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1 iHome Automation System Home Automation System Team: Million Dollar Contingency Regiment Adam Doehling Chris Manning Ryan Patterson.

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Presentation on theme: "1 iHome Automation System Home Automation System Team: Million Dollar Contingency Regiment Adam Doehling Chris Manning Ryan Patterson."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 iHome Automation System Home Automation System Team: Million Dollar Contingency Regiment Adam Doehling Chris Manning Ryan Patterson

2 iHome Security & Automation System2 Project Goals The goal of this project is to develop a home automation system that gives the user complete control over all remotely controllable aspects of his or her home. The automation system will have the ability to be controlled from a central host PC, the Internet, and also remotely accessed via a Pocket PC with a Windows Mobile based application.

3 iHome Security & Automation System3 Hardware Overview The automation system will use four levels of ‘nodes’ to control different aspects of the automation system. These nodes will be designated as Level 0-Level 3. Different levels of nodes will have different responsibilities in terms of what electronics they have control over. Level 0 nodes will only connect to the system via Level 1 nodes, and all other levels of nodes will connect directly to the central server. This will be done via Cat5 cable or wirelessly for L1 nodes, and via Ethernet for L2 and L3 nodes.

4 iHome Security & Automation System4 iHome Automation Overall Flowchart

5 iHome Security & Automation System5 Hardware Description-Level 0 Nodes Features controlled by Level 0 nodes are mostly sensors, such as sound, temperature, photo cells, and security. Also, these nodes control simple on/off operation of lights, power outlets, and similar functions. These are the lowest level nodes in the iHome Automation System. Level 0 nodes will not have a user interface, and they connect to the system through L1 nodes.

6 iHome Security & Automation System6 L1 Device Interface Eight TTL Output Ports (5V) Four TTL Input Ports (5V) Three Analog Input Ports (3.3V) Four PWM Output Port (5V, resolution of 33,300) 127 Channel I 2 C Port (3.6V) Two SPI Ports (3.6V, 1mbps) One digital quadrature encoder input (5V)  All L0 Nodes connect to the system via L1 nodes using the following L1 ports:

7 iHome Security & Automation System7 Level 1 nodes connect to the system by either Cat5 cable (in a daisy-chain configuration) or wirelessly. Level 1 nodes control Level 0 nodes and provide a user interface for these nodes. These nodes will typically be mounted in a 2- gang electrical box, in place of a traditional light switch. Hardware Description-Level 1 Nodes

8 iHome Security & Automation System8 The Base Station bridges the central server to the L1 node network. It connects to the central server using USB, and then connects to the rest of the L1 nodes via Cat5 cable (RS-485 signaling) and wirelessly. Although the Base Station itself is USB-bus powered, it also distributes power to the all of the L1 nodes from a stand-alone power supply. Hardware Description-Base Station

9 iHome Security & Automation System9 MCU TI MSP430F149 Touch Sensors RS-485 Transceiver 1 Mb Flash LCD Display USB Endpoint 8-bit Parallel Bus SPI Bus Digital Potentiometer MCU TI MSP430F169 RS-485 Transceiver USB USB Endpoint USB Optional USB alternative to RS- 485 / Base Station RS-485 Bus Quadrature Encoders PWM Level 1/ Base Station Block Diagram

10 iHome Security & Automation System10 Hardware Description-Level 2 Nodes Level 2 nodes are designed for audio / communications, and have no user interface. Features controlled by these type of nodes include, but are not limited to: audio/entertainment playback (MP3 and WMA format), 2-way intercom operation, etc. These nodes connect to the central server via Ethernet, and are individually powered.

11 iHome Security & Automation System11 MCU Atmel AT91SAM7S256 (ARM7TDMI Core) RJ45 Connector MP3/WAV Encoder/Decoder VLSI1003 512kbyte SRAM Buffer CY62148BLL Ethernet Realtek 8019AS RCA/Stereo Mini Connector (30 Ω) Stereo Mini Connector 2x22W Speaker Output (4Ω) 8-bit Parallel Addressed Bus 8-bit parallel bus with latched/ translated address bus SPI Line In Stereo Output L2 Block Diagram

12 iHome Security & Automation System12 Hardware Description-Level 3 Nodes Level 3 nodes may or may not (depending on time constraints) be included in our project. Level 3 nodes are used for streaming video between the central server, TVs, and video cameras. Level 3 nodes do also not have any type of direct user interface.

13 iHome Security & Automation System13 Software Overview There will need to be three software applications written for this project: one for the central server, a web server for accessing the system via the Internet, and an application for remote control via Pocket PCs.

14 iHome Security & Automation System14 Software Description- iHome Control Center The Control Center will provide the user with access to control all devices in the iHome Automation System, as well as administrative actions, such as laying out new floor plans for the user’s home, adding new nodes, changing scheduling, etc. The Control Center will be the main interface for the user to control the system, and will communicate with the web server in order to issue commands to the L2 and L3 nodes. The Control Center will run on the same machine as the web server, making communication almost instantaneous.

15 iHome Security & Automation System15 Software Description- Webserver The iHome Automation System can be controlled via the Internet using the central server’s web server. After logging into this system, you will have full access to your home. The web server also interfaces the L2 and L3 nodes to the iHome Control Center software.

16 iHome Security & Automation System16 Software Description- Pocket PC-based Remote User Interface The Pocket PC based Windows Mobile application used for the remote user interface will use internal wireless Ethernet to communicate with the web server, which will in turn control the nodal hardware. All control over the individual hardware components will be accessible via the mobile application; however, no administrative capabilities will be available via the Pocket PC. The program will poll the web server in order to update new nodes or functions added, and unlike the central server, it will be text-driven, instead of graphic-driven.

17 iHome Security & Automation System17 Objectives for This Semester -What needs to be done? Hardware − Design a wired & wireless USB Base Station − L0 nodes for physical control of systems − Completion of construction of higher-order nodes (L1 – L3) Firmware/Software − Completion of GUI and code for both the central server (iHome Control Center) and the remote user (Pocket PC) interface − Completion of firmware for the L1 – L2 nodes − Completion of all firmware for the Base Station − Webserver for both remote access and L2/L3 node communication

18 iHome Security & Automation System18 Division of Labor -Who is doing what? Adam- construction of web server, and L0 node completion, and completion of L2 node design / programming. Chris- user interface for Pocket PC, completion of various peripheral hardware. Ryan- completion of the user interface for the iHome Control Center, and completion of L0 nodes, L1 nodes, and Base Station.

19 iHome Security & Automation System19 Schedule -When will everything be done?

20 iHome Security & Automation System20 Risks and contingency plan -Where do risks lie, and how will we deal with them? Many of the risks associated with this project are tied up in the Level 3 nodes, because of their complexity. − For this reason, the entire sub-system of Level 3 nodes are subject to completion of all other sub-systems, so that we can guarantee satisfactory completion of the project. Other risks include running out of time before being able to polish our product to industry specifications.

21 iHome Security & Automation System21

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