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IU29 Data Quality Council Meeting February 24, 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "IU29 Data Quality Council Meeting February 24, 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 IU29 Data Quality Council Meeting February 24, 2015

2 Spring Keystone Pre-Code Internal Snapshot (Student, School Enrollment)

3 Spring Keystone Pre-Code New Date: March 6 th Verification is coming from PDE. Winter Keystone results will be available March 2 nd. ACS Due 3/9/2015

4 Staff-Student-Subtest Collection

5 > Topics Session Materials (3) PPT RV Implementation Guide Use of Data, PIMS Collections, Dates Use of the Data from PIMS PIMS Collection Collection Dates Checklist for Implementation Resources Q & A

6 > What are the Data Used For? 6 School Performance Profile – HQT Percentages come from Course/HQT data set – Courses of Rigor come from Course/HQT data set – AP Course Counts come from Course/HQT data set – Student participation in Keystone courses comes from Course/HQT data set This is one way PVAAS determines which students to include in a school-level PVAAS scores. PVAAS – Roster Data for teacher-specific measures come from PVAAS data set – Account-creation data come from PIMS Staff template – Student enrollment data come from PIMS Student and School Enrollment templates – Student participation in Keystone courses comes from Course/HQT data set (only for class of 2015 and 2016) This is one way PVAAS determines which students to include in a school-level PVAAS scores.

7 > PIMS Collection for Roster Verification NEW collection for the pre-population of PVAAS rosters: PIMS Staff - Student – Subtest Collection NOT using PIMS Course/HQT for PVAAS RV pre-population LEAs determine alignment of local courses to State assessments as this is handled uniquely across LEAs Student Staff Subtest collection is open now! Submission deadline: March 25, 2015 at 11:59 pm. Be sure to submit before the deadline! Run the Cognos Reports!!! PVAAS RV will mirror Staff -Student-Subtest Collection

8 > PIMS Deadline Overview  These data can be submitted now: Student enrollment for reports updates due March 17, 2015 Staff Student Subtest template due March 25, 2015 Staff data for PVAAS account creation due April 21, 2015. Student enrollment for Roster Verification System updates due June 2, 2015 Course/HQT data due June 30, 2015 No corrections after these deadlines 8

9 > Submit Early… Update Later  Submit and correct as early as possible. This gives you time to deal with potential complications related to:  Submission formats  SIS report bugs  DQE rules  Reports analysis  Update near the end of the window to get the data as accurate as they can be before RV data population.  Again, there are no extensions for these data collections. 9

10 > Other Important PIMS Dates Updated Student Enrollment for reporting sent to PVAAS: – January 20 – February 17 – March 17 Student Gap Enrollment for RV sent to PVAAS: – March 24 & 31 – April 7, 14, 21, & 28 – May 5, 12, 19, & 26 – June 2 10

11 > Other Important PIMS Dates Staff data for account creation sent to PVAAS: – January 20 – February 17 – March 17 – April 21 11

12 2013-14 PIMS Templates Course/HQT Course Course Instructor Staff Student Course PVAAS RV Course Course Instructor Staff Student Course 2014-15 PIMS Templates Course/HQT Course Course Instructor Student Course Enrollment PVAAS RV Staff Student Subtest Change for 2014-15

13 > Why the Change? 13 Complications last year – Course-to-assessment mapping – Shared instructional across courses, especially when both courses were taught by the same teacher – Secondary teachers not assigned to courses at the local level The new model puts all control in the hands of LEAs. All mapping and decision making is performed locally. PDE will simply forward everything in the new template to the PVAAS vendor.

14 > Example 1 14 Ms. Smith is assigned all instructional responsibility for her student’s 5 th grade English/Language Arts PSSA content.

15 > Example 2 15 Ms. Smith splits instructional responsibility 50/50 with Mr. Reading for her student’s 5 th grade English/Language Arts PSSA content. Note this record layout is correct in either of these cases: – Ms. Smith and Mr. Johnson are co-teaching the same course. – Ms. Smith and Mr. Johnson are teaching two different courses that relate to the same assessment.

16 > Example 3 16 Ms. Smith is assigned all instructional responsibility for her student as it relates to both the 5 th grade English/Language Arts PSSA and the Keystone Literature assessment. Note this record layout is correct in either of these cases: – Ms. Smith has this responsibility as a result of teaching one course. – Ms. Smith has this responsibility as a result of teaching multiple courses.

17 > LEA Implementation Checklist for PVAAS Roster Verification and Teacher Specific Reporting: PIMS and SIS/LEA Information Systems ActionsConsiderations/If not, then… 1.Determine which staff will need access to PVAAS. Assess your LEA’s PVAAS accounts:  Ensure that all teachers who are verifying rosters have a PVAAS School User account. Ensure that each principal holds the PVAAS School Admin account for each school. Each account needs to include the PPID.  Is a process is in place to deactivate accounts when staff leave your LEA’s employment, or no longer need access to your LEA’s PVAAS reporting? If not, establish one.  Participate in the PVAAS Account Management webinars; see the PVAAS SY2014-15 Professional Development Opportunities booklet for dates, times, and how to join. (Available on the PVAAS login page,  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website  Establish understanding that each PVAAS user must have his/her own PVAAS account. LEAs determine who has access to some or all of the PVAAS system. Allowing inappropriate access to confidential student/teacher level data to staff may be considered professional misconduct. 2.Determine which role within PVAAS to assign to each person, per the roles defined in the PIMS Manual for PVAAS user accounts.  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website LEA Implementation Checklist for PVAAS Roster Verification and Teacher Specific Reporting: PIMS and SIS/LEA Information Systems

18 > LEA Implementation Checklist for PVAAS Roster Verification and Teacher Specific Reporting: PIMS and SIS/LEA Information Systems ActionsConsiderations/If not, then… 3.Submit PIMS Staff template as per the available PIMS collection schedule (starting October 1, 2014, with updates to ensure timely PVAAS account creation).  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website  Staff template available starting October 1, 2014  Collections as of these dates will be sent to SAS ® EVAAS ® the morning of the next business day: o January 20 o February 17 o March 17 o April 21 Fields sent:  AUN  School Number  First Name  Last Name  PPID  Email  Job Description o SWS is sent o SNS is sent  LWS and LNS are no longer valid and are not sent to the vendor  NPA is not sent to the vendor

19 > LEA Implementation Checklist for PVAAS Roster Verification and Teacher Specific Reporting: PIMS and SIS/LEA Information Systems ActionsConsiderations/If not, then… 4.Update student enrollment regularly to maximize utility of the PVAAS system.  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website  Student template available starting October 1, 2014  Collections as of these dates will be sent to SAS ® EVAAS ® the morning of the next business day Student Enrollment: o January 20 o February 17 o March 17 Student Gap Enrollment: o March 24 & 31 o April 7, 14, 21, & 28 o May 5, 12, 19, and 26 o June 2

20 > LEA Implementation Checklist for PVAAS Roster Verification and Teacher Specific Reporting: PIMS and SIS/LEA Information Systems ActionsConsiderations/If not, then… 5.Determine how to store and utilize the two percentages in calculating overall Instructional Responsibility.  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website 6.Complete all annual, cyclical work to support instructional responsibility calculations. Actual steps depend on LEA’s previous decisions related to calculation.  Course-to-assessment mapping, including weighting system when necessary  Assignment of teachers and students to courses  Scheduling of elementary “courses”  Modification of reports to teachers, administrators and PDE

21 > LEA Implementation Checklist for PVAAS Roster Verification and Teacher Specific Reporting: PIMS and SIS/LEA Information Systems ActionsConsiderations/If not, then… 7.Determine how your LEA will document % Full/Partial Instruction (defined in PIMS as Instructional Responsibility Weight) when shared responsibility changes during a grade/subject/course.  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website 8.Choose default value in the absence of data for the 2 variables for Instructional Responsibility.  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website 9.Report instructional responsibility percentages to PIMS in Staff Student Subtest template.  See PDE PIMS Manual - PDE Website  Staff Student Subtest collection, “C6 PVAAS 2014-25” is open for submission now. Submission deadline is 11:59 pm March 25, 2015.


23 Data Maps to Increase Quality FIELD NUMBERFIELD NAMEFIELD MAPPINGMAINTAINING OFFICE DESCRIPTION LOCATION IN SIS This item will populate from _____ field value in _____.

24 What else is needed? Additional fields? Explanations on form? Who needs this? Who completes? Is this necessary?????


26 IU-Wide Communications Plan What information is needed when students enter district?

27 New Student Form Like the Data Handbook OCTOBER 1 COLLECTION DUE 11/14/14 11:59 P.M. TemplatesEnters Data in Source System - 10/1 - 10/17 Who is responsible? Where is information located? Extracts Data from Source Validates Data in Sandbox 10/20 - 10/31 Corrects Source Data Uploads Data to PIMS ACS Submitte d

28 What other information is needed? In groups: Format? Information? Additional Remove Ideas for distribution? Who? Electronic? Paper? Suggestions for PoCs in each area – who is the best person to get this information?

29 Other Ideas to Improve Communication…

30 Data Summit

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