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REACH CRC © 2011 REACH CRC. All Rights Reserved.Fall 2011.

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Presentation on theme: "REACH CRC © 2011 REACH CRC. All Rights Reserved.Fall 2011."— Presentation transcript:

1 REACH CRC © 2011 REACH CRC. All Rights Reserved.Fall 2011

2 Mathematical Functions SUM Statistical Functions AVERAGE COUNT COUNTA MAX MIN Median

3 Logical Functions Logical Functions AND OR NOT IF Mathematical Functions Mathematical Functions ROUND Statistical FunctionsStatistical Functions LARGE SMALL Text Manipulation Concatenate

4 AND =AND(logical1, [logical2],...) OR =OR(logical1, [logical2],...) NOT =NOT(logical) IF =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false])

5 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Syntax: =AND(logical1, [logical2],...) Arguments: logical1 Required  The first condition that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. logical2,... Optional  Additional conditions that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE, up to a maximum of 255 conditions.

6 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Description: Returns FALSE if one or more arguments is FALSE Otherwise, all arguments must evaluate TRUE Remarks: Arguments must evaluate to logical values Arguments must be arrays or references that contain logical values Text and empty cells are ignored in arrays or references Errors: #VALUE – If no logical values exist in a specified range

7 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions 

8 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions 

9 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Syntax: =OR(logical1, [logical2],...) Arguments: logical1 Required  The first condition that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE. logical2,... Optional  Additional conditions that you want to test that can evaluate to either TRUE or FALSE, up to a maximum of 255 conditions.

10 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Description: Returns TRUE if one or more arguments is TRUE Otherwise, all arguments must evaluate FALSE Remarks: Arguments must evaluate to logical values Arguments must be arrays or references that contain logical values Text and empty cells are ignored in arrays or references Errors: #VALUE – If no logical values exist in a specified range

11 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions  

12 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Syntax: =NOT(logical) Arguments: logical Required  A value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE.

13 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Description: Reverses the value of its argument. Remarks: If logical is FALSE, NOT returns TRUE if logical is TRUE, NOT returns FALSE Errors: None

14 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions

15 Syntax: =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Arguments: logical_test Required  Any value or expression that can be evaluated to TRUE or FALSE. value_if_true Optional The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to TRUE. If logical_test evaluates to TRUE and the value_if_true argument is omitted (that is, there is only a comma following the logical_test argument), the IF function returns 0 (zero). To display the word TRUE, use the logical value TRUE for the value_if_true argument.

16 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Syntax: =IF(logical_test, [value_if_true], [value_if_false]) Arguments: value_if_false Optional  The value that you want to be returned if the logical_test argument evaluates to FALSE.  If logical_test evaluates to FALSE and the value_if_false argument is omitted, (that is, there is no comma following the value_if_true argument), the IF function returns the logical value FALSE.  If logical_test evaluates to FALSE and the value of the value_if_false argument is omitted (that is, in the IF function, there is a comma following the value_if_true argument), the IF function returns the value 0 (zero).

17 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions Description: The IF function returns one value if a condition you specify evaluates to TRUE, and another value if that condition evaluates to FALSE. Remarks: Up to 7 IF functions can be nested as value_if_true and value_if_false arguments to construct more elaborate tests. (2003) Up to 64 IF functions can be nested as value_if_true and value_if_false arguments to construct more elaborate tests. (2007) If any of the arguments to IF are arrays, every element of the array is evaluated when the IF statement is carried out. Errors: None

18 Microsoft ® Excel ® Logical Functions value_if_true  [value_if_false]

19   A nested IF statement says something like...  "If the answer is yes, do this. If the answer is no do this or this (depending on...“  Syntax: IF( condition1, value_if_true, IF( condition2, value_if_true, value_if_false )) Microsoft ® Excel ® Date Functions

20 What was the percentage grade you got on your last test?75% You got a C Cell Address is F42

21 What was the percentage grade you got on your last test?75% You got a C =IF(F42<60%,"Sorry, you failed",IF(F42<70%,"You got a D",IF(F42<80%,"You got a C",IF(F42<90%, "You got a B", "WOW you got an A!!!")))) Cell Address is F42

22 ROUND =ROUND(number,num_digits)

23 Microsoft ® Excel ® Mathematical Functions Syntax: =ROUND(number, num_digits) Arguments: number Required  The number that you want to round. num_digits Required  The number of digits to which you want to round the number argument.

24 Microsoft ® Excel ® Mathematical Functions Description: Rounds a number to a specified number of digits. Remarks: If num_digits is greater than 0 (zero), then number is rounded to the specified number of decimal places. If num_digits is 0, the number is rounded to the nearest integer. If num_digits is less than 0, the number is rounded to the left of the decimal point. Errors: None

25 Microsoft ® Excel ® Mathematical Functions =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places

26 Microsoft ® Excel ® Mathematical Functions =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places

27 Microsoft ® Excel ® Mathematical Functions =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places

28 Microsoft ® Excel ® Mathematical Functions =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places

29 Microsoft ® Excel ® Mathematical Functions =ROUND(-1.475,2) Rounds -1.475 to two decimal places

30 LARGE =LARGE(array,k) SMALL =SMALL(array,k)

31 Microsoft ® Excel ® Statistical Functions Syntax: =LARGE(array,k) Arguments: array Required  The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th largest value.  k Required  The position (from the largest) in the array or cell range of data to return.

32 Microsoft ® Excel ® Statistical Functions Description: Returns the k-th largest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,1) returns the largest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then LARGE(array,n) returns the smallest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points

33 =LARGE(array,k) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B

34 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B

35 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B

36 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,3) 3rd largest number in the numbers in columns A and B List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 4 3 2 =5

37 =LARGE(array,k) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B

38 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B

39 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B

40 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 4 3 2

41 =LARGE(array,k) =LARGE(A2:B6,7) 7th largest number in the numbers in columns A and B List the numbers in descending order: 7 6 5 4 3 2 =4

42 Microsoft ® Excel ® Statistical Functions Syntax: =SMALL(array,k) Arguments: array Required  The array or range of data for which you want to determine the k-th smallest value.  k Required  The position (from the smallest) in the array or cell range of data to return.

43 Microsoft ® Excel ® Statistical Functions Description: Returns the k-th smallest value in a data set. Remarks: If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,1) returns the smallest value. If n is the number of data points in a range, then SMALL(array,n) returns the largest value. Errors: #NUM! – If array is empty #NUM! – If k ≤ 0 #NUM! – If k is greater than the number of data points

44 =SMALL(array,k) 4th smallest number in first column

45 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10 4th smallest number in first column

46 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) 4th smallest number in first column List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 4 5 6 7

47 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(A2:A10,4) 4th smallest number in first column List the numbers in ascending order: 2 3 4 5 6 7 =4

48 =SMALL(array,k) 2nd smallest number in second column

49 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10 2nd smallest number in second column

50 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10,2) 2nd smallest number in second column List the numbers in ascending order: 1 3 4 7 8 12 23 54

51 =SMALL(array,k) =SMALL(B2:B10,2) 2nd smallest number in second column =3 List the numbers in ascending order: 1 3 4 7 8 12 23 54

52 CONCATENATECONCATENATE (including &) =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2],...)

53 Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Syntax: =CONCATENATE(text1, [text2],...) Arguments: text1 Required  The first text item to be concatenated. text2 Optional  Additional text items, up to a maximum of 255 items, which must be separated by commas.

54 Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions Description: Joins up to 255 text strings into one text string. Remarks: The joined items can be text, numbers, cell references, or a combination of those items.

55 Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(“Stream Population for “,A2,” “,A3, “ is “,A4,”/mile”) =Stream Population for Brook trout species is 32/mile

56 Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(B2, “ “, C2) =Andreas Hauser

57 Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(C2, “, “, B2) =Hauser, Andreas

58 Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =CONCATENATE(B3, “ & “, C3) =Fourth & Pine

59 Microsoft ® Excel ® Text Functions ABC 1Data 2Brook troutAndreasHauser 3speciesFourthPine 432 =B3& “ & “ &C3 =Fourth & Pine

60 ____________________ enables application software to run on a computer and manages the interaction between the CPU, memory, storage, input/output devices, and other computer components.

61 __System software_ enables application software to run on a computer and manages the interaction between the CPU, memory, storage, input/output devices, and other computer components. Ref. p. 160

62 While operating systems are the most prevalent type of system software, other types of system programs include compilers and ____, communications software, and utilities. A)programmers B)debuggers C)coders D)interpreters

63 While operating systems are the most prevalent type of system software, other types of system programs include compilers and ____, communications software, and utilities. A)programmers B)debuggers C)coders D)Interpreters Ref: p. 178

64  (Excel) You are creating a new forecast for your company's Marketing group and have entered the sales for 2005 into cell B4 of a spreadsheet. The expected rate of increase is in cell C2. What formula would you enter in cell C4 to compute the sales for 2006, given that you will copy that formula to cells D4:E4 to calculate the forecast for 2007 and 2008? A. =B$4+B$4*C$2 B. =$B$4+$B$4*C2 C. =$B4+$B4*$C2 D. =B4*(1+$C$2) E. =B4+B4*C2


66  Question (Excel) The values TRUE and FALSE are referred to as Boolean values. Answer True False

67 Question (Excel) Open the attached template file and examine the data closely. What would be the result of the following Excel formula? =IF(LARGE(D5:D9, 2) < SMALL(C5:C9, 2), "D5", D7) Answer 55 65 D5 D7 None of the answers provided is correct

68  Question (Excel) Assume that cell E4 in a spreadsheet has the following formula: =AB$4 + $C44 What formula will result from copying it into cell D8?  Answer =AA$4 + $C48

69  Question (Excel) Consider the following five values: -3, 0, 6, 7, and 10 The arithmetic mean of these values is ____ Answer  1  3.94  4  6  None of the answers provided are correct

70  Question (Excel) What value is returned in a worksheet when the following formula is evaluated? =OR(25 < 24, MIN(1, 10) < 2, 3 <= 2 + 1) Answer  TRUE  FALSE  numeric error  None of the answers provided are correct

71 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

72 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

73 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

74 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

75 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

76 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

77 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

78 What is the result of evaluating the following formulas? (a)=IF(SUM(B4:B7)>=MIN(B6,C5,D4,E7),E4,"Goodbye") Hello (b) =IF(E6=MAX(C4:C8),SUM(E5:E8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (c) =IF(D4=16,SUM(B5:C6)-MAX(C5:D6),MIN(D5:E8)) -25 (d) =COUNT(C4:D8) 8 (e) =(AVERAGE(B4:B6)-2)/C6 1 (f) =IF(B5=SMALL(E5:E8,2),SUM(C4:C8),IF(D4>C7,B7,D6)) Coffee (g) =COUNTIF(B4:C8,">0")+SUMIF(B4:C8,"<0") 8

79 Question (Excel) In Oldham County, speeders pay a predetermined fine for exceeding the posted speed limit. Using the Excel template provided below, replace the respective 'xxx' cells with the proper formula to respond to each of the three questions that follow. (2 points each) A) What is the formula that should be used in cell E5 to show "No Fine" if the driver was not speeding, but levy a fine of $138 plus $2 for each MPH over the stated speed limit? [PartA] B) What formula should be placed in cell D10 to determine the third slowest speed of any driver in column D? [PartB] Part A=IF(D5<=C5,"No Fine",138+(D5-C5)*2) Part B =SMALL(D5:D9,3)

80 A compiler checks one statement at a time. A)TRUE B)FALSE

81 A compiler checks one statement at a time. A)TRUE B)FALSE Ref: p. 165

82 ____ made programming somewhat easier because they aggregated common commands into “words,” although many of those “words” are not English-like. A)Programming languages B)Utility languages C)Assembly languages D)3GL Languages

83 ____ made programming somewhat easier because they aggregated common commands into “words,” although many of those “words” are not English-like. A)Programming languages B)Utility languages C)Assembly languages D)3GL Languages Ref. p. 160

84 Many people refer to sophisticated multimedia applications that run on PCs as ____. A)polymedia B)hypermedia C)VR D)overmedia

85 Many people refer to sophisticated multimedia applications that run on PCs as ____. A)polymedia B)hypermedia C)VR D)overmedia Ref. p. 173

86 ____________________ applications are programs that enable workers to collaborate in real time over the Web.

87 ___Groupware___ applications are programs that enable workers to collaborate in real time over the Web. Ref. p. 171

88 Input devices, most commonly computer monitors and printers, deliver information from the computer to a person. A)TRUE B)FALSE

89 Input devices, most commonly computer monitors and printers, deliver information from the computer to a person. A)TRUE B)FALSE Ref. p. 122

90  Question (MIS, Ch 4) Hardware, in computer terms, refers to the physical components of the computer. Answer  True  False

91  Question (MIS, Ch 4) Businesses that handle large volumes of retail transactions often store this data in a corporate data center on mainframe computers, which many I.T. professionals fondly refer to as “big iron” in their lingo.  Answer  True  False

92  Question (MIS, Ch 4) Because _____ reduces the amount of paper in organizations, some of its most enthusiastic adopters are companies in paper-intensive fields such as law, retail, insurance, and banking. Answer  processing  OMR  imaging  printing

93  Question (MIS, Ch 5) To accelerate their work, application developers can use one of several _____ programming languages, such as Microsoft Visual Basic, Borland Delphi, Micro Focus COBOL, ASNA Visual RPG, and Visual C++.  Answer  visual

94  Question (MIS, Ch 4) What factors make one computer more powerful than another?  Answer The two major factors to consider are processing speed and memory capacity. A computer’s speed is determined, among other factors, by the CPU clock rate (measured in MHz or GHz), and the amount of information the CPU can process per cycle (determined by the size of the data word and the capacity of internal data communication, which is often referred to as bus width). However, the architecture of the various computer components also plays a significant role in determining processing speed. To mention one, consider the discussion of multi-core CPUs. When two computers are built with the same components except the number of cores, the computer with the greater number of cores is faster.

95  Question (MIS, Ch 5) Which of the following refers to sophisticated and interactive multimedia applications that run on more powerful personal computers?  Answer  polymedia  hypermedia  virtual reality  temporal reality

96  Question (MIS, Ch 5) The most sophisticated virtual reality (VR) devices provide which of the following elements? (select one or more answers) Answer  immersion  interaction  intersection  immobility

97  MIS, Ch 4) The data access mode for tape storage devices is:  (A)direct  (B) random  (C) sequential  (D) none of the above

98  MIS, Ch 5) Which of the following is considered to be a type of systems software?  (A) compilers  (B) communications  (C) interpreters (D) utilities  (E) all of the above

99  (Excel) An interstate trucking plaza is offering a discount on all diesel pumped based on the total quantity purchased. Which of the formulas below calculates the correct total price to charge the trucker for the diesel they have pumped based on the following conditions: A- no discount (zero dollars off the total amount due) if a trucker purchases less than 50 gallons of diesel B-a 5% discount on all diesel purchased if the person dispenses at least 50 gallons into their tank

100  Assume that cell A1 shows the total quantity (in gallons) of fuel purchased and cell B1 is the price per gallon. Provide a formula that will correctly calculate the total amount that a person should pay, after the discount (if any) has been applied. =IF(A1<50, A1*B1, A1*B1*95%) and then apply some algebra to get: =A1*B1*IF(A1<50, 1,.95) note the different format (no percent)

101  (MIS, Ch 5) Since Microsoft does not make the source code for Internet Explorer available for end users to review and update, the product is considered proprietary.  True  False


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