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Omar (r). 69 Questions Questions about al-Khulafaa al-Rashidoon.

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1 Omar (r). 69 Questions Questions about al-Khulafaa al-Rashidoon

2 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)2 Why did Abu Bakr (r) appoint Omar (r) as a Khalifa? a.Being too close to him. b.Knew Omar (r) very well. c.*a and b + Omar (r) gained tremendous experience. d.a + b + Omar (r) was his son-in-law.

3 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)3 Was Omar (r) elected as a Khalifa? a.*No, not through Shoora. b.Yes by overwhelming majority. c.Yes by Shoora. d.Yes through majority pledges.

4 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)4 Which year of Hijrah was it when Abu Bakr (r) died? a.10th. b.*13th. c.15th. d.11th.

5 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)5 How did Khalifa Omar (r) gather vast experience during the Khilaafah of Abu Bakr (r)? a.Being very close to Abu Bakr (r). b.Being the indirect ruler, adviser about the national affairs. c.*Actively involved in national affairs. d.All the above.

6 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)6 How close was Omar (r) to Abu Bakr (r)? a.Good and intimate friends. b.Mutual admiration. c.Close knowledge of each other. d.*All the above.

7 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)7 Did Omar (r) give a great deal of advice to Abu Bakr (r)? a.*Yes, constantly during Abu Bakr's Khilaafah. b.Yes, sometimes all through his life. c.Only when Abu Bakr (r) asked. d.All the above.

8 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)8 What kind of past did Omar (r) have? a.Tough and rough, perfectionist, too moody. b.Very good Muslim. c.*Muslim enthusiast + b. d.All the above.

9 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)9 What kind of management did Khalifa Omar (r) have during his reign? a.Very firm, ruled with iron fist. b.Islamicly firm. c.*b + disciplinarian. d.Often used the stick.

10 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)10 Why did Khalifa Omar (r) want a different leader at Yarmuk than Khalid Ibnil Waleed? a.*Khalid was almost hero-worshipped by the masses. b.Khalid was too tough on the enemy. c.Hated Khalid. d.Loved Abu Ubaida.

11 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)11 When the Yarmuk battle was over, where did the Muslim forces go? a.Syria. b.Jerusalem. c.Egypt + a above. d.*a and b above.

12 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)12 How did the Muslims manage entering Damascus? a.Severe, relentless and protracted fight + c. b.Negotiations with the Romans (Byzantines). c.Climbing the city wall by Khalid's group. d.*b and c above.

13 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)13 What brave way did Khalid Ibnil Waleed use to enter the city of Damascus? a.Brilliant military tactics + b. b.*Trick, climbing the city wall and overwhelming the guards while they were drunk. c.Negotiations + b. d.A full scale attack.

14 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)14 How did Khalid Ibnil Waleed meet the other Muslim General when he entered Damascus? a.*By surprise, in the middle of Damascus. b.In a well-laid out plan. c.Through previous agreement. d.By accident at the city wall.

15 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)15 Jerusalem was under siege, how long did the siege take before it surrendered? a.Only a few days. b.Only a few weeks. c.*Several months. d.21 days.

16 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)16 What kind of demand did the Christians in Jerusalem want before they would surrender the town? a.Safety and security of the people. b.*Omar (r) to come in person for negotiations. c.Omar (r) to be seen by the Patriarch of Jerusalem. d.Safety of worship.

17 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)17 Did Khalifa Omar (r) agree to the demand of the Christians? a.No, he was too busy to do such a thing. b.Yes, after some hesitation. c.*Yes, he did immediately. d.Only when urged by Ali (a.s.)

18 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)18 Describe the surrender of Jerusalem. a.Omar (r) dressed up plainly, surrounded by the Generals. b.Priests came in procession with hymns, in celebration. c.People shouting, welcoming with cheers and Allaahu Akbar. d.*a + Omar (r) negotiated terms of surrender.

19 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)19 How did the Christians feel when they saw Omar (r) coming? a.Excited but very scared if not apprehensive. b.Utter disbelief, because of his plain appearance. c.*b + no pompous ceremony. d.Welcoming with wide-open arms.

20 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)20 He was asked to pray in the church, but Omar (r) declined. Why did he decline? a.Muslims may follow his example later on thus initiating an unusual and incorrect precedence. b.Not Islamicly right. c.*a + b above. d.Didn't appeal to him + c above.

21 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)21 Where did Omar (r) build a mosque in Jerusalem? a.Next to the right side of the church. b.*At the Rock of Ascension in Jerusalem. c.In the center of Jerusalem, the high class area. d.In celebration of the Islamic triumph + a.

22 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)22 Does the mosque still exist today? a.No, that was too long ago. b.*Yes, in its entirety. c.A different one exists at the site. d.Only a trace of it still exists.

23 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)23 How did General Muthanna manage in Iraq? a.Defeated the Persian forces in an astounding manner. b.Numerous Persian soldiers drowned in the Euphrates. c.Muthanna cut off the bridge. d.*All the above.

24 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)24 How did Muthanna die? a.During the battle. b.Through old age. c.*After short sickness. d.By accident after the battle.

25 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)25 Sa'd ibn Abi-Waqqas followed Muthanna, what is the famous battle he became known for? a.Yarmuk. b.*Qadisiya. c.Battle of the chains. d.Badr.

26 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)26 Where did Qadisiya take place? a.In Syria. b.In North of Iraq. c.*In south of Iraq. d.In Arabia, near Medina.

27 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)27 Who was the Persian General at Qadisiya? a.Hormuz the governor. b.Bahman the commander-in-chief. c.Yazdajird the Persian king. d.*Rustam the commander-in-chief.

28 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)28 How many days did the battle of Qadisiya take? a.Ten days. b.*Three. c.Fourteen. d.Twenty five.

29 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)29 Rustam was the commander-in-chief of the Persians at Qadisiya, what happened to him. a.Taken a prisoner. b.Wounded severely. c.Negotiated surrender. d.*Killed in battle.

30 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)30 Sa'ad ibn Abi-Waqqas was commander-in- chief of the Muslim forces. Why did he not participate at the Qadisiya battle? a.*He was sick during that time. b.Was indisposed. c.Wanted only to supervise and direct. d.b above + give managerial advise.

31 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)31 What was the role of the elephants during the early part of Qadisiya battle? a.Massive, played havoc with the Muslim forces. b.Seemed almost insurmountable, each representing a tank. c.Muslim forces could only stand with difficulty. d.*All the above.

32 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)32 How did some of the camels become neurotic during the battle of Qadisiya? a.Since the elephants were too big and scary. b.*Elephants were a new sight + a above. c.Elephants were quite aggressive + d below. d.Too hungry, too noisy with too much turmoil.

33 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)33 Muslim reinforcements kept pouring in during the Qadisiya battle. How did the Muslims trick the Persians? a.Show off. b.Attack in groups in a most coordinated manner. c.*Arrange for the reinforcement to show in long single line, thus affecting the psychology of the enemy. d.Brag about the reinforcement + c above.

34 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)34 How was Rustam the Persian commander-in-chief killed? a.By duel with Sa'd Ibn Abi-Waqqas. b.Muslims bribing his guards and winning them to Islam. c.*Zealous Muslims did away with his guards then him. d.Done after his surrender.

35 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)35 How did the Muslims deal with the problem of the elephants during the battle of Qadisiya? a.Piercing their eyes with spears. b.*Cutting their trunks + a. c.Putting them to fire. d.Cutting them to pieces with the swords + a above.

36 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)36 Qadisiya was historically decisive. How is that? a.*Qadisiya opened the way to Persia. b.Destroyed the massive Persian army. c.Few military engagement afterwards. d.Persians gave up afterwards.

37 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)37 To which territory did the Muslims reach after the battle of Qadisiya? a.Iraq. b.*Persia, Turkistan and India. c.Syria, and Egypt. d.China, and Indonesia.

38 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)38 During the time of Qadisiya an epidemic of disease hit an Islamic territory, which one was that? a.Turkey. b.Iraq. c.Persia. d.*Syria.

39 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)39 After the epidemic of disease there followed a famine. Was Omar (r) harsh on himself during the famine? a.*Yes, he treated himself like those affected. b.He was very unhappy about it. c.Couldn't change the famine + b. d.All the above.

40 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)40 The Romans (Byzantines) didn't sit still. They continued trying to defeat the Muslims from Egypt. Did they succeed? a.Yes, their armies were still intact. b.*No, they couldn't succeed. c.Sometimes they did. d.a and c above.

41 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)41 A force of four thousand Muslim fighters was dispatched to Egypt. Who was the leader? a.Khalid Ibnil Waleed, the great General. b.*Amr Ibn Aas. c.Ibn-Waqqas. d.Muthanna.

42 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)42 Did Amr ibn Aas succeed in his mission? a.His force was too small, no, he did not succeed. b.*Superbly, even though with 4000 Muslim fighters. c.Was badly defeated and lost his life during the battle. d.Ran away.

43 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)43 How long did Alexandria in Egypt take before it surrendered? a.One month of siege. b.Six months of siege. c.Ten months of siege. d.*Fourteen months of siege.

44 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)44 How long did this tremendous expansion of the Islamic world during the reign of Abu Bakr (r) and Omar (r) take? a.25-35 years. b.*A mere 10 years. c.50-100 years. d.Only 5 years.

45 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)45 How could the Muslims spread Islam at such a fast rate without having TV's, radios or the press? a.Tremendous enthusiasm. b.Supreme dedication. c.Excellent Islamic molding. d.*All the above.

46 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)46 How did the indigent people of the new territories under Islam feel about the Muslim presence? a.Some of them very mad. b.Most of them happy. c.Most of them curious. d.*All the above.

47 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)47 How was the rule of Khalifa Omar (r)? a.Just and fair. b.Too dictatorial. c.Strict, strong, but just and fair. d.*c + Islamic.

48 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)48 What kind of person was Khalifa Omar (r)? a.Strong willed, strict even with himself. b.Loving to his family. c.Caring about the welfare of Islam. d.*A good administrator + all above.

49 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)49 Was the great Islamic momentum started during the time of Muhammad (pbuh) continued during Omar's rule? a.*Yes, well done. b.Fairly well. c.Only at the beginning + b above. d.Only at the end + b above.

50 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)50 How was the spirit of the Muslims about the great expansion during Omar's rule? a.Happy, excited and grateful. b.Worried because of the new security problems. c.Very high and determined to go further. d.*a + c + how to teach the new Muslims Islam.

51 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)51 Did Ali (a.s.) help Omar (r) during his administration? a.Not at all. b.*Yes quite often, in Shoora (council of advisers). c.Occasionally. d.On rare occasions.

52 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)52 Did Khalifa Omar (r) have a council of advisers? a.No, he did not need one. b.Yes, in later years. c.*Yes, Ali (a.s.) was one of its members. d.Yes, only with Ali (a.s.)

53 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)53 How was the Muslim world administered during the time of Omar (r)? a.Governors were appointed at various territories. b.Governors were helped by treasurers and Qadhis. c.*Each governor was directly responsible to the strict Omar (r) himself + a and b. d.Governors had full freedom in administration of their areas + a and b above.

54 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)54 What happened to the flow of money coming from the new Islamic territories? a.The Khalifa used it for himself and where he saw fit. b.Distributed well, to Muhaajirs and Ansaars, according to their level of nobility. c.*b above + to others according to their needs. d.Only to the poor, + general industrialization.

55 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)55 Omar (r) decreed that Companions of the Prophet (pbuh) not leave Medina or establish any businesses outside Medina. Why? a.*There will be less chance of cult of personality. b.Less chance of revolt + a. c.Less chance for trouble against his rule. d.All the above.

56 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)56 Did inflation take place during the rule of Omar (r)? a.No, no such thing then. b.Yes, since there was lots of money. c.*b above + labor shortage. d.Only very mild inflation + c.

57 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)57 During Omar's time, the Islamic territory became the largest area in the world under one ruler. Did the people convert to Islam right away? a.Yes, immediately; they were scared that the sword be used against them. b.No, they embraced Islam for its superior qualities. c.The population became Muslim at an accelerated rate. d.*b + c + It took many many years.

58 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)58 How did people embrace Islam? a.Islam was the best spiritually + b. b.Islam was the fairest religion + c. c.Islam made the most sense. d.*Salvation was with Islam + above.

59 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)59 Without mass media, how could Islam be taught to the masses and spread in such an accelerated manner? a.People were disgusted with their indigent religions. b.Islam made good sense to anyone whose mind is open. c.The new Muslims took great pride and were very eager to teach and spread Islam to any would-be convert. d.*Spirit of dedication quite high + above.

60 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)60 What means did Islam spread during Omar's time? a.Often, mouth to mouth teaching. b.*Mosque being the focus + a + c + d. c.Lectures and Friday prayers + d. d.By example + c + a.

61 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)61 How did Khalifa Omar (r) die? a.Severe protracted sickness. b.In battle at Qadisiya + c below. c.Killed by a disbeliever. d.*c + by a knife that opened his abdomen.

62 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)62 How was the feeling in Medina when Omar was stabbed? a.Great shock, great imminent loss of a good leader. b.*Anguish and anger. c.Need for immediate replacement. d.c + avenge the killer's nation, Persia.

63 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)63 Could Omar (r) administer after he was mortally wounded? a.*Yes, appointed a committee to elect a Khalifa + b. b.Minimal administrative points of immediate urgency. c.All the works needed of a Khalifa. d.c + arresting the killer.

64 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)64 What did Imam Ali (a.s.) do during Omar's reign? a.Being the encyclopedia of Islam, scholars came to him to solve their problems + b. b.Helped Omar (r) in his administration, through the council of advisors or otherwise. c.Concentrated on teaching Islam to the numerous scholars be it in the mosque of the Prophet (pbuh) or otherwise. d.*Above + works on Fiqh.

65 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)65 Did Omar (r) marry one of the daughters of Imam Ali (a.s.)? a.*Yes, one of them. b.Yes, two of them. c.No, he was too old for them. d.No, Ali (a.s.) did not have daughters.

66 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)66 Was one of Omar's daughters married to the Prophet (pbuh)? a.*Yes, Hafsa. b.Yes, Hafsa then Asmaa. c.No, he was too old for them. d.No, Omar (r) did not have daughters.

67 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)67 How old was Khalifa Omar (r) when he died? a.55 years. b.61 years. c.*63 years, as old as the Prophet (pbuh). d.82 years, as old as Uthman.

68 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)68 To choose a Khalifa after him, Omar (r) wanted a certain arrangement. How was that? a.Appointing Uthman (r). b.*Choose from among 6 Companions that he named. c.General elections. d.An election committee.

69 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)69 How long did Omar (r) rule? a.*10 years. b.12 years. c.15 years. d.l3 1/2 years.

70 Click for the answer Questions, Khulafaa, Omar (r)70 End of quiz a.You may go for the next set of questions about Khulafaa or b.You may choose another topic c.Thank you and May Allah bless you.

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