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Investigation of Multiphase Flow Behavior in Horizontal Gas Wells

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1 Investigation of Multiphase Flow Behavior in Horizontal Gas Wells
Rosmer Brito

2 Outline Objective Introduction Literature Review Study Plan
Small Scale Facility Experimental Range Testing Program Instrumentation Near Future Tasks

3 Objectives Investigation of Multiphase Flow Characteristics for Horizontal Oil and Gas Wells Experimentally Using a Small Scale Facility (2-in. ID) Theoretically by Developing a Mechanistic Liquid Loading Criterion Investigate Effects of Wells Geometry and Trajectory Development of a Predictive Software Tool

4 United States Shale Gas Plays
Introduction United States Shale Gas Plays

5 U.S. natural gas production, 1990-2035 (trillion cubic feet)
Introduction … U.S. natural gas production, (trillion cubic feet)

6 Hydraulic Fracture in Horizontal Wells

7 Water Production In Horizontal Gas Wells
80% Water Used for Hydraulic Fracture Spreads in the Reservoir After Flow Back Below/Above Water Formations Fractures extends to Water Bearing Layers Continues Water Production

8 Horizontal Section in Gas Wells
Liquid Loading Occurs When Gas Production Declines Associated Liquids are not Lifted Intermittent or No Gas Production HL in the Horizontal Section Impair Production Before Loading is Evident Slug Flow from Horizontal Wellbore to Tubing Liquid Loading is Affected by Well Deviation CSU/SPE

9 Literature Review Turner (1969)
Water Production Affects Flow Characteristic of the Wells Liquid Generates Back Pressure  Slugging Design: Affects HL and dP/dL Prediction Production: Affects Well Test Results Proposed Physical Models Liquid Film Movement Along the Wall of the Pipe Liquid Droplet Entrainment on the High Velocity Gas Core Comparison with Field Data

10 Literature Review … Coleman (1991) Parameters Affecting Liquid Loading
Liquids Gravity and Surface Tension Water and Oil are Presented  Onset of Loading Tubing ID Pressure Minor Influence Temperature, Gas Gravity and Interfacial Tension Wells that Exhibit Slugging Behavior May not Follow Liquid-Droplet Model  Different Transport Mechanism

11 Literature Review … Sarica, Shoham and Brill (1991)
Flow Behavior in Hilly Terrain Pipelines with Low Gas/Liquid  Gravity Dominated Steady or Unsteady Flow Transient Behavior Pipe Geometry Gas Compressibility Rigorous Terrain Slugging Model

12 Literature Review … Meng (2001)
Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow Tests for Inclination Angles of - 2, 0, + 2 in a 2 in. ID Pipe Pressure Gradient is Much Higher Than Single Phase Case Slightly Change in Inclination Angle Affects Liquid Holdup

13 Literature Review … Zhang and Sarica (2011)
Stratified Flow  Low Liquid Loading Gas/Liquid Flow in Horizontal and Slightly Downward Inclined Pipes

14 Literature Review … Zhang and Sarica (2011) Flow Patterns:
Smooth Interface 2D Waves 3D Waves Roll Waves Entrainment

15 Literature Review … Zhang, and Sarica (2011)
Upward Inclination   HL Qg < Qcritical Transition from SS to SL flow   dP/dL Almost All Empirical Correlations are Inadequate for the Predictions of Low Liquid Loading Flow Behavior Mechanistic Models Requires Improvement of Closure Relationships

16 Literature Review … Liang-Biao Ouyang (2000)
Influence of Influx on Single Phase and Multiphase Wellbore Flow Experiments 100-ft (30.5 m)-Long Horizontal Wellbore Axial Flow and Radial Influx Different Wellbore IDs, Gravel Packs, Perforation Types and Densities Pressure Drop Prediction

17 Literature Review … Most of These Studies were Focused on Horizontal Pipes Knowledge in Horizontal Wells Multiphase Flow is Limited Complex Configurations (Undulations) have not been Investigated in Majority of Studies Multiple Fluid Entry Locations have not been Considered

18 Study Plan Experimental
Design and Construct a Versatile Facility Perform Testing Based on Prioritized Schedule Model Development for Prediction Loading and Flow Conditions

19 Small Scale Facility Overall Cost ~ $50,000
Two Months of Construction Time Facility will be Ready by Nov. 1st, 2012 Low Modification Effort Quick Results Preliminary Results can be Utilized for Large Scale Loop Design and Instrument Selection and Location Some Artificial Lift Methods can also be Tested Needs to Be Identified

20 Small Scale Facility … C8 40’ ( 240D ) 2 ’’ C7 C3 C2 C1 C6 2 ’’ C5 C4
PT1 2 1 C5 C4 2 ’’ DP2 DP1 TTW Water Tank Control Valve CVW Coriolis Meter MMW Quick Closing Valve Camera 2 ’’ Submergible Pump 1 No Intrusive Capacitance Sensor

21 Experimental Range … C8 40’ ( 240D ) 2 ’’ C7 C3 C2 C1 C6 2 ’’ C5 C4
PT1 2 1 C5 C4 2 ’’ DP2 DP1 TTW Water Tank Control Valve CVW Coriolis Meter MMW Quick Closing Valve Camera 2 ’’ Submergible Pump 1 No Intrusive Capacitance Sensor

22 Experimental Range … Flow Pattern Map (= -1)

23 Experimental Range … C8 40’ ( 240D ) 2 ’’ C7 C3 C2 C1 C6 2 ’’ C5 C4
PT1 2 1 C5 C4 2 ’’ DP2 DP1 TTW Water Tank Control Valve CVW Coriolis Meter MMW Quick Closing Valve Camera 2 ’’ Submergible Pump 1 No Intrusive Capacitance Sensor

24 Experimental Range … Flow Pattern Map (= 0)

25 Experimental Range … C8 40’ ( 240D ) 2 ’’ C7 C3 C2 C1 C6 2 ’’ C5 C4
PT1 2 1 C5 C4 2 ’’ DP2 DP1 TTW Water Tank Control Valve CVW Coriolis Meter MMW Quick Closing Valve Camera 2 ’’ Submergible Pump 1 No Intrusive Capacitance Sensor

26 Experimental Range … Flow Pattern Map (= +1)

27 Testing Program Static Liquid Tests Dynamic Liquid Tests qLin=0
Liquid Volume, VL>0 Dynamic Liquid Tests qLin>0

28 Static Tests

29 Static Tests

30 Static Tests

31 Superficial Gas Velocity
Static Tests Gas Superficial Gas Velocity

32 Static Tests Gas

33 Static Tests … Gas

34 Dynamic Tests Water Gas VSW=0.003 m/s – 0.03 m/s VSG=0.3 m/s –16 m/s

35 Dynamic Tests … Flow Pattern Pressure Drop Liquid Holdup
Determine Multiphase Flow Characteristics for Undulating Section Flow Pattern Pressure Drop Liquid Holdup Water Blockage Phenomena Note: Dr. Sarica I have to check which would be the pressure at the inlet when vsg-51 m/s so maybe this value will change

36 Instrumentation Clamp on Capacitance Sensor

37 Instrumentation … Quick Closing Valve System T2 PRESURRIZED VESSEL V2

38 Instrumentation … Flow Pattern Observation
Flow Pattern Evaluation Videos in the Inlet, Undulating and Vertical Section by Utilizing Outdoor Surveillance Cameras High Speed Camera Will be Connected to the Undulating Section

39 Instrumentation … Film Flow Direction Wall Shear Stress Sensor
Wall Shear Stress Measurement Near Wall Flow Direction Indicator Commercial Device for Direct Wall Shear Stress Measurement Lenterra RealShear™ F - Series

40 Near Future Tasks Completion of Construction of the Facility (November 2012) Testing Starting in November 2012

41 Thanks …

42 Questions

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