ve ESI MSMS


16 Acyl carnitine fragmentation

17 Precursor ion scan

18 BCH Practice Acyl carnitines Free carnitine quantitation
Parents m/z 85 scan Currently generating age-related reference ranges Free carnitine quantitation MRM 218 > 85 Ref range umol/L Linearity 300 umol/L Chromsystems Neonatal Screening IQC CDC EQA DBS Scheme ERNDIM Free carnitine Scheme

19 Internal Standard - Deriv
C0d9 C2d3 C16d3 C5d9 C14d9 C4d3 C3d3 C8d3

20 Advantages of derivatisation
Increased mass compared to underivitised avoids low mass contaminants solvent adducts Less affected by ‘isobaric conflicts’ dicarboxylic acylcarnitines C3DC hydroxycarboxylic acylcarnitines [OH]C4 Better ionisation of dicarboxylics 2 COOH gps Double derivitisation Increased positivity  excellent for +ve ESI Culture established worldwide published data better understanding of analysis

21 Underiv - ?Malonyl/OHBut
Patient 1 m/z 248 Patient 2

22 Deriv - ? Malonyl/OHBut Patient 1 Patient 2
m/z 360 ie malonyl carnitine C3DC Patient 1 m/z 304 ie hydroxy butyryl carnitine Patient 2


24 Disadvantages to derivatisation
For big batches (screening)…time, effort, cost and acid corrosion……!!! More steps to method - potential for more errors Hydrolysis during derivatisation loss of acylcarnitines increase in free carnitine Isobaric conflict Acetylcarnitine and glutamate m/z 260…esp DBS dicarboxylic acylcarnitines and hydroxyacylcarnitines [OH]C8 [OH]C10  ‘pseudo-glutaryl carnitinaemia’ in MCADD


26 SCADD Diagnostic peak m/z 288

27 MCADD - crisis Diagnostic peak m/z 344

28 VLCADD Diagnostic peak m/z 426

29 Ketotic Peaks m/z 260, 304 & 426

30 GA1 DBS vs Plasma - Deriv Diagnostic peak m/z 388

31 GA1 Plasma Deriv vs Underiv
Diagnostic peak m/z 388 Diagnostic peak m/z 275

32 GA2 Diagnostic C4 – C18

33 b ketothiolase deficiency
Diagnostic peaks m/z 300 & 318

34 MMA Diagnostic peaks m/z 274 & 374

35 PA Diagnostic peak m/z 274

36 IVA Diagnostic peak m/z 302

37 Malonic aciduria Diagnostic peak m/z 360

38 Increased free and short chains
PMB Increased free and short chains

39  Acylcarnitine MRM (butyl) MRM (underiv.] Disorder
C > > 85 PCD C > > 85 (Glutamate) C > > 85 MMA; PA C > > 85 EMA;SCAD; GA2 C5: > > 85 PA; BkT C > > 85 IVA; GA2 C4-OH > > 85 (Ketosis) C > > GA2 (MCAD) C5-OH > > 85 Biot;IVA;BkT;3HMG C > > 85 MCAD / [?] C3-DC > > 85 Malonic Aciduria C8-OH > > 85 (Metab Crisis) C10: > > 85 MCAD C > > 85 GA2 C4-DC > > 85 [MMA] C5-DC > > 85 GA1 ; (GA2) C10-OH > > 85 (Metab crisis) C12: > > 85 [B-oxidn] C > > 85 (B-oxidn]

40 Plasticisers Diagnostic peak m/z 288

41 Additional peaks Benzoate m/z 332 Phenylbutyrate m/z 336
Cefotaxime m/z 470 & 426

42 Cefotaxime Two peaks m/z 426 & 470

43 Conclusions Isobaric compounds Deriv vs underiv Plasma vs DBS
Which ever method run routinely must be ready to run other way for confirmation Plasma vs DBS Plasticisers

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