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National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Space Environment Sensing Capabilities Lt Col Mike Bonadonna USAF User Liaison.

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Presentation on theme: "National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Space Environment Sensing Capabilities Lt Col Mike Bonadonna USAF User Liaison."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System (NPOESS) Space Environment Sensing Capabilities Lt Col Mike Bonadonna USAF User Liaison HQ USAF/XOO-W

2 Overview Meteorological Satellite (METSAT) Basics Introduction to NPOESS NPOESS SESS Capabilities

3 METSAT Basics

4 METSAT Platforms Weather satellites provide assured real-time environmental situational awareness and detailed meteorological, oceanographic, and space environmental data Polar/Sun-synchronous – High resolution and global coverage Geosynchronous – Quick refresh and constant coverage “METSAT imagery, both from geostationary and polar- orbiting platforms, was the single most critical environmental data source during OIF. " AFW OIF Report

5 METSAT Sensors Imagers provide brightness measurements at a particular wavelength(s) of light (UV, Visible, & IR) Cloud cover, Ocean color, Ground surface imagery, Auroral imaging Sounders provide profiles of environmental parameters by measuring Infrared and Microwave radiation Vertical Temperature, moisture, and Ozone profiles In-situ monitors measure charged particles, electro- magnetic fields, and solar radiation at the spacecraft Space environment and solar emanations

6 Today’s Polar-orbiting Systems Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite (POES) Currently NOAA-17 launched Jun 2002 NOAA-18 launched May 2005 NOAA N-Prime Nov 2007 Defense Meteorological Satellite Program (DMSP) Currently F-13 launched March 1995 F-16 Launched Oct 2003 F-17 planned Feb 2006

7 DMSP F-16 2008 LTAN DMSP F-13 1830 LTAN POES N-16 1424 LTAN POES N-17 2224 LTAN Today’s Polar-orbiting Systems DAWN MID-NIGHT DUSK

8 National Polar-orbiting Operational Environmental Satellite System Introduction to NPOESS

9 What is it? National – Presidentially directed tri-agency program of DOD, DOC, and NASA Polar-orbiting – satellites in sun-synchronous, low-Earth orbit for global coverage Operational - replaces aging operational weather satellite systems (DMSP and POES) to increase capability and save money Environmental – provides crucial imagery, temperature, moisture, climate, and space environment information Satellite - one satellite per 1330, 1730, and 2130 orbits System – delivers critical data to national and military weather prediction centers within 15 min of collection to support real-time situational awareness and forecast timelines

10 METOP NPOESS Specialized Satellites Local Equatorial Crossing Time 0530 1330 0930 NPOESS Provide a national, operational, polar-orbiting remote-sensing capability Achieve National Performance Review (NPR) savings by converging DoD and NOAA satellite programs Incorporate new technologies from NASA Encourage International Cooperation NPOESS NPOESS Mission

11 Space Segment Command & Control Segment NPP (1030) NPOESS 1330 NPOESS 1730 NPOESS 2130 Mission Management Center (MMC) at Suitland Alternate MMC at Schriever AFB Interface Data Processing Segment 15 Globally Distributed Receptor Sites Field Terminal Segment FNMOC NAVOCEANOAFWA NESDIS/NCEP Low Rate Data/ High Rate Data (LRD/HRD) NPP Science Data Segment CLASS ADS NPP Data & Control Flow NPOESS Data & Control Flow CLASS ADS NOAA Comprehensive Large Array Data Stewardship System NPP Archive & Distribution Seg Svalbard TOP LEVEL ARCHITECTURE Space-Communication-Ground

12 Tomorrow’s Polar-orbiting Systems METOP 2130 LTAN NPOESS 2130 LTAN NPOES 1330 LTAN NPOESS 1730 LTAN 0600 L 0000 L 1800 L 1200 L

13 Top Air Force requirement is cloud imagery NPOESS Requirements Top Navy requirements are Sea Surface Winds and Temperature Top NOAA requirements are vertical temperature and moisture sounding Top Army requirement is soil moisture Space weather becoming more important for civil and military applications


15 NPOESS uses the “Safety Net” data delivery system to reduce latency by a factor of 4 to 5 over current systems Near Real-time Data Retrieval: The Transformational Capability 75% of NPOESS Data Products at the Nation’s Weather Centrals within 15 minutes........the rest in under 30 minutes Forteleza Portugal Perth 15 globally-distributed Receptors linked to the Centrals via commercial fiber-optics

16 End-to-End EDR Latency 0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 05101520253035404550 Time from Observation to Delivery (minutes) Percent of EDR Products Delivered Earliest Data Delivered < 2 min Average < 10.5 min 95% of data delivered within 28 min > 77% of data delivered within 15 min Data Latency: Data Products to Users in Record Time

17 NPOESS Preparatory Project (NPP) Joint IPO-NASA Risk Reduction Demo NPP Spacecraft contract awarded to Ball Aerospace – May 2002 Instrument Risk Reduction – 2008 Launch Early delivery / instrument-level test / system-level integration and test – VIIRS - Vis/IR Imager Radiometer Suite (IPO) – CrIS - Cross-track IR Sounder (IPO) – ATMS - Advanced Technology Microwave Sounder (NASA) – OMPS – Ozone Mapping and Profile Suite (IPO) Provides lessons learned and allows time for any required modifications before NPOESS first launch Ground System Risk Reduction Early delivery and test of a subset of NPOESS-like ground system elements Early User Evaluation of NPOESS data products Provides algorithms / instrument verification and opportunities for instrument calibration / validation prior to first NPOESS launch Allows for algorithm modification prior to first NPOESS launch Continuity of data for NASA’s EOS Terra/Aqua/Aura missions

18 FY9900111213141516171803080910010207040506 Local Equatorial Crossing Time 1330 POES 0530 0730 -1030 NPOESS C2N’N16 DMSP NPOESS C3 NPOESS DMSP POES METOP (European) NPOESS N17 F17 F19 F15F18 C1 C4 C5 C6 NPP (non- SESS F16F20 “DMSP/POES Era” DMSP + POES + METOP “NPOESS Era” NPOESS + DMSP F20 + METOP C1-C3+F20C4-C6 Master Schedule Transition to NPOESS N18

19 NPOESS SESS Capabilities

20 NPOESS SESS sensors are part of an extensive network monitoring solar-geophysical events important to military operations: Forecast periods of potential degraded conditions, outages, and damage for comm, nav, propagation and satellite operations Provide ‘first look’ of general space environmental conditions when systems are degraded or damaged NPOESS role in Space Weather monitoring

21 NPOESS Integrated Operational Requirements Document IORD-II signed 14 January 2002 NPOESS Space EDRs Auroral Boundary Auroral Energy Deposition Auroral Imagery Electric Field Electron Density Profile Geomagnetic Field In-situ Plasma Fluctuations In-situ Plasma Temperature (T e & T i ) Ionospheric Scintillation Neutral Density Profile Medium Energy Charged Particles Energetic Ions Supra-thermal through Auroral Energy Particles NPOESS SESS Requirements User Developed – IPO Executed

22 SESS EDRs to Sensor Mapping (11 EDRs – 5 Sensors] Electron Density Profile Auroral Boundary Auroral Energy Deposition Supra- thermal Through Auroral Particles Neutral Density Profile Auroral Imagery Electric Fields In-situ Plasma Fluctuations In-situ Plasma Temperature Medium Energy Charged Particles Energetic Ions Low Energy Paricles Sensor (LEPS) Thermal Plasma Sensor (TPS) UV Disk Imager High Energy Particles Sensor (HEPS) Medium Energy Particles Sensor (MEPS)

23 Low Energy Particle Sensor Heritage - SSJ5 Thermal Plasma Sensor Heritage: SSIES UltraViolet Disk Imager Heritage: SSUSI Medium/High Energy Particle Sensors Heritage: MEPED SESS Sensors Maintaining DMSP/POES Heritage SENSOR UV- Disk TPS LEPS MEPS HEPS C1 2130 C2 1330 C3 1730 XX XX XX XX X SENSOR UV- Disk TPS LEPS MEPS HEPS C4 2130 C5 1330 C6 1730 XX XX XX XX X X X Sensor allocations by orbit

24 OGOOGG GGGGGY In-Situ Plasma Fluctuations G G G G G R R O O G G 1730 (C6) G G G G G R R O O G G 1730 (C3) G G G G Y R Y O O Y Y 2130 (C4) G G G G G R G O O G G 1330 (C5) 1330 (C2) 2130 (C1) Orbit EDR G G G G G R G O O G G Y G Y Y Y R Y Y Y Y Y In-Situ Plasma Temps Geomagnetic Field (P 3 I) Auroral Boundary Auroral Imagery Electric Field Med. Energy Particles Ionospheric Scintillation (P 3 I) Energetic Ions Neutral Density Profile Electron Density Profile Auroral Energy Deposition Auroral Particles Mission SATISFACTION MATRIX Includes DMSP, POES, METOP, and SWARM SSUSI MEPED SSM MEPED SSULI SSIES SSJ/TED SENSOR UV- Disk UV-Limb TPS LEPS MEPS MAG HEPS C1 2130 C2 1330 C3 1730 XX XX XX X SEM-2 SENSOR UV- Disk UV-Limb TPS LEPS MEPS MAG HEPS C4 2130 C5 1330 C6 1730 XX XX XX X GreenMeets EDR requirements in specified orbit YellowMeet some of the EDR attributes in specified orbit OrangeSome EDR attributes are met but most are not met RedNo measurements made to address this EDR in specified orbit Non-NPOESS Instruments (DMSP / POES / METOP/SWARM) X X X X X X SWARM

25 Ionospheric Scintillation and Geomagnetic Field The Geomagnetic Field and Ionospheric Scintillation EDRs are not currently accommodated within SESS. NPOESS is working with the User community to address these EDRs: Geomagnetic Field Mitigation Strategy: Leverage high-accuracy magnetometer on SWARM Provide Comm support to SWARM via NPOESS SafetyNet Discussions between IPO and NGDC in process Ionospheric Scintillation Mitigation Strategy: Support C/NOFS “proof-of-principle” technology demonstration Invest Internal Government Study funds in alternative approaches Advocate for C/NOFS operational follow-on

26 P3I: Validated requirements that could not be met due to program constraints or technology limitations. NPOESS retained margin to add new capabilities to meet P3I needs. IPO will work to find solutions to P3I to meet User needs User Community will participate in the P3I selection process. NPOESS Pre-Planned Product Improvements (P3I) P 3 I = PrePlanned Product Improvement Ionospheric Scintillation Geomagnetic Field Neutral winds Optical background Tropospheric winds All weather day/night imagery Coastal sea surface winds Ocean wave characteristics Surf conditions Oil spill location Littoral current CH4 column CO column CO2 column Sea and lake ice Coastal ocean color Bioluminescence potential Coastal sea surface temperature Sea surface height coastal Bathymetry Vertical hydrometeor profile Salinity

27 Summary Satellites provide vital space weather data for civil and military applications NPOESS will provide great advances in quality, quantity, and timeliness of high resolution, relevant environmental data Selection of specific sensors on NPOESS sensors were selected to optimize: Satisfy the User Community to the best extent possible Meet NPOESS program budget limitations The IPO has begun procurement of the NPOESS SESS sensors These data will enable NOAA and Air Force Weather personnel to improve space weather analysis and forecasts for resource protection and mission planning and execution

28 Lt Col Mike Bonadonna Email: Air Force User LiaisonPhone: (301) 713-4816 Fax: (301) 427-2164 NPOESS Integrated Program Office 8455 Colesville Road, Suite 1450 Silver Spring, MD 20910 NPOESS Userport: Website:

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