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SEC 2 STREAMING TALK 12 March 2010 Please sit next to your parents.

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Presentation on theme: "SEC 2 STREAMING TALK 12 March 2010 Please sit next to your parents."— Presentation transcript:

1 SEC 2 STREAMING TALK 12 March 2010 Please sit next to your parents

2 Introduction of staff SubjectName of Staff English LanguageMrs Celine Ang, HOD EL Mother TongueMrs Doris Chong, HOD MT MathematicsMr Chong YK, HOD Math ScienceMdm Hartati, HOD Science HumanitiesMr Santokh Singh, HOD Humanities Food & NutritionMdm Selena, Homec Coordinator ArtMs Narimah, Art Coordinator PE/CCAMr Soh Sim Lian, HOD PE/CCA

3 Introduction of staff ClassName of Form Teacher(s) 2AMr Ken Leong 2BMr Lye Kok Hwa 2CMr David Chang 2DMs Angeline Ng 2EMr Siow Gim Onn Mdm Siti Norahan 2F Ms Nora Shahriya Mdm Liu Dong Mei 2GMdm Catherine Lee Ms Yan Gui Fang S2 Level Coordinators :Mr Daniel Lin & Mdm Ng Kang Leng

4 Rationale of streaming Different Pathways –Promotion criteria to S5N –Admission criteria for JC/Poly/ITE Criteria for Streaming Subject combinations Factors to consider when making choices OUTLINE

5 RATIONALE Streaming provides opportunities for educational advancement according to –Abilities ( pacing ) –Aptitudes & –Interests to maximise potential of students for alignment of strengths and interests

6 Express Course (Sec 1 – 4) Junior Colleges / Centralised Institute Polytechnics GCE ‘A’ LEVEL EXAMINATION/ Other Qualifications Institute of Technical Education (Higher Nitec) Universities Different Pathways 普通学术 GCE `N’ level Exam GCE ‘O’ LEVEL EXAMINATION Normal (Academic) Course (Sec 1-4) Secondary 5 NA

7 Criteria for Promotion to Sec 5N EL+ MA+ B3 ≤ 19 ELMAB3 refers to the aggregate score of English Language, Mathematics and best 3 subjects at the ‘ N ’ level examinations. all subjects used in the computation of the ELMAB3 aggregate must be graded at least an ‘ N ’ level grade 5. Subjects graded ‘ U ’ will not be considered in the computation of ELMA3 aggregate. With effect 2009:

8 Additional pathway for S4N(A) students who satisfy EL + Math + Best 3, = 19 points or less for EL (Min Grade 4 in EL & Maths) Can choose to enrol in a new curriculum track: –direct entry to Higher Nitec courses at ITE. eg Higher Nitec courses in: –Engineering –Infocomm Technology –Applied & Health Sciences & –Business Admission to Higher NITEC courses at ITE

9 Eligibility for JC / Poly 2-year Junior College 3-year Centralised Inst 3-year Polytechnic 6 subjects Including EL & Humanties 5 subjects including EL 5 subjects including EL L1+R5 <= 20 L1+R4 <= 20 L1+R2+B2 <= 20 Can use CCA / HMT grade as bonus: A1-A2 : 2pts B3-C6 : 1 pt Can use CCA grade as a subject Can use CCA grade as bonus: A1-A2 : 2pts B3-C6 : 1 pt

10 Leadership –eg Prefects, Monitors, Team captains, Conductors of perf grps,Members of Uniformed Groups, Office-Bearers of Clubs and Societies Enrichment (Enterprise; Citizenship; Personal & Social Lifeskills) –2 modules (min 6hrs per module) from each of the 3 domains Achievement –Representation (Inter-school comp / SYF /Regional or Intern’l competitn) –Attainment (Non-competitive nature, NYAA, Sports Leaders Award, Senior Camp Leaders Award) –Accomplishment (Awards received thro representation) Participation –75% attendance /Intra-school activities /School performance / SYF Opening Ceremony / NDP Service –Community service / Minimum 24 hours (1)/ >100 hours (5) CCA points

11 Intermediate Advanced (H1) Advanced (H2) Higher Advanced (H3) Equivalent to half of H2 in breadth but similar to H2 in difficulty. Equivalent to current ‘A’ Level subjects. Subjects with a variety of learning opportunities for highly-able students Junior College Curriculum

12 Compulsory (3 Subjects) 1)General Paper (H1) 2)Project Work (H1) 3)Mother Tongue (H1) (Students who score D7 or better at ‘O’ level HMT may choose not to offer H1 MT at JC) Elective Subject Combination (4 subjects) -3 H2s + 1 H1 -Must include 1 contrasting subject (H1 or H2) Junior College Curriculum

13 MATHEMATICS AND SCIENCES Biology Chemistry Mathematics Physics HUMANITIES AND THE ARTS Art Chinese/Malay/Tamil Language and Literature Economics English Literature Geography History Music

14 Junior College Curriculum Subject (at H2 level) Prerequisite MathematicsPass ‘O’ level A-Math Physics Chemistry Biology Pass ‘O’ level Pure Science or Distinction in Combined Science Economics Geography History Literature No subject prerequisites strong command of English Language is essential Subject Prerequisites

15 JC Curriculum – Examples of subject combination SubjectH1 (1 unit) H2 (2 units) Mathematics Biology Chemistry Economics General Paper Mother Tongue Project Work Science Stream SubjectH1 (1 unit) H2 (2 units) Mathematics Physics Chemistry Economics General Paper Mother Tongue Project Work Requirement for ‘O’ level subject Pass in A Math, Pass in Biology & Chemistry or Distinction in Sci (Bio/Chem) Requirement for ‘O’ level subject Pass in A Math, Pass in Physics & Chemistry or Distinction in Sci (Phy/Chem)

16 JC Curriculum – Sample subject combination SubjectH1 (1 unit) H2 (2 units) Economics Geography Art Mathematics General Paper Mother Tongue Project Work Art Stream SubjectH1 (1 unit) H2 (2 units) Economics History Chemistry Mathematics General Paper Mother Tongue Project Work Art/Science Stream Requirement for ‘O’ level subject Pass in E Math Pass in Combine Humanities Good Command of English Requirement for ‘O’ level subject Pass in A Math & Comb Humanities Pass in Chemistry or Distinction in Sci (P/C) or Sci(B/C) Good Command in English

17 POLYTECHNICS Architectural Architecture Landscape Interior design Science Dental therapy Health Sciences (Nursing) Sports science Business Accountancy Business Studies Communications & Media Marketing Technology Engineering Biotechnology IT

18 POLYTECHNICS Architectural Business related Science Based Technology ELEnglish R1E-Maths or A-Maths R2Science D&T Humanities Science F&N Science D&T (not all) B2Other 2 Best Subjects

19 Examples: Last Year’s Cut Off Point L1R5 COPArtsScience Anderson JC97 Anglo-Chinese JC76 Jurong JC1315 Pioneer JC1617 L1R2B2 COPBusiness & Finance IT & MediaEngineering Ngee Ann Poly10 – 1611 – 2012 – 24 Singapore Poly11 – 1311 – 1812 – 22

20 56%, up 4% 7% 30%

21 Criteria for Sec 2 Streaming Pupils are ranked based on: –overall % of all subjects –double “weight” for English, Maths, Science Pupils are emplaced according to merit and choice (subject to vacancy) To do Additional Mathematics : - Sec 2 E-Maths >=70% To do Pure Sciences : –Sec 2 Science >= 80% (to do 3 pure science) –Sec 2 Science > = 75% (to do 2 pure science)

22 Sec 3/4 Normal (A) Courses 7 Subjects 1. English Language 2. Mother Tongue 3. Mathematics 4. Combined Humanities (History / Geography) 5. Science (Physics / Chemistry) or Science (Physics / Biology) 6&7. Choose 2 of the 5 subjects offered:- – Principles of Accounts – Design & Technology / Food & Nutrition / Art – Additional Mathematics

23 More Options for S3 NA Pupils: Pupils who have done well at Sec 2NA and deem able to cope with higher academic demands by the school can opt to do some subjects (max of 4 subjects) at O level standards: - Mathematics - English Language - Mother Tongue - Combined Humanities This arrangement will be withdrawn from pupils who are not coping with the higher demands at the end of Sec 3NA.

24 S4 EXPRESS COURSES 8-Subjects7-Subjects 1English 2Mother Tongue 3E-Maths 4Combined Humanities (SS/History, SS/Geography) 3 Pure Sc S2 Sc>80% S2 Ma>70% 2 Pure Sc S2 Sc>75% S2 Ma>70% 1 Sub Sc S2 Ma>70% to do A-Math 5Chemistry Sci(B/C) or Sci(P/C) 6BiologyBio or Phy3 choose 2 a)A-Math b) POA c) Art or DT or FN 7A-Math 8PhysicsPOA Students can take HMT or Music as the 9 th or 8 th subject

25 Student doing 8 Subjects who did well JC (Need 6 subjects) L1(Eng) : 2 R1(Hum): 1 R2(Math): 1 R3 : 1 R4 : 1 R5 : 2 =========== L1R5 : 8 =========== 2 “spare” subjects 3 “spare” subjects Poly (Need 5 subjects) L1(Eng) : 2 R1(Math): 1 R2(Phy) : 1 B1(L2) : 1 B2 : 1 =========== L1R2B2 : 6 ===========

26 Student who 7subjects & did well JC (Need 6 subjects) L1(Eng) : 2 R1(Hum): 2 R2(Math): 2 R3 : 1 R4 : 2 R5 : 2 =========== L1R5 : 11 =========== 0 “spare” subject 1 “spare” subject Poly (Need 5 subjects) L1(Eng) : 2 R1(Math): 2 R2(Sc) : 1 B1(AM) : 2 B2 : 2 =========== L1R2B2 : 9 ===========

27 Student who 7subjects but focus on 6 subjects JC (Need 6 subjects) L1(Eng) : 3 R1(Hum): 2 R2(Math): 4 R3 : 2 R4 : 3 R5 : 3 =========== L1R5 : 17 =========== 0 “spare” subject 1 “spare” subject Poly (Need 5 subjects) L1(Eng) : 3 R1(Math): 4 R2(Sc) : 2 B1(Hum) : 2 B2 : 3 =========== L1R2B2 : 14 ===========

28 JC (Need 6 subjects) L1(Eng) : 6 R1(Hum): 8 R2(Math): 3 R3 : 6 R4 : 7 R5 : 7 =========== L1R5 : 37 =========== 2 “spare” subjects 3 “spare” subjects Poly (Need 5 subjects) L1(Eng) : 6 R1(Math): 3 R2(Phy) : 7 B1(L2) : 6 B2 : 7 =========== L1R2B2 : 30 =========== F9 E8 D7 Student doing 8 Subjects who did not do well

29 Every student can strategise & do well ! 8-subjects7-subjects6-subjects 2 “spare” subjects 1 “spare” subject 0 “spare” subject Less time for each subject More time for each subject Most time available for each subject Some strategies used by pupils in the past: Focus on 6 or 7 subjects (English + Best 5 or 6) “Collapse” Pure Chem & Phy to Combined Sc(Chem/Phy) Do their best for the 7 th &/or 8 th subject if they are capable.



32 HOW TO DECIDE? Your child’s interests Your child’s strengths –Grades –Writing skills –Types of learner Key Factors: –Goal Setting –Self-Management –Study Skill

33 How can parents help Take time to explore with your child – – –; –;; Set a goal with your child

34 How can parents help Motivate them to study - Give positive encouragement. - Praise for their effort - Promise reasonable and appropriate rewards for good results - Show that you’ve to work hard to support the family and their education A ttention to their needs and problems - Take care of their physical health. - Do not place excessive high expectation resulting in mental stress - Do not let them get distracted or into unnecessary Boy-Girl relationship - Ensure they do not mix with wrong friends who are not interested in studies

35 How can parents help Supervise their studies at home - Ensure they’ve a revision time-table & follow it closely - Ensure they set target & work towards it - Monitor revision progress by checking on test dates, test marks, completion of assignment - Leave your contact with the FTs and STs so that teachers can give immediate feedback to you whenever needed - They don’t waste time at home in leisure activities such as computer games or watching too much television Support them in their studies - Get help from relatives or friends - Provide conducive environment at home for their study (study table, proper lighting) - Minimise household chores or duties for them - Get them to come to school and do not let them skip school just because they are late.

36 Success Factors for Students A ttitude B elieve in yourself C onscientious, Consistent D reams, Aspirations & Hopes E xpectations – realistic & challenging F irst thing first G oal setting H umility “ I ” & my future… A journey that starts now Open mind; open communication

37 Question & Answer

38 2009 Performance Better than 2008 Sec 4 Exp 20082009 % of at least 5 “O”s 77.7%94.5% LIB5 24.818.9 % Qualify for JC 33.2%63.2% % Qualify for Pre-Us 61.4%90% % Qualify for Poly 88.6%98%

39 2009 Performance Better than 2008 Sec 5 NA 20082009 % of at least 5 “O”s 20.3%67.8% % of at least 3 “O”s 76.3%88.1% LIB4 26.521.8 % Qualify for Pre-Us 10.2%40.7% % Qualify for Poly 55.9%66.1%

40 2009 Top 4 Express Students 8 Distinctions Toh Yong Sheng – 8As, 7 Distinctions Goh Su Ning Candy – 7As, 2Bs Herman Wee Ding Xian – 7As, 2Bs Lau Ye Wei - 7As, 2Bs Valerie She Yi Ling - 7As, 2Bs

41 6 Distinctions (11 students) Isabel Liew Yan Ling - 6As, 1B Lee Wen Hong - 6As, 3Bs Sit Shi Ying - 6As, 3Bs Tan Wan Qian - 6As, 3Bs Tan Xin Ying - 6As, 3Bs Teo Sok Hui - 6As, 3Bs Wee Yiting - 6As, 3Bs Chong Jia Yi - 6As, 2Bs Koh Jing Yong - 6As, 2Bs Ng Yong Kang Douglas - 6As, 1B, 1C Ng Shang Wei - 6As, 1B

42 2009 Top 4 Express Students 5 Distinctions (15 students) Ang Shu Hui- 5As, 3Bs, 1C Charmaine Wong - 5As, 3Cs Francesca Carmen - 5As, 4Bs Joel Teo Teck Kwang - 5As, 2Bs Ng Zi Ngoh- 5As, 1B, 1C Tan Ying Zhi- 5As, 3Bs Tracy Tan Sin Yee- 5As, 1B, 1C Yip Feng Kai- 5As, 4Bs

43 2009 Top 4 Express Students 5 Distinctions (15 students) Crystal Cheng Mei Qi- 5As, 2Bs Ervin Tan Wen Bin- 5As, 2Bs, 1C Matthew Chan Zhenda - 5As, 2Bs Pam Zhen Xiang- 5As, 2Bs Teo Wan Ting Mavis- 5As, 2Bs Melissa Lee- 5As, 1B Liu Xi Venice- 5As, 2Bs

44 Ng Hui Luan – 5As, 1B, 1C Top 5 Normal Student

45 Where am I ? Attitude (Behaviours) Aptitude (Abilities) Want to Learn Don’t want to Learn High Low Scorer Squatter Slacker Survivor

46 Where am I ? Attitude (Behaviours) Aptitude (Abilities) Want to Learn Don’t want to Learn High Low Scorer Squatter Slacker Survivor Make appointment with teachers More practice on assessment books Improve study methods Do self test & check Change your thinking, Change your life Take motivation workshop seriously Dialogue with your Parents/Tchrs Be Receptive to disciplinary measures Do more challenging questions Spend more time on weaker subjects Practice top-schs’ papers Tutor your peers I can, I want, I will ! You know “U Can”, Let’s do it! Imagine your future & work towards it! Take motivation workshop seriously Ask your parents to withdraw your privilege

47 Mental Stress – Root Cause Reality Expectation Stress 1.Get real about what is actually happening 2.Stop worrying about the “What ifs’” 3.Manage Expectation – keep it realistic F alse E xpectations A ppearing R eal “I have found that using these three steps offers a powerful antidote to much of the daily stress people encounter. When you use these methods, you'll lighten your load, focus your energy on the task at hand, and breathe easier for a more productive day overall” Paul Lavoie

48 Youth Olympic Torch Relay 11 August 2010

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